Plots can be generally categorized as one of three types, small, medium
or large. SRs should try to do a balance of all three types.
Small plots involve a small group of players, generally five or less. They
have no large ramifications on the world or town, they involve either no
combat or no supernatural elements. If they involve supernatural elements
these are established ones. They are particularly suited to person plots
focused around a person and their history, non supernatural problems, or
Medium plots can involve more players than small, but do not involve the
entire game. Their consequences and ramifications do not effect the world
or the entire town. Supernatural elements should still be established ones,
combat should be reasonable in scope, so as to not involve destruction of
buildings etc. They're particularly suited to society plots, mysteries,
horror stories or to types similar to small but of large scope and
supernatural impact.
Large plots are anything that doesn't fit into the other two categories,
they may involve large conflicts, new lore, heavy supernatural elements etc.
Obviously new lore must still be run by staff and permission for these sorts
of plots is usually required as they will impact more players than just
those who've trusted you.
Plot Size
Plots can be generally categorized as one of three types, small, medium
or large. SRs should try to do a balance of all three types.
Small plots involve a small group of players, generally five or less. They
have no large ramifications on the world or town, they involve either no
combat or no supernatural elements. If they involve supernatural elements
these are established ones. They are particularly suited to person plots
focused around a person and their history, non supernatural problems, or
Medium plots can involve more players than small, but do not involve the
entire game. Their consequences and ramifications do not effect the world
or the entire town. Supernatural elements should still be established ones,
combat should be reasonable in scope, so as to not involve destruction of
buildings etc. They're particularly suited to society plots, mysteries,
horror stories or to types similar to small but of large scope and
supernatural impact.
Large plots are anything that doesn't fit into the other two categories,
they may involve large conflicts, new lore, heavy supernatural elements etc.
Obviously new lore must still be run by staff and permission for these sorts
of plots is usually required as they will impact more players than just
those who've trusted you.