Syntax: mentor (person)
Used to ask an older player to be your mentor or to become
the mentor of a new player.
Syntax: mentor reject/accept
Used to reject or accept a mentor or mentoree when prompted.
Syntax: mentor off/on
Turn off/on getting a mentor or being offered a mentoree.
Syntax: mentor list
Will show all the people currently online who will hear your
mtalk channel.
If you are in a society and you have mentoring currently set
to on, you will automatically be connected with a mentor and
you will receive an IC notification on your PC's phone for it.
Syntax: mentor (person)
Used to ask an older player to be your mentor or to become
the mentor of a new player.
Syntax: mentor reject/accept
Used to reject or accept a mentor or mentoree when prompted.
Syntax: mentor off/on
Turn off/on getting a mentor or being offered a mentoree.
Syntax: mentor list
Will show all the people currently online who will hear your
mtalk channel.
If you are in a society and you have mentoring currently set
to on, you will automatically be connected with a mentor and
you will receive an IC notification on your PC's phone for it.