\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Conflicting Loyalties

Conflicting Loyalties

Conflicting loyalties is part of the world of Haven by design. There's little story to be had from a group of characters who are all on the same page and never disagree, but if those disagreements are caused by someone wanting to play wildly off-lore or just wanting to snowflake to the maximum this isn't fun for anyone else. Disagreements among allies due to legitimate philosophical differences or conflicting loyalties however provide a rich source of story which isn't about putting one player over another or having a winner or loser.

These conflicting loyalties can come from many places, your character's friendships, relationships, or family might conflict with their organization or they might be part of two organizations which often don't see eye to eye or even are overt enemies.

There will never be a one-size fits all solution to these conflicts as every one is likely to be unique. It could be a generally virtuous individual joining a corrupt but pro-environment society because of their staunch environmentalism and willingness to overlook the bad parts of that group because of it, it could be an individual sentenced in an Order trial to serve the Order for a year even though they'd rather not, or someone blackmailed into working for a corrupt group.

Every situation is going to be different as to why the character has a conflicting loyalty and what it means for how trustworthy or suspicious they are likely to be considered or treated.

Characters with conflicting loyalties are obligated to find ways to RP them in line with good RP practices. It would be nothing but irritation for a corrupt individual to join the Order out of a temporary oath only to do nothing useful for the Order and complain constantly on comms about hating them for example. Similarly those interacting with characters with conflicting loyalties are obligated to find ways to RP with them in line with good RP practices. It would be very appropriate to treat an individual only working for your organization because of an oath or blackmail or a particular shared goal with a great deal more suspicion for instance, it would be overtly terrible to ban them from society activities or lock them out of RP or try and force them to give up the source of the conflict however.