The Black Flames Operation In Lauriea 250206
Deep in the heart of Lauriea's dense forests, a band of warriors embarked on a perilous mission to intercept a mystical artifact capable of opening gates between realms. Among them were Colton, the strategic leader; Sophie, the sharpshooter with a keen eye for details; William, the reliable marksman; and Takeshi, the spirited fighter without weapon or armor. Their quest led them into a night shrouded in mystery, under the watchful gaze of a first quarter moon, their path lit only by the occasional flash of combat.
The band faced relentless assaults from the guardians of the artifact, the Black Flame warriors, donned in dark robes and skilled in the art of archery. Despite their valiant efforts, skirmishes led to moments of desperation. Takeshi's bold declaration to hold off an army with a striking show of martial arts, William's strategic oversight, and Sophie's critical adjustments to her bracelet symbolized their undying resolve. However, the real turning point arrived when they successfully downed several opponents, paving their way towards the artifact. Yet, the victory was short-lived. The artifact changed hands in the heat of battle, slipping from Colton's grasp to a Black Flame warrior as their ranks overwhelmed the heroes. Bruised and battered, our warriors faded out of the nightmare, leaving the mystical artifact in the clutches of the Black Flame, a somber reminder of the thin line between triumph and defeat in the forest of Lauriea.
At Wed Feb 5 2025, in a forest near Lauriea
Mission: Intercept A mystical artifact that can open gates between realms and bring it back to the extraction point.
Deep in the heart of Lauriea's dense forests, lays a guarded grove. Within this grove, lies an ancient and powerful artifact which is said to have the ability to open gates between realms. The artifact is heavily guarded by mystical beasts and protected by magical barriers, making it a highly challenging but worthwhile target. Capturing this artifact opens up a world of possibilities; it can be used to exert control over the delicate balance between realms, or to invite forces that can tip the scales in favor of the beholder. Regardless of differing ideologies, the potential strategic gains make this artifact a common target. Be careful, though, the forest of Lauriea is not only dangerous, but also treacherous and unpredictable.
The dense forests of Lauriea
It is night, about 38F(3C) degrees, and the sky is covered by grey clouds. There is a first quarter moon.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Takeshi, it misses him.
Sophie reaches down to adjust her bracelet, her fingers brushing against a hidden button in a discreet signal.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Colton says "Alright, let's move for that tree. Got some distance to cover."
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Sophie groans out loud at the idea of running all the way there just to run all the way back.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which deflects off his armor.
Colton moves protectively towards Sophie.
Takeshi charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Takeshi seems to have been half asleep!
Colton says "We're not in a rush, here. We need to find the artifact before we can extract."
Sophie says, with a sniff, "Fine, fine..."
Takeshi says "Eh? Sure thing"
"God damn," Colton sighs. "Nearly an hour. Let's get to that tree."
William charges toward tree.
Takeshi says "... I don't have my weapon"
Takeshi says "Or my armor"
Takeshi says "This is bullshit."
William says "At least it seems like there's not much competence"
Colton moves protectively towards Sophie.
Takeshi says "I guess I punch things"
Takeshi charges toward Colton.
William charges toward tree.
Sophie says "Six of them behind the brush, with the thing."
Sophie says "Do we want to head that way...?"
Colton moves protectively towards Sophie.
Takeshi charges toward Colton.
Colton says "We'll wait until we're regrouped at the tree before we announce new directions."
Sophie says "Okay. "
Sophie reaches down to adjust her bracelet, her fingers brushing against a hidden button in a discreet signal.
Sophie moves protectively towards tree.
William charges toward tree.
Takeshi says "Oh, by way"
Takeshi says "One of you guys after this, bring fliphone to clinic"
Takeshi says "They stole my phone!"
Colton moves protectively towards Sophie.
Sophie says "No thanks."
Takeshi charges toward tree.
Takeshi says "Eh?! "
Takeshi says "They took mine, though"
Takeshi says "Is injustice!"
