\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Summers Odd Encounter Sr Dahlia 250216

Summers Odd Encounter Sr Dahlia 250216

On a brisk New England afternoon, Summer, a young woman frustrated with car troubles, finds her day taking an unexpected turn as she encounters a distressed stranger on Hart Avenue. The stranger, a woman in her late thirties, urgently requests Summer's help to retrieve a necklace stolen by a peculiarly unruly cat perched in a tree. The cat, an orange tabby clutching the said necklace in its paws, presents an odd challenge. Despite Summer's hesitance due to concern for her manicured nails, she agrees to help in exchange for compensation. The negotiation includes the cost of potentially ruined nails and extra reward money, setting the stage for the unfolding peculiar rescue mission.

As Summer engages in a comical yet determined climb, the cat displays an uncanny ability to frustrate her efforts further by magically transforming into a bird and flying off, though not before dropping the precious necklace. This shocking development leads Summer to successfully catch the falling jewelry, albeit at the expense of breaking her nails—an unfortunate sacrifice for the mission. Upon her return to solid ground, Summer negotiates additional payment from the grateful yet begrudging necklace owner, ensuring she has enough to cover the repair of her nails and contribute towards the unforeseen car expenses. Meanwhile, a mysterious crow with a keen interest in the necklace and its owner observes quietly from a distance, hinting at a deeper intrigue surrounding the seemingly ordinary locket. The story concludes with Summer slightly richer and the peculiar day promising to be an unforgettable anomaly in the rhythm of her life.
(Summer's odd encounter(SRDahlia):SRDahlia)

[Sat Feb 15 2025]

On Hart Avenue

It is afternoon, about 27F(-2C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.

(Your target has been flagged down by someone who wants their help getting their cat down from a tree.
It's a chilly Saturday afternoon as Summer makes her way down Hart Avenue. The sky is darkened a light gray by the everpresent threat of rain or snow during this time of year in New England. There's not too many people out and about, even at this hour, just trying to stay out of the cold.

Evenly spaced along Hart Avenue are those 'decorative' trees that add some greenery in the warmer months but enhance the unsettling aura of Haven in general when they loose their leaves. Not too far up ahead, Summer can make out a person bundled up against the cold, seemingly talking to one of these trees, arms waving in an animated fashion. She can't quite make out what they're saying, but she'll upon them sooner rather than later.

Summer walks along the street, muttering under her breath with some curses over 'fucking car' this, 'extra repairs my ass' that. The young woman seems grumpy having to do whatever errand it is she is doing. In the cold of all things too! But those doe eyes squint ahead at an individual talking to a tree, waving at a tree, and eventually her steps take her up to them.

She looks the stranger up and down. "Hey babes, ya doin some kinda yoga or somethin?"

The person looks startled by Summer's approach. "Oh! You! Maybe you can help!" The scarf gets pulled down a little to reveal a woman probably in her late thirties or early forties. She points up toward the tree. "That cat stole my necklace!"

Up on a middle-distance branch is indeed a cat, an orange tabby if one had to take a wild guess. It's laying on the branch, looking entirely unconcerned and unmoving. It lacks a collar but pseudo tangled in its paws does appear to be some kind of jewelry.

"It's a very important necklace. Are you any good at climbing?" The real question might be how did a cat steal her necklace to begin with.

Summer looks up the tree and spots the orange tabby. The glint of the jewelry though, gets Summer's doe eyes to sparkle in turn. She looks back to the woman, and then at Summer's own long fake nails. "I can... try? If I break a nail, ya gonna have to pay for my manicure tho," Summer warns, waiting for a confirmation before moving an inch. "I get 'em special done."

"Yes, yes if you get my necklace back I'll reward you with some money that you can use to fix your nails if need be!" The woman insists, stepping back to give Summer plenty of room. The tabby seems to be watching with a keener interest now, tail idly switching back and forth but it doesn't seem to be making any moves of its own yet.

"Aight, bet. Add some reward money on top!" Summer chirps, starting to stretch. This shortstack blond takes a deep breath and jabs a fake nail topped finger towards the orange tabby. "I'm comin for ya kitty! Sit yo ass there!" she orders. Summer begins to climb towards the cat.

The cat meows back at Summer, perhaps in protest? As she starts to climb, the tabby arches and rises back to its paws. A duck of its head brings the necklace from paws into mouth. The necklace looks to be some sort of rectangle-shaped locket from what Summer can tell as she gets closer to the cat. A cat who seems to be debating if it's going to play nice or play difficult.

