\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Editing Rooms

Editing Rooms

After you've made a room you can further edit it with the myrooms command.
A simple myrooms list will list all the rooms you can edit and then:
Myrooms description Places you into an editor where you can
write the description of the room.

Myrooms name Sets the name of the room.

Myrooms delete Deletes a room.

Myrooms extra Places you into an editor where you
write a description that's seen whenever anybody looks at the keyword.

Myrooms extradelete Will delete an extra desc.

Myrooms place Places you into an editor where you
write a description for an area, similar to extra except people can join
these areas with the join command.

Myrooms placedelete Will delete a place.

Myrooms keys Places you into an editor where you can set the
access list for private rooms, it should be the names of people you want
to have access, separated by spaces.