Sophie reaches down to adjust her bracelet, her fingers brushing against a hidden button in a discreet signal.
Sophie moves protectively towards tree.
William sighs "I was in the Wilds, without a car, going to be a bit hard to get to the clinic"
Takeshi says "No rush, do when can"
Colton moves protectively towards tree.
Takeshi charges toward tree.
William charges toward tree.
Colton says "Alright, we're going to move for the log next. There's some greenery in the way, might slow us down."
Takeshi charges toward tree.
Colton makes a supernatural leap to log.
William nods his head to Colton
Sophie says "Show-off. "
Takeshi says "Eh? Log? Which direction?"
William charges toward log.
Colton says "Southeast of the tree we were at."
Takeshi says "Ah! See it!"
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Takeshi says "Why we shoot log?"
Takeshi charges toward log.
Colton says "We're shooting at the brush, not the log. Brush has all the assholes behind it. Kill the brush, they'll pour out to us, and we can snipe them as they come to us."
Colton says "We go to them, they get to shoot us instead. We'd still win, but this is better strategy."
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Sophie fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Sophie charges toward log.
Takeshi charges toward log.
Takeshi says "I see I see, I punch log then"
William says "Do not damage the log"
Takeshi says "punch ... brush?"
Colton says "Just come to the log and wait for them to come to us."
Takeshi says "Eh? That boring"
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Sophie fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Colton says "Well, feel free."
Takeshi charges toward log.
Sophie shoots Colton a long-suffering look.
William fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
William charges toward log.
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Takeshi says "Is fine. I don't even have Kurotsurugi anyway"
Takeshi sighs
Takeshi sighs
Sophie fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Takeshi charges toward log.
William fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Sophie fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Takeshi charges toward log.
Colton says "Well, I'm /hoping/ their brush goes down first."
Colton says "They're pretty coordinated, though."
William fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Takeshi says "If log go down we charge, yes?"
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Colton says "Yeah. "
Sophie fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Takeshi says "Kyouran no Akuryou shall show them pain!"
William fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
William seems to notice now that there was soldiers on the field waiting for his command, and points them towards the brush, before nodding his head towards the rest and sighing at Takeshi "Yeah, something like that"
Sophie sighs out loud.
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
brush fades out of the nightmare.
Colton says "Brush down."
Sophie says "Brush gone."
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Takeshi says "Good shooting"
Takeshi gives a golf clap
William swings his weapon at a blonde dressed in all black, wielding a pair of batons, it is parried by her.
Colton says "Bill, the blonde's a friendly. That's Angela."
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
William nods his head "Yeah, sorry, surprised me from behind... She's with my group even..."
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Sophie has A mystical artifact that can open gates between realms.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Takeshi shakes his head as if he would never make a mistake like that "Tsk, hate to work with amateurs like this"
Sophie says, as though they're not entirely identical, "Wrong blonde. That's Roberta, the other one's Angela."
Nodding his head, Colton sets the butt of his crossbow against his shoulder and grunts, "Happens. They're still focusing on our cover. That's not good. I'm going to go engage up close, distract them a bit."
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Colton says "Least Bill brought his weapons."
Sophie says to Takeshi, "Shut up, please."
Colton makes a supernatural leap to a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Takeshi says "I no need weapons"
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which deflects off his armor.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Sophie has A mystical artifact that can open gates between realms.
William says "I can distract them..."
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Focusing on the area surrounding a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, Colton swings his weapon in a wide arc that is parried by her.
Sophie charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Colton charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
Focusing on the area surrounding a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, Colton swings his weapon in a wide arc that strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Colton has A mystical artifact that can open gates between realms.
Takeshi says "Eh? He fight all on own?"
Takeshi says "I go help"
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Takeshi charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Sophie charges toward log.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Colton charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
Takeshi is pulled towards Colton by an invisible force.
Colton swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Takeshi throws a punch at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is blocked by her.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses her.
Takeshi charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
William charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses her.
