Syntax: Fight slow/fast/move (character) (x) (y)
This command can be used by SRs to set a fight in the room they're in to
either fast or slow, or move one of the combatants to a different x-y
Fight power can be used to display the total offense and defense of people
in the room.
Syntax: Fight speed (1-20), fight rename (mob) (new name)
Syntax: Fight rock/brush/tree (x-y)/(cardinal direction)
Syntax: Fight aggro (mob) (player) (amount)
Syntax: Fight stun/root/weaken/strengthen (mob/player)
Fight speed sets the speed of a fast fight, speed 2 means there will
be twice the delay between moves and attacks. Rename allows an
SR to rename a mob or piece of cover. Rock/brush/tree are all cover
that can be summoned. Aggro can be used to increase aggro towards
a particular player. Stun/root/weaken/strength apply an effect
to a mob or player for one round.
Syntax: Fight slow/fast/move (character) (x) (y)
This command can be used by SRs to set a fight in the room they're in to
either fast or slow, or move one of the combatants to a different x-y
Fight power can be used to display the total offense and defense of people
in the room.
Syntax: Fight speed (1-20), fight rename (mob) (new name)
Syntax: Fight rock/brush/tree (x-y)/(cardinal direction)
Syntax: Fight aggro (mob) (player) (amount)
Syntax: Fight stun/root/weaken/strengthen (mob/player)
Fight speed sets the speed of a fast fight, speed 2 means there will
be twice the delay between moves and attacks. Rename allows an
SR to rename a mob or piece of cover. Rock/brush/tree are all cover
that can be summoned. Aggro can be used to increase aggro towards
a particular player. Stun/root/weaken/strength apply an effect
to a mob or player for one round.