\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Decorate


The decorate command can be used to customize a house or shop property that you own. It is extremely versatile and has many options, but at a bare minimum rooms should feature a name and description.

Syntax: decorate (argument) [additional modifier]

The arguments for decorate are as follows:

[Description Commands]:
Decorate name (string)
Changes the name of the room you're in. All rooms begin with 'In' if inside, or 'At' if outside.
Example: "decorate name a carpeted hallway" will yield, "In a carpeted hallway".

Decorate description
Enters an editor to write the description of the room you're currently in.

Decorate nightmaredescription
Enters an editor to write the description of the room you're in when viewed in the nightmare.

Decorate extra (string)
Enters an editor to write the description of an extra detail people in the room can view when looking at any word in its name. Can be used again to edit an existing extra's description, if keywords match. See 'help extra keywords' for special keywords seen by people with appropriate powers.
Example: "decorate extra an ornate oil painting on the western wall"

Decorate extradelete (keyword)
Deletes an extra description. Be careful using a keyword that is in use by multiple extras, if more than one is present.

Decorate place (string)
Creates a new place in the room people can join, and enters an editor to write its description. Can be used again to edit an existing place's description, if keywords match.

Decorate placedelete (keyword)
Deletes a place. Be careful using a keyword that is in use by multiple extras, if more than one is present.

Decorate doorname (exit) (string)
Replaces the default name of 'door' with a string of your choice. Affects both sides of the door. The first word should always be a noun.
Example: "decorate doorname west gate of wrought iron" will yield, "The gate is closed" and "You open the western gate of wrought iron".

Decorate atmosphere
Enters an editor to write a list of one-line atmosphere messages, which will periodically echo to the room. Each new line is a new message. They are selected randomly.

[Room Modifying Commands]:
Decorate decor (0-3)
Variable low cost. Sets the decor of the room you're in: cheap, average, expensive, or extravagant. No cost to downgrade.

Decorate type (shop/house/anonymous)
Variable cost. For
$300, 'shop' will toggle the property to being a shop, and 'house' will toggle the property to being a house. For $200, makes a house an anonymous house, which can only have cheap decor and cannot have utilities, but will also not show up on investigations.

Decorate indoors
Sets the room to be inside.

Decorate outdoors
Sets the room to be outside.

Decorate hotspot
Makes the room a hotspot, which will show the number of players within it on where.

Decorate sparring
$500. Makes a room into a sparring room; see 'help spar'.

Decorate public
Shop only. Sets the room to be public, in a sense of law enforcement having a swiftly-responding presence there. Affects nudity, displays of the supernatural, carrying weapons, etc.

Decorate private
Shop only. Sets the room to be private, in a sense of it existing outside the plausible immediate enforcement of the law. Suitable for offices, back rooms, bathrooms, etc.

Decorate marketdoor (direction)
Shop only. Flags a wall as being eligible for a goblin market access point when the access points are re-randomized, but does not guarantee one.

Decorate bathroom
$80. House only. A bathroom allows you to create a shower or bath place within, and automatically and always includes a mirror for exiting the nightmare. To add a shower or tub, use "decorate place" with one of those words as a keyword somewhere in the string.
Example: "decorate place a glass-walled shower enclosure"

Decorate bedroom
$80. House only. A bedroom allows you to stash items within, set up a magic wardrobe (see below), and gives you an area to log out.

Decorate kitchen
$80. House only. A kitchen allows you to customize food and drink items, and use make food and make drink to create new ones on the fly.

Note that a single room in a house may have multiple types, as may be the case for a studio apartment or small cabin. Using the command again will remove the specified room type at no cost.

[Room Building Commands]:
Decorate door (direction)
Installs or removes a door in the specified direction.

Decorate hiddendoor (direction)
Costs $200. Builds a hidden door in the specified direction.

Decorate wall (direction)
Installs a wall in the specified direction, blocking movement.

Decorate demolish (direction)
$20. Knocks down any walls, windows, or doors in the specified direction.

Decorate largewindow (direction)
Installs a visible window in the specified direction.

Decorate smallwindow (direction)
Installs a non-visible window in the specified direction.

Decorate magicwardrobe (who) (wall)
$500. In a bedroom, creates a magic link in the specified direction so long as the target is also in a bedroom and has permission to use the decorate command there. Both characters must pay the fee, for a total of $1,000.

Decorate destroywardrobe
Destroys any magic wardrobes built inside the current bedroom. Ideally, must be used in both rooms to avoid strangeness.

Decorate build (up/down)
Expand your property up or down from where you are. Be advised that subterranean rooms may flood, lack reception below the first subterranean level, and must always be attached to another room to avoid being immediately reclaimed by the game. Not all properties in town may be expanded in this way.

[Room Security Commands]:
Decorate lock (direction)
Locks a door from the side you are currently on. Must be used on both sides if you want the door locked on both sides.
Example: "decorate lock west" will make the door locked for anyone in your current room heading west.

Decorate access
Enters an editor where you may write the names of characters, separated by a space. Each of these people will have access to this room regardless of its locked/unlocked status. The names must be accurate; no nicknames or aliases.
Example list: Aleister Genesis Samael Dolores Eugen

Decorate noaccess
Enters an editor where you may write the names of characters, separated by a space. Each of these people will be barred from entry to this room regardless of its locked/unlocked status.

Decorate signalproof
$500. Makes a room immune to signals; when in such a room, all comms, radios, phones, telepathy, and electropathy cannot reach in or out. Also prevents view of roleplay by SRs. No cost to remove.

Decorate toughness (0-4)
Variable low cost. Sets the toughness of the room you're in. Toughness is the defense against the breakin command, and competes against demolitions. No cost to downgrade.

Decorate security (0-4)
Variable low cost. Sets the security of the room you're in. Security is the defense against the picklock command, and competes against larceny. No cost to downgrade.

Be advised that many of these settings may come with an additional cost on your monthly bill for the property; it is suggested you review 'help property costs' for an understanding of these factors.

[Last edited December 4, 2023]

See Also

Property Costs