Colton charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
Takeshi is hurled through the air by some kind of invisible force! He's flails about in the air for a few seconds before finally managing to hit a DYNAMIC flying kick pose as he lands heel first into one of the warrior's head!
Colton swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Takeshi throws a punch at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is blocked by him.
Takeshi says "You shall die!"
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Sophie sighs out loud, again. She has to be running low on sighs by now.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Colton charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
William charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Colton swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off his armor.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Colton says "Alright. Rest behind the log until you're recovered, then head northwest back to the tree."
Takeshi was hitting all kinds of kung fu poses, lots of shouting and such. It's not clear how much he actually contributed but it sure looked cool if you were into that kind of thing.
Takeshi charges toward log.
William sighs a bit, nodding his head "And then extraction point?"
Colton says "More or less."
Sophie says "Isn't the extraction point the same distance from here as the tree?"
Sophie just wants to run less.
Colton says "Well, you're welcome to do that, but I was planning on loitering behind the tree for twenty minutes until we can actually extract."
Takeshi charges toward log.
Sophie says, with feeling, "You're awful."
William charges toward Colton.
Takeshi says "Tree then extraction, yes?"
Colton says, adopting a falsetto, "Colton did nothing wrong."
Colton says "Yeah, log until you've healed, then up to the tree."
Colton says "Tree hasn't had the fuck shot out of it."
Colton moves protectively towards tree.
Takeshi says "Heh, as if such opposition could lay even single hit on me"
Colton says "Oh my god."
William says "Just follow the big man holding the relic"
Takeshi charges toward tree.
Colton says "Sixty black flame."
Sophie says "Oh. "
Sophie says "Well then."
William charges toward Colton.
Takeshi says "What does 60 mean?"
Colton says "There are sixty of them."
Takeshi does not seem to believe it actually means there are 60 of tem
Takeshi says "Serious? "
William says "Are you pulling our legs or...?"
Colton says "They're approaching the log."
Sophie says "Just look behind you."
Takeshi charges toward tree.
William says "Oh god"
Sophie charges toward tree.
Takeshi says "Ehhhh, that no good"
Sophie says "And, uh. Run fast, I guess."
Takeshi says "I will hold them off!"
Takeshi says "Get to extraction!"
Colton says "We can't extract yet."
Takeshi says "Eh? "
Sophie says, thoughtfully, "Do you think we can just run them around for another twenty minutes?"
Takeshi charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Colton says "Probably, but I think I would rather shoot myself."
Maybe Sophie doesn't mind running so much if it means she doesn't get turned into a pincushion.
Sophie says "Well /I/ can only shoot one at a time."
Colton says "/Why/? "
William says "Could we actually take them down?"
Sophie says "What do you mean why?! I need to reload the bullets. There's only so many."
Colton says "Get to the tree first, and we're going to try and blast them away as a group."
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Takeshi, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Takeshi, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.
Takeshi fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Takeshi, it mildly wounds his left arm.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Colton says "Takeshi's down."
Colton says "He sure held 'em off."
Sophie says "Oh, is that his name? He said it was Kiba."
William charges toward tree.
tree fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
William seems to focus for a moment as his shadow detaches, walking away from William as if to deliver a message. Moments later it appears back in place.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Colton fires off a barrage of shots a Black Flame warrior in dark robes's way, the last of which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Sophie says "Um. "
Sophie says "Well, there's the tree."
Sophie retreats from a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
William says "We can like, protect Colton until the time is short and then have him super jump to the point? Maybe?"
Colton says "We'll move to the point now for our final showdown."
Colton runs towards the extraction point.
William runs towards the extraction point.
Colton says "Don't try to take the bullets for me, but if you know how to use bandages, we can work with that."
Colton fires off a barrage of shots a Black Flame warrior in dark robes's way, the last of which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Colton says "They're damn fast."
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which deflects off his armor.
Colton says "I could use a bandage now, actually."
Sophie says "As soon as I get there..."
Sophie charges toward Colton.
Colton says "Appreciated. "
Colton says "Who's the damned owl?"
