\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Traveling Offworld

Traveling Offworld

To travel offworld generally requires finding a place in Haven's outer
forest where you can slip between this world and another. These paths are
usually hard to find until you stumble onto one, but once found can be
fairly reliably rediscovered. Coming back from another world to Haven works
in a similar fashion, although a type of magic protects against just anyone
from finding the paths back, only those with a special bone compass item can
return. Paths between Haven and Hell do exist, but they are sealed off by
what looks to be a barrier of thorns and branches from the side of Haven.
This barrier can be broken down, although doing so is rarely wise. It also
reforms fairly rapidly and cannot be broken down from the other side.

Horses can be ridden to and from other worlds, but no other type of vehicle
can make the journey. Once in another world either pathing or horse riding
is needed to get around.

Sorcery tends to be stronger in other worlds, but technology is much less
reliable. Firearms still generally work but automatic and semi-automatics
in particular are often prone to failing, most people prefer to take
revolvers and bolt-action rifles on trips offworld.