\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Dreamscape


The dreamscape is a psychic realm that all sentient beings can access in
their sleep. Normal people only access it very rarely, maybe once or twice
in their entire life but supernaturals and anyone living in Haven can access
it almost every time they sleep if they wish to. Roleplaying in the
will earn you less roleplay experience, but will earn you
dreamscape experience which unlocks the ability to buy certain psychic
powers. Some find the dreamscape addictive and try to spend more and more
of their time inside it, living out their fantasies and dreams, reveling in
the ability to be anyone anytime. These individuals tend to begin to suffer
in the mundane world however, becoming more withdrawn, weaker, and often
developing other mental and emotional issues such as agoraphobia.

Characters in the dreamscape can have sex, this works the same way as sex on
the outside world mechanically, use private when you start RPing, and the
sex command. Dreamscape sex cannot get a character pregnant, or have any
other physical effects but it also doesn't convey any real physical
pleasure. None the less some people find it particularly addictive, owing
to the ability to be anyone and experience any thing. Those who have
significantly more dream sex than real sex however will start to develop
sexual issues in their real life as well as other emotional problems,
manifest codely as diminishing effective life force.

Syntax: Dream
-Fall asleep and enter the dream scape. You won't be able to enter the
dream scape if you are awake, but being held captive.

Syntax: Wake
-Leave the dreamscape and start the process of waking yourself backup.

Syntax: Make room
-Create a room in the dreamscape, use location dreamscape to set it. Once
set you can use roomlist and travel to visit other rooms as with other types
of traveling. You will generally only be able to see and visit rooms you've

Syntax: Dream sell experience (amount)
-Turns dream experience into rp experience, with 5 dream exp becoming 1 rp exp.

Syntax: Dream buy experience (amount)
-Turns rpxp into dream exp, with 1 rpxp becoming 2 dream xp.

Syntax: Dream Assault (person) (stat)
-Launch a psychic attack against the target using dreamworld stats.
Requires both attacker and victim to believe they are an identity from that world. Costs 3% life force.
On success victim is knocked out, can be prevented with guardmind.

Syntax: Dream Believe (world number)
-For 1% life force believe you are part of the specified world, requires split mind.

Syntax: Dream Makebelieve (world number) (person)
-For 3% life force make someone else believe they are their identity from
the chosen dreamworld for an hour.

Syntax: Dream Makeidentity (world number) (target) (identity)
-For 4.5% life force make the target believe they are the specified individual from the specified world for an hour.

See Also

Dream Identity
Dream Invading