Sophie says "William's? "
William says "That's mine"
Sophie says "I'll send the girls in."
Colton says "Gotcha. "
Colton runs towards the extraction point.
Colton fires off a barrage of shots a Black Flame warrior in dark robes's way, the last of which strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
Sophie says "... oh, those are getting real close."
Colton says "Get some distance from me before this one."
Colton says "I'm going to start swinging wide."
Sophie says "Oh. "
a blonde dressed in all black, wielding a pair of batons fades out of the nightmare.
a blonde dressed in all black, wielding a pair of batons fades out of the nightmare.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses her.
William runs towards the extraction point.
Colton says "There go the girls..."
Colton runs towards the extraction point.
Sophie says "They will not be forgotten."
Eschewing aiming in favour of a quick shot, Colton fires a bolt at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
a great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes fades out of the nightmare.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which deflects off her armor.
William says "There goes the owl"
Sophie says "... oh."
Sophie says "I, um."
Sophie says, much too close, "Made a mistake."
William runs towards the extraction point.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Sophie, it is parried by her crescent-hilted ranseur on a staff of cornelwood.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it deflects off his shield.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it deflects off his shield.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it deflects off his shield.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it deflects off his shield.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it impacts against his armor.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it impacts against his hybrid suit of armour.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it impacts against his hybrid suit of armour.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it ineffectually wounds his right arm.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it ineffectually wounds his left arm.
Colton fades out of the nightmare.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes has A mystical artifact that can open gates between realms.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it mildly wounds his right arm.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it impacts against her covert and comfortable kevlar vest in deep green.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it impacts against her armor.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it impacts against her armor.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it impacts against her covert and comfortable kevlar vest in deep green.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it impacts against her covert and comfortable kevlar vest in deep green.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
Sophie launches an attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
William runs towards the extraction point.
Sophie says "Well, we took down two."
Sophie fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it mildly wounds her right leg.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
William says "Yeah, this is not looking great"
William runs towards the extraction point.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it impacts against his ceramic-plated vest.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it impacts against his armor.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it ineffectually wounds his forehead.
William fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it mildly wounds his left leg.
The Black Flame has proved victorious.
The band faced relentless assaults from the guardians of the artifact, the Black Flame warriors, donned in dark robes and skilled in the art of archery. Despite their valiant efforts, skirmishes led to moments of desperation. Takeshi's bold declaration to hold off an army with a striking show of martial arts, William's strategic oversight, and Sophie's critical adjustments to her bracelet symbolized their undying resolve. However, the real turning point arrived when they successfully downed several opponents, paving their way towards the artifact. Yet, the victory was short-lived. The artifact changed hands in the heat of battle, slipping from Colton's grasp to a Black Flame warrior as their ranks overwhelmed the heroes. Bruised and battered, our warriors faded out of the nightmare, leaving the mystical artifact in the clutches of the Black Flame, a somber reminder of the thin line between triumph and defeat in the forest of Lauriea.
At Wed Feb 5 2025, in a forest near Lauriea
Mission: Intercept A mystical artifact that can open gates between realms and bring it back to the extraction point.
Deep in the heart of Lauriea's dense forests, lays a guarded grove. Within this grove, lies an ancient and powerful artifact which is said to have the ability to open gates between realms. The artifact is heavily guarded by mystical beasts and protected by magical barriers, making it a highly challenging but worthwhile target. Capturing this artifact opens up a world of possibilities; it can be used to exert control over the delicate balance between realms, or to invite forces that can tip the scales in favor of the beholder. Regardless of differing ideologies, the potential strategic gains make this artifact a common target. Be careful, though, the forest of Lauriea is not only dangerous, but also treacherous and unpredictable.
The dense forests of Lauriea
It is night, about 38F(3C) degrees, and the sky is covered by grey clouds. There is a first quarter moon.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Takeshi, it misses him.
Sophie reaches down to adjust her bracelet, her fingers brushing against a hidden button in a discreet signal.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Colton says "Alright, let's move for that tree. Got some distance to cover."
