\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Describe


Syntax is :describe
Valid locations: self, lowerarms, upperarms, feet, lowerlegs, thighs,
groin, arse, lowerback, upperback, lowerchest, breasts, upperchest, neck,
hands, lowerface, forehead, hair, eyes, smell, taste, wolf
wolfchangeto, wolfchangefrom, merchangeto, merchangefrom, radioaction,
makeuplight, makeupmedium, makeupheavy

Used to describe your character.

Alt Syntax: describe replace/append (location) (new string)
This syntax allows someone to easily on the fly replace part of their
description or append to part of it. It will keep all formatting
around the original description intact, such as the number for it's order and
any spaces or empty lines after it.

Taste is determined by your archetype automatically, though you may add extra
information which would primarily be impacted by your character's dietary, drug,
and alcohol habits.

Radioaction is echoed to the room whenever you use a command such as fsay.
So for example, "$n lifts $s sleeve and speaks into the cuff." would echo
"Jane lifts her sleeve and speaks into the cuff".

See Also