It seems to choose difficult

Where Summer would have had a perfect opportunity to make a grab for the cat on its current branch, it hops one up and over with that classic feline agility.

"You've got this!" The woman encourages Summer from below.

"Awww you fuckin bitch!!" Summer screeches, her swipe missing entirely as the tabby hops to the branch above. "Swear to fuckin God this is why I ain't gotta cat. Fuckin furry asshole!" She continues to swear as she scoots higher onto that tree, trying to reach that next branch. "How much that necklace worthy anyway?" she yells down to the woman below. "Look pretty nice."

"It's priceless! It's a family heirloom!" The woman calls up. "If I lose it, there's no way I can get another one!" She sounds more than a little worried about that.

The cat meows again, muffled from the dangling necklace. Something about the cat might make it seem like it's laughing at Summer's frustration. It swishes it's tail, purposefully waiting for Summer to get close...and then it jumps again!

This time, it doesn't jump to another branch though. No. That cat turns full on into a bird mid jump and starts flying away. Luckily for the two women, it drops the necklace in the process.

Summer may have an opportunity to grab the necklace as it falls barring the aforementioned shift doesn't completely throw her off.

"Priceless huh?" Summer grins and sets herself to swiping at the cat again, only for it to jump. "MOTHERFUCK-" Summer's cursing turns into a look of amazement as the cat turns into a bird. Her clawed hand shoots out to try to grab the necklace as it falls though the motion wobbles her as well. The nails of her right hand break as she scrambles to cling onto that tree.

The woman is silent, eyes widen in shock- not at the cat turned bird but instead at the falling necklace. It turns to relief as Summer manages to catch it just before it's out of her grasp.

"You got it! You're amazing!" She cries out, relieved. "Come back down and give it to me! I'll give you your money!" She insists.

Summer mutters, annoyed at the chipped nails. "Aight, aight, I'm comin!" she tells the woman as she begins to climb down, trying her hardest not to chip any nails. Those doe eyes look over the necklace a moment. "This shit really priceless?" she asks, giving the jewelry a closer look as she pauses for a moment mid-climb to catch her breath.

The necklace -does- look expensive. Made of real gold and the locket is studded with tiny diamonds and rubies. Priceless? Maybe not. There's certainly a price that could be put on a necklace like this. It does look older, a faint bit of tarnish like it has been around awhile. Summer can't quite put her finger on it but there is -something- about the necklace that feels like it could be something more. She'd need way more time and likely some outside help to figure out what though.

"Is everything okay??" The woman asks, watching Summer intently.

Those doe eyes take in every detail before Summer begins to continue climbing down. "Needed to take a breath! This shit hard work!" she calls out, eventually making it to the ground. She pouts and shows the broken nails on her right hand to the woman. "See what happened?!"

looks relieved as Summer touches down. "I'm sorry, but I greatly appreciate you doing this for me." The woman says, already true to her word, starting to rummage through her wallet to take out enough cash to cover Summer's new manicure and then a bit extra on top. While she's distracted, Summer, if she felt so inclined, may just be able to sleight of hand the woman with her own silver chain necklace and take off with the cash and the strange locket.

Summer waits for the appearance of the cash, grabbing at it with her unbroken hand. "Ayy, I'm gonna need a lil bit more on top. These like PRO nails. Not that shitty salon shit." Summer huffs, holding that locket hostage a moment.

The woman stares at Summer for a beat and then narrows her eyes with a grumble, something about 'ungrateful kids' as she gets out a few more bills. "There. This should be -plenty-." She insists as she thrusts the cash at Summer expectantly.

Summer smirks, smugly and takes that extra cash, tossing the necklace at the woman. "Thanks babeesss! Gotta get to the salon now!"

The woman makes a noise as the necklace is tossed, managing to catch it easily enough and holding it close with a grumble. She clasps the necklace back on, turning to walk swiftly down the street in the opposite direction of Summer.

Perched on a different branch of a different tree, a totally ordinary crow watches the exchange, a glint in its eye as it takes off to shadow the woman with the locket.

And Summer? Well, Summer may be out of a car but now she's got enough money to get her nails redone -and- cover part of those unexpected repairs without having to dip too far into her own funds for it.