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Sophie groans out loud at the idea of running all the way there just to run all the way back.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which deflects off his armor.
Colton moves protectively towards Sophie.
Takeshi charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Takeshi seems to have been half asleep!
Colton says "We're not in a rush, here. We need to find the artifact before we can extract."
Sophie says, with a sniff, "Fine, fine..."
Takeshi says "Eh? Sure thing"
"God damn," Colton sighs. "Nearly an hour. Let's get to that tree."
William charges toward tree.
Takeshi says "... I don't have my weapon"
Takeshi says "Or my armor"
Takeshi says "This is bullshit."
William says "At least it seems like there's not much competence"
Colton moves protectively towards Sophie.
Takeshi says "I guess I punch things"
Takeshi charges toward Colton.
William charges toward tree.
Sophie says "Six of them behind the brush, with the thing."
Sophie says "Do we want to head that way...?"
Colton moves protectively towards Sophie.
Takeshi charges toward Colton.
Colton says "We'll wait until we're regrouped at the tree before we announce new directions."
Sophie says "Okay. "
Sophie reaches down to adjust her bracelet, her fingers brushing against a hidden button in a discreet signal.
Sophie moves protectively towards tree.
William charges toward tree.
Takeshi says "Oh, by way"
Takeshi says "One of you guys after this, bring fliphone to clinic"
Takeshi says "They stole my phone!"
Colton moves protectively towards Sophie.
Sophie says "No thanks."
Takeshi charges toward tree.
Takeshi says "Eh?! "
Takeshi says "They took mine, though"
Takeshi says "Is injustice!"
Sophie reaches down to adjust her bracelet, her fingers brushing against a hidden button in a discreet signal.
Sophie moves protectively towards tree.
William sighs "I was in the Wilds, without a car, going to be a bit hard to get to the clinic"
Takeshi says "No rush, do when can"
Colton moves protectively towards tree.
Takeshi charges toward tree.
William charges toward tree.
Colton says "Alright, we're going to move for the log next. There's some greenery in the way, might slow us down."
Takeshi charges toward tree.
Colton makes a supernatural leap to log.
William nods his head to Colton
Sophie says "Show-off. "
Takeshi says "Eh? Log? Which direction?"
William charges toward log.
Colton says "Southeast of the tree we were at."
Takeshi says "Ah! See it!"
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Takeshi says "Why we shoot log?"
Takeshi charges toward log.
Colton says "We're shooting at the brush, not the log. Brush has all the assholes behind it. Kill the brush, they'll pour out to us, and we can snipe them as they come to us."
Colton says "We go to them, they get to shoot us instead. We'd still win, but this is better strategy."
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Sophie fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Sophie charges toward log.
Takeshi charges toward log.
Takeshi says "I see I see, I punch log then"
William says "Do not damage the log"
Takeshi says "punch ... brush?"
Colton says "Just come to the log and wait for them to come to us."
Takeshi says "Eh? That boring"
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Sophie fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Colton says "Well, feel free."
Takeshi charges toward log.
Sophie shoots Colton a long-suffering look.
William fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
William charges toward log.
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Takeshi says "Is fine. I don't even have Kurotsurugi anyway"
Takeshi sighs
Takeshi sighs
Sophie fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Takeshi charges toward log.
William fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Sophie fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Takeshi charges toward log.
Colton says "Well, I'm /hoping/ their brush goes down first."
Colton says "They're pretty coordinated, though."
William fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Takeshi says "If log go down we charge, yes?"
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Colton says "Yeah. "
Sophie fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Takeshi says "Kyouran no Akuryou shall show them pain!"
William fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
William seems to notice now that there was soldiers on the field waiting for his command, and points them towards the brush, before nodding his head towards the rest and sighing at Takeshi "Yeah, something like that"
Sophie sighs out loud.
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
brush fades out of the nightmare.
Colton says "Brush down."
Sophie says "Brush gone."
