\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Yasmins Odd Encounter Sr Tomas 240301

Yasmins Odd Encounter Sr Tomas 240301

In the dead of night, Yasmin is abruptly awoken by the insistent beeping of her phone, a sound she had grown all too familiar with but had hoped not to hear again so soon. The mysterious black application, symbolized by a closed fist and installed without her consent, signaled a new, urgent request that refused to be ignored. Despite her best efforts to cocoon herself away from the disturbance, curiosity and a sense of duty propel Yasmin to confront the glowing screen. There, she is greeted with a stark, unembellished message directing her to assist Arthur duBois, a former peer at the White Oak Institute who had fallen into a coma following a botched hypnotic intervention and a previous failed rescue attempt by Yasmin herself. The message, devoid of any gesture towards compensation or an option to refuse, outlines that DuBois is being housed at a temporary facility within the woods, showcasing signs of regular brain activity and an untapped psychic potential that had vehemently repelled the scientists' advances.

Tasked with penetrating the depths of DuBois's mind to awaken him from his prolonged unconsciousness, Yasmin is faced with a formidable challenge that taps into her unique capacities. The request is imbued with a sense of urgency and inevitability, providing little more than an address for the impermanent site where DuBois is kept and the expectations laid upon her. This scenario not only highlights Yasmin's potential isolation in dealing with the supernatural and the unexplained but also underscores the enigmatic and commanding nature of the entity behind the black application. Despite the foreboding task and the chilling night awaiting her, Yasmin is left with no choice but to set out into the woods, driven by a sense of responsibility and the hope of rectifying past failures, thereby setting the stage for a poignant encounter that bridges the realms of the known and the unknown.
(Yasmin's odd encounter(SRTomas):SRTomas)

[Tue Feb 27 2024]

In a Pristine and Elegant Master's Bedroom
The decor in this bedroom, based on a modern theme with the red and white colour combination reflects efficiency in structure and oozes stylish convenience. Red is a dominant colour here, and white helps to enhance its brightness. The subtle interior design of this room with the stunning wooden cabinet, and chandelier displays breathable comfort. The cushions and bedspreads are in different shades of pink, ranging from pale pink to bright, glamorous pink. Even the sheer curtains have glimpses of pink in them that allow abundant daylight to stream into the room. The entire room is so pristine, and the beauty of the design can enamour and unquestionably stands out with its elegance and cool vibes matching the simple furniture and evokes comfort. There is a perfect meld of elements in this compelling setting.

It is night, about 26F(-3C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky. There is a waning gibbous moon.

Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep.

There's that double-triple beep again. It had been quite some time since its last occurrence, but there it was again; that foreign ringtone signaling a request from up on high. Once again, a nameless black application had installed itself on her lock screen, and once again only the logo of a closed fist denoted its purpose. After a few moments, the ringtone rings out again, refusing to be ignored until Yasmin rolled out of bed and looked at her god damned phone, no matter how late it was.

Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep.

Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep.
Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep.

Yasmin is asleep. She curls up further in upon herself to reinforce that point, pulling a pillow blindly to cover her head with so she can stop hearing the incessant, irritating- beep beep beep.

It's not nice, whatever she just mumbled in Arabic beneath her pillow. A hand sneaks out from her warm cocoon of blankets, unseeingly slapping about until she can find the source of the buzzing and pull it back to stare blearily at the too-bright screen. "What?"

MISS AHMED, the screen reads once more, in the same, boring font.

Another situation has risen with Arthur duBois, who was previously your fellow student at the White Oak Institute before being mentally injured as a result of misapplied hypnotic technique, and your failed rescue attempt.

duBois has been recovered and is being kept at a temporary worksite. He has been in a coma for over two months, surviving off IV fluids and nutrition.

Of note, ECG indicates regular brain activity, and a dam of psychic potential. duBois' mind is proving exceptionally hostile to our scientists, and we would like for you to make a second attempt to enter his mind and wake him from his slumber.

There's an address attached - an impermanent site set up in the woods to the south of town, but still within reach of Sanctuary. There's no talk of pay, or the possibility of saying no... Only an outline of what was expected of Yasmin, and where to go. That's the Hand for you.