\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Clinic Patients

Clinic Patients

As the sponsor of a patient you can have them summoned into many of the
treatment rooms in the clinic at any time to attempt interrogation, punishment
or medical procedures.

Clinic Summon (name)
Summon a character to your current location, forced into a straight jacket.
Requires you to be staff or the patient's sponsor.

Clinic Report (character)
Sends a character to solitary for up to two hours. Requires you to
be the patient's sponsor, staff, an academy student, a college student
or a patient with substantially more favor than the target. Will cost
patients and students a small amount of their esteem in the institute.

Clinic Straightjacket (character)
Have the orderlies come and force the target character into a straight
jacket, rendering them helpless.

Clinic Nophone (character)
Remove a patient's ability to use phones.

See Also

The Clinic?
Clinic Staff?
Clinic Commit and Clinic Arrest.?