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Takeshi says "Good shooting"
Takeshi gives a golf clap
William swings his weapon at a blonde dressed in all black, wielding a pair of batons, it is parried by her.
Colton says "Bill, the blonde's a friendly. That's Angela."
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
William nods his head "Yeah, sorry, surprised me from behind... She's with my group even..."
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Sophie has A mystical artifact that can open gates between realms.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Takeshi shakes his head as if he would never make a mistake like that "Tsk, hate to work with amateurs like this"
Sophie says, as though they're not entirely identical, "Wrong blonde. That's Roberta, the other one's Angela."
Nodding his head, Colton sets the butt of his crossbow against his shoulder and grunts, "Happens. They're still focusing on our cover. That's not good. I'm going to go engage up close, distract them a bit."
Colton draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Colton says "Least Bill brought his weapons."
Sophie says to Takeshi, "Shut up, please."
Colton makes a supernatural leap to a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Takeshi says "I no need weapons"
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which deflects off his armor.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Sophie has A mystical artifact that can open gates between realms.
William says "I can distract them..."
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Focusing on the area surrounding a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, Colton swings his weapon in a wide arc that is parried by her.
Sophie charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Colton charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
Focusing on the area surrounding a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, Colton swings his weapon in a wide arc that strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Colton has A mystical artifact that can open gates between realms.
Takeshi says "Eh? He fight all on own?"
Takeshi says "I go help"
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Takeshi charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Sophie charges toward log.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Colton charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
Takeshi is pulled towards Colton by an invisible force.
Colton swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Takeshi throws a punch at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is blocked by her.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses her.
Takeshi charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
William charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses her.
Colton charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
Takeshi is hurled through the air by some kind of invisible force! He's flails about in the air for a few seconds before finally managing to hit a DYNAMIC flying kick pose as he lands heel first into one of the warrior's head!
Colton swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Takeshi throws a punch at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is blocked by him.
Takeshi says "You shall die!"
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Sophie sighs out loud, again. She has to be running low on sighs by now.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Colton charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
William charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Colton swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off his armor.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Colton says "Alright. Rest behind the log until you're recovered, then head northwest back to the tree."
Takeshi was hitting all kinds of kung fu poses, lots of shouting and such. It's not clear how much he actually contributed but it sure looked cool if you were into that kind of thing.
Takeshi charges toward log.
William sighs a bit, nodding his head "And then extraction point?"
Colton says "More or less."
Sophie says "Isn't the extraction point the same distance from here as the tree?"
Sophie just wants to run less.
Colton says "Well, you're welcome to do that, but I was planning on loitering behind the tree for twenty minutes until we can actually extract."
Takeshi charges toward log.
Sophie says, with feeling, "You're awful."
William charges toward Colton.
Takeshi says "Tree then extraction, yes?"
Colton says, adopting a falsetto, "Colton did nothing wrong."
Colton says "Yeah, log until you've healed, then up to the tree."
Colton says "Tree hasn't had the fuck shot out of it."
Colton moves protectively towards tree.
Takeshi says "Heh, as if such opposition could lay even single hit on me"
Colton says "Oh my god."
William says "Just follow the big man holding the relic"
Takeshi charges toward tree.
Colton says "Sixty black flame."
Sophie says "Oh. "
Sophie says "Well then."
William charges toward Colton.
Takeshi says "What does 60 mean?"
Colton says "There are sixty of them."
Takeshi does not seem to believe it actually means there are 60 of tem
Takeshi says "Serious? "
William says "Are you pulling our legs or...?"
Colton says "They're approaching the log."
Sophie says "Just look behind you."
Takeshi charges toward tree.
William says "Oh god"
Sophie charges toward tree.
Takeshi says "Ehhhh, that no good"
Sophie says "And, uh. Run fast, I guess."
Takeshi says "I will hold them off!"
Takeshi says "Get to extraction!"
Colton says "We can't extract yet."
Takeshi says "Eh? "
Sophie says, thoughtfully, "Do you think we can just run them around for another twenty minutes?"
