The six Founding families of Haven are considered Haven's elite class.
From the lowly trailer park Moores to the dangerous Wilsons, the six
Founding families are all influential in their own right. While not as
powerful as the Societies, their support in Haven is sought after by many,
and crossing them is ill-advised. The families include the Moores, the
Reeves, the Swanns, the Arkwrights, the Wilsons and the Inigos.
It costs 5k Karma to play a member of these families, which is selected just
by creating a character with the relevant surname. See 'Help Family' and
'help Recollect' for useful tools.
Characters who abuse FF characters will have a flag placed on their account
which will render them unable to create them in the future.
The Families
The six Founding families of Haven are considered Haven's elite class.
From the lowly trailer park Moores to the dangerous Wilsons, the six
Founding families are all influential in their own right. While not as
powerful as the Societies, their support in Haven is sought after by many,
and crossing them is ill-advised. The families include the Moores, the
Reeves, the Swanns, the Arkwrights, the Wilsons and the Inigos.
It costs 5k Karma to play a member of these families, which is selected just
by creating a character with the relevant surname. See 'Help Family' and
'help Recollect' for useful tools.
Characters who abuse FF characters will have a flag placed on their account
which will render them unable to create them in the future.