Syntax: Maim (character) (message)
This command when used on a helpless target will inflict a permanent and
serious injury. The target will suffer from reduced effective life force
there after and will have a message in their look info.
If it is the first time they've been maimed it will appear as He/She
If it is the second ore more it will appear as He/She (message one) and
(message two).
Sanctuary protects people from this command.
Syntax: Maim (character) (message)
This command when used on a helpless target will inflict a permanent and
serious injury. The target will suffer from reduced effective life force
there after and will have a message in their look info.
If it is the first time they've been maimed it will appear as He/She
If it is the second ore more it will appear as He/She (message one) and
(message two).
Sanctuary protects people from this command.