Takeshi charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Colton says "Probably, but I think I would rather shoot myself."
Maybe Sophie doesn't mind running so much if it means she doesn't get turned into a pincushion.
Sophie says "Well /I/ can only shoot one at a time."
Colton says "/Why/? "
William says "Could we actually take them down?"
Sophie says "What do you mean why?! I need to reload the bullets. There's only so many."
Colton says "Get to the tree first, and we're going to try and blast them away as a group."
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Takeshi, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Takeshi, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.
Takeshi fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Takeshi, it mildly wounds his left arm.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Colton says "Takeshi's down."
Colton says "He sure held 'em off."
Sophie says "Oh, is that his name? He said it was Kiba."
William charges toward tree.
tree fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
William seems to focus for a moment as his shadow detaches, walking away from William as if to deliver a message. Moments later it appears back in place.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
Colton fires off a barrage of shots a Black Flame warrior in dark robes's way, the last of which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Sophie says "Um. "
Sophie says "Well, there's the tree."
Sophie retreats from a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
William says "We can like, protect Colton until the time is short and then have him super jump to the point? Maybe?"
Colton says "We'll move to the point now for our final showdown."
Colton runs towards the extraction point.
William runs towards the extraction point.
Colton says "Don't try to take the bullets for me, but if you know how to use bandages, we can work with that."
Colton fires off a barrage of shots a Black Flame warrior in dark robes's way, the last of which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Colton says "They're damn fast."
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which deflects off his armor.
Colton says "I could use a bandage now, actually."
Sophie says "As soon as I get there..."
Sophie charges toward Colton.
Colton says "Appreciated. "
Colton says "Who's the damned owl?"
Sophie says "William's? "
William says "That's mine"
Sophie says "I'll send the girls in."
Colton says "Gotcha. "
Colton runs towards the extraction point.
Colton fires off a barrage of shots a Black Flame warrior in dark robes's way, the last of which strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
Sophie says "... oh, those are getting real close."
Colton says "Get some distance from me before this one."
Colton says "I'm going to start swinging wide."
Sophie says "Oh. "
a blonde dressed in all black, wielding a pair of batons fades out of the nightmare.
a blonde dressed in all black, wielding a pair of batons fades out of the nightmare.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses her.
William runs towards the extraction point.
Colton says "There go the girls..."
Colton runs towards the extraction point.
Sophie says "They will not be forgotten."
Eschewing aiming in favour of a quick shot, Colton fires a bolt at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Colton, it misses him.
a great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes fades out of the nightmare.
Sophie fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which deflects off her armor.
William says "There goes the owl"
Sophie says "... oh."
Sophie says "I, um."
Sophie says, much too close, "Made a mistake."
William runs towards the extraction point.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Sophie, it is parried by her crescent-hilted ranseur on a staff of cornelwood.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it is parried by his lumberjack's axe.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it deflects off his shield.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it deflects off his shield.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it deflects off his shield.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it deflects off his shield.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it impacts against his armor.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it impacts against his hybrid suit of armour.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it impacts against his hybrid suit of armour.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it ineffectually wounds his right arm.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Colton, it ineffectually wounds his left arm.
Colton fades out of the nightmare.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes has A mystical artifact that can open gates between realms.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Colton, it mildly wounds his right arm.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it misses her.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it impacts against her covert and comfortable kevlar vest in deep green.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it impacts against her armor.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it impacts against her armor.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it impacts against her covert and comfortable kevlar vest in deep green.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it impacts against her covert and comfortable kevlar vest in deep green.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
Sophie launches an attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
William runs towards the extraction point.
Sophie says "Well, we took down two."
Sophie fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Sophie, it mildly wounds her right leg.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
William says "Yeah, this is not looking great"
William runs towards the extraction point.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it impacts against his ceramic-plated vest.
William fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which misses him.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it impacts against his armor.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it ineffectually wounds his forehead.
William fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it mildly wounds his left leg.
The Black Flame has proved victorious.