This event requires the launching character to be moving around, and has a
much much higher chance of firing if they are moving around in the forest.
When it starts the main character as well as allies drawn from those with
the hunting habit will get an opportunity to use the patrol approach command
to move towards where an especially dangerous monster has been located.
This command can only be used from inside the forest. When used it will
transport them to where the monster has been located, after a short cooldown
the monster itself will appear, roughly power matched to the strength of the
group. This monster will not approach them however, and will not disappear
for a while. Allowing the characters to RP their planning and approach
phase as long as they wish. When engaged the combat will be faster combat,
but with a long time between attacks to help grant time for RP. The monster
when slain will always have an item or organ that will be alchemically
valuable. It is then up to the players to determine who will get this
object and how.
Patrol Habits
Hunting Patrol Events
This event requires the launching character to be moving around, and has a
much much higher chance of firing if they are moving around in the forest.
When it starts the main character as well as allies drawn from those with
the hunting habit will get an opportunity to use the patrol approach command
to move towards where an especially dangerous monster has been located.
This command can only be used from inside the forest. When used it will
transport them to where the monster has been located, after a short cooldown
the monster itself will appear, roughly power matched to the strength of the
group. This monster will not approach them however, and will not disappear
for a while. Allowing the characters to RP their planning and approach
phase as long as they wish. When engaged the combat will be faster combat,
but with a long time between attacks to help grant time for RP. The monster
when slain will always have an item or organ that will be alchemically
valuable. It is then up to the players to determine who will get this
object and how.
See Also
PatrolPatrol Habits