\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Society Creation

Society Creation

Creating a society is a multi-step process; first, you should come up with a theme for your society and think about what change it is they're looking to enact upon the world, even if it is just locally. Once you have a theme in mind, you can then use the following commands to work your way through the creation process:

[Mandatory Commands]:
Syntax: Cult/Sect create (name)
Create a new society by the name specified. Costs at least
25,000 influence between standard and scheme. The first 25,000 influence returns $25,000 in resources, but up to 125,000 influence can be spent for a maximum of $75,000 in starting resources.

Syntax: Cult/Sect (field)
Enter the editor to edit the description in
Cult/Sect info (society). Valid fields are summary, manifesto, missions, history, roles, scenes, and ooc.

Syntax: Cult/Sect symbol (string)
Sets your society's symbol to the string; see the symbol section in 'help customize'.

Syntax: Cult/Sect positions (position) (stance)
Sets the society's political and philosophical positions; see help society positions.

Syntax: Cult/Sect restriction (restriction/soft)
Sets the society's restrictions; see help society restrictions.

Syntax: Cult/Sect develop (asset name)
Develop society assets. See help society assets.

Syntax: Cult/Sect soldiername (string)
Assign your society's NPC soldiers a short description.

Syntax: Cult/Sect soldierdescribe
Enter the editor to describe your soldiers in greater detail.

Syntax: Cult/Sect makeeidolon (Demon/Fae/Divine/Ghost/Cthulian/Primal) (Name)
Set the name and type of the Eidolon for your Cult or Sect.

[Optional Commands]:
Syntax: Cult/Sect closed
Toggle whether your society is joinable from creation.

Syntax: Cult/Sect canalt
Toggle whether your society will accept alts.

Syntax: Cult/Sect makeenemy (1-10)
Enter the editor to describe potential NPC enemy groups for your society; these can be extant antagonist societies such as the Heralds or Hunters, antagonistic subfactions, or entirely virtualised groups of your own design.

Syntax: Cult/Sect oppose (1-10) (society)
Make an offer to become enemies with another society in the specified enemy slot; this must be followed by the society approveenemy command shown below. When societies are enemies, they become vulnerable to one another, as if they are weaknesses - this makes it easier for members to nightmare pull, dream invade, dream snare, commit, and abduct one another.

Syntax: Cult/Sect unoppose (1-10)/(society)
Unlike society oppose, this does not require approval; it removes an extant enemy relationship.

Syntax: Cult/Sect approveenemy (society)
Approve an enemy relationship between societies.

Syntax: Cult/Sect resist (number) (society)
Available to virtuous societies only, this enables the society to claim an enemy slot without approval, but is a one-way relationship; the resisting society becomes vulnerable to the society being resisted, and in exchange they receive free resources.

Syntax: Cult/Sect stasis
Puts a society into stasis, where it will begin to recover secrecy; full secrecy should be restored within 3 months.

Syntax: Cult/Sect unstasis (society name)
Takes a society out of stasis.

Syntax: Cult/Sect uncollege
Converts a collegiate group back into a noncollegiate group.

Syntax: Cult/Sect eidolonplayers
Enter an editor where you can list player names, those players can become your Eidolon even if not part of the cult/sect with cult/sect becomeeidolon (group name)

Syntax: Cult/Sect changeeidolon (Demon/Fae/Divine/Ghost/Cthulian/Primal) (Name)
Change the name and type of the Eidolon for your Cult or Sect. Costs some resources.