\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Archives


Archives represent the repository of information in the supernatural
world, in order to access the archives your character must be in the
supernatural library.

Each entry contains a title, index number, list of keywords and the body of
text itself.

Syntax: Research (word or number)
-When used with a word this starts a process that will conclude with
revealing any archive entries that have that word as one of they keywords.
When done with an index number it will start a process that will conclude
with revealing the archive article.

Syntax: Research delete (number)
-The original author of an article can delete it with this command.

Syntax: Make Research
-Enter an editor to create an archive article. Players can earn some RP exp
by creating research, and SRs running mysteries can earn karma. This is
entirely logged and monitored however to prevent abuse. PCs below tier four
should not have archive entries made about them.