\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Trevors Odd Encounter Sr Jodie 240714

Trevors Odd Encounter Sr Jodie 240714

On an intensely hot afternoon in Haven, Trevor found his attempt at a peaceful day interrupted by a knock at the front door, a rarity in the year 2024. Upon opening the door, he was confronted by a visibly distressed woman, soaked with what appeared to be water in the scorching heat, her attire marked with suspicious red stains. She pleaded for help, hinting at a dire issue that extended beyond the need for immediate shelter or basic aid. Despite his initial reluctance, Trevor's compassionate nature led him to invite her inside, advising her to remove her shoes in keeping with the cleanliness of his meticulously maintained living area.

As the woman stepped into Trevor's home, she unloaded her burden, confessing to a grievous act of violence. She claimed responsibility for taking another's life, a deed that left her ridden with guilt and seeking the ultimate escape from her torment: death. Trevor, while concerned, led her to the comfort of his sofa, suggesting they discuss the situation further instead of jumping to drastic conclusions. Despite her heavy confession and the weight of her actions visible in her demeanor, Trevor remained composed, offering a listening ear and a semblance of solace to the troubled woman. His response to her plea highlighted his unwillingness to accept her request for death without first understanding the full extent of her situation and possibly seeking a less fatal resolution.
(Trevor's odd encounter(SRJodie):SRJodie)

[Sat Jul 13 2024]

In a brick and wood-paneled living area with a skylight
A warm beige colors the walls in this living room, trimmed at the top and the bottom by dark oak. A pair of broad windows dominate the northeastern and southeastern walls, flanking the eastern archway and providing clear views of the garden. The floors of this simple, tastefully decorated living room are immaculate, hypoallergenic hardwood with a matte, natural stain applied. The skylight above brightens the room with natural light when the sun is out. In the evening, recessed floor lights in each corner of the room keep the living room gently illuminated.

Dominating the centre of the living space is a very large rug in a deep shade of blue and an overstuffed cream sectional. A low coffee table in a gorgeous rosewood is arranged in the middle. The only other thing of note in the room is a great deal of greenery. Small and large, potted or hanging, there are ferns, palms and ivy plants placed all over the space as a form of decoration.

It is afternoon, about 98F(36C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey clouds in the sky.

(Your target and their allies encounter a demonborn who in the midst of sadistic lust has gone too far and is now filled with regret and self loathing at what they've done.
It's a terribly god damn hot afternoon in Haven, just like every other day this summer has been. Trevor beats the heat at home in his comfortable living room, staying out of the elements and in general, staying out of trouble. But trouble has a habit of finding you no matter where you are or what you are doing.

The first sign of trouble is innocuous, just a knock on the front door. But its 2024, people don't knock so even that makes it a little odd. The knocking is solid but not frantic.

Trevor was just in the process of getting comfortable, on that comfy sofa he loves so much. Then the knocking starts, and Trevor looks over to the door, an eyebrow being raised its way. Logically, he could just ignore it, but, unfortunately for Trevor, he's not that kind of person. With a small little grunt of annoyance he stands, and begins to pace over from sofa into the foyer, calling out, "Hey, I'm coming, hold on." He makes it into the foyer, and using his larger bulk he positions himself behind the door - putting some solid weight against it and then cracks the door slightly. "What do you want? I'm not interested in buying anything."

When Trevor opens the door he is face to face with a woman a solid foot shorter than him. She's dressed casually, though her black hair is wet and sticks to her features. Wet in this heat is unusual. Her white shirt has some flecks of red stains on it that could very well be blood. Her eyes are blood shot, she has this look of dread on her face and when she lays her eyes on Trevor she is quick to look him over to find a symbol.

"I..I need help." a short, dark haired woman with brown eyes flecked with red says, her voice hoarse and shaky. She does not look injured. "I think you could help me."

Trevor inspects the woman, and he was so comfortable, he hadn't even gotten into the process of removing his sunglasses yet. There's a little bit of a pause as Trevor thinks things over, letting out a small little sigh that he attempts to stifle. He steps back, pulling the door open, "Yeah," he says, "Alright." With the door open for the woman, Trevor slips his own sneakers off, "Shoes off, please," he says. Eyeing the woman carefully.

steps inside at the invitation without hestitation. There is fear but its not fear of Trevor and for the perceptive its not fear of anything persuing her as she doesn't seem to be looking over her shoulder. There is an immense amount of stress on this woman's shoulders. Thats for certain.

Once inside the woman follows instruction. sliding out of each of her dirty sneakers to be in socked feet in the threshold. She huffs a breath then says, "I've done something terrible..Unforgivable.." there is a pause as her voice cracks, "I need to die. I need this to end. Feed me to your dragon if you have too, I don't care. Please." and just like that it goes from 0 to 100. Like a first date that says I love you too quickly.

Click. Trevor shuts the door behind the woman, as she begins her not-really explanation of whatever it is she did. As Trevor listens, there's a small frown that begins to creep into the edges of his features, and he's gesturing into the house proper, towards that comfy sofa.

"If you want, you can sit, and we can talk," he says, not yet really jumping into the meat of the problem. "But otherwise, I'm sure whatever it is you did, isn't worth you, yourself, dying over." And then Trevor just walks away, into the house to plop himself directly onto that sofa. The woman can follow if she likes, clearly, or, they can have a somewhat of a shouting match from opposite ends of the house.

Following along like a zombie a short, dark haired woman with brown eyes flecked with red goes with Trevor towards the sofa, keeping her distance from the man. She fidgets with her hands in her lap and a closer inspection would reveal the dirt and blood under her fingernails. She looks like a trauma survivor but she soon reveals, "I've killed someone. I couldn't help it. I deserve the death penalty..I'm going to get the death penalty but I don't want to wait twenty years for it to happen. I can't live with myself."