Adventures are a particular type of story, created through the storyidea
command and then run through the plot command.
Syntax: storyidea (number) type Adventure/Joint/Competative
Syntax: storyidea (number) subfaction (subfaction)
Syntax: storyidea (number) subfactiontwo (subfaction)
Syntax: storyidea (number) makeplot (Plot title)
Syntax: Plot apply (number) comment
Syntax: Plot finish (number) (List of participants separated by spaces)
Adventures are tasks given by one or two subfactions to a set of players,
Haven is a source of many capable supernaturals and is a natural recruiting
ground for when these subfactions wish for aid. Some are given by a single
subfac, some by two working together(joint) and some are two working against
each other(competative).
Adventures usually take place outside Haven, either on earth or offworld.
They may be one roleplaying session or several, at the conclusion of them
the subfactions will reward those who took part in a variety of ways. The
rewards are relatively minor, since going on an adventure is supposed to
be enjoyable in and of itself. The rewards also decrease a little if more
people are included, and are three times higher in competative adventures
since there is a chance of getting no reward at all if your side loses.
Players may sign up for adventures with plot apply, and leave a comment if
they wish, they'll automatically be given a rating then indicating how well
liked they are by that subfaction, generally speaking SRs should take the
highest rated players on their adventure, but they might make exceptions
if a high rated person wants to bring a friend as mentioned in their comment
or cannot make the times when the adventure is to happen.
People who take part in many adventures will have a natural penalty to this
While each subfaction has lists of common allies, enemies and tasks, these
are guidelines, feel free to come use other alliances/tasks or enmities if
they make sense.
Help Subfactions give a list of all subfactions.
A Quest is a special type of adventure, targeted at a particular player
or group of players, with lesser rewards for the SR.
Plot Awards
Adventures are a particular type of story, created through the storyidea
command and then run through the plot command.
Syntax: storyidea (number) type Adventure/Joint/Competative
Syntax: storyidea (number) subfaction (subfaction)
Syntax: storyidea (number) subfactiontwo (subfaction)
Syntax: storyidea (number) makeplot (Plot title)
Syntax: Plot apply (number) comment
Syntax: Plot finish (number) (List of participants separated by spaces)
Adventures are tasks given by one or two subfactions to a set of players,
Haven is a source of many capable supernaturals and is a natural recruiting
ground for when these subfactions wish for aid. Some are given by a single
subfac, some by two working together(joint) and some are two working against
each other(competative).
Adventures usually take place outside Haven, either on earth or offworld.
They may be one roleplaying session or several, at the conclusion of them
the subfactions will reward those who took part in a variety of ways. The
rewards are relatively minor, since going on an adventure is supposed to
be enjoyable in and of itself. The rewards also decrease a little if more
people are included, and are three times higher in competative adventures
since there is a chance of getting no reward at all if your side loses.
Players may sign up for adventures with plot apply, and leave a comment if
they wish, they'll automatically be given a rating then indicating how well
liked they are by that subfaction, generally speaking SRs should take the
highest rated players on their adventure, but they might make exceptions
if a high rated person wants to bring a friend as mentioned in their comment
or cannot make the times when the adventure is to happen.
People who take part in many adventures will have a natural penalty to this
While each subfaction has lists of common allies, enemies and tasks, these
are guidelines, feel free to come use other alliances/tasks or enmities if
they make sense.
Help Subfactions give a list of all subfactions.
A Quest is a special type of adventure, targeted at a particular player
or group of players, with lesser rewards for the SR.
See Also
AssociatePlot Awards