\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Black Flames Operation In Mexico City Mexico 240715

The Black Flames Operation In Mexico City Mexico 240715

In the grim shadows of Berlin's harbour district, amidst the maze of containers and machinery under a waxing gibbous moon, a fierce battle unraveled for the control of an old warehouse, the heart of illicit endeavors. The saga unfolded with Harriet, a determined warrior, leading a charge toward a container, her rifle singing as she fired off rounds at the Black Flame warriors cloaked in darkness. Alongside her, Selina, Viktorin, and Autumn, each unique in their resilience and might, engaged in this high-stakes chess game of strategy and brute force. Amidst the chaos, Jodie, in her wolf form, unleashed her primal rage on the Black Flame, dodging their lethal strikes with grace and meeting their aggression with ferocity. The night air was thick with the scent of gunpowder and magic, the ground littered with sparks and the echoes of clashing steel. Yet, despite their valiant efforts and the fury of their assault, the specter of defeat loomed as the Black Flame's relentless warriors parried and dodged, their numbers seemingly endless.

As the battle wore on, Selina’s voice cut through the din, her spells casting chilling rays and fireballs that seared the night, a testament to her power. However, even as they thinned the ranks of the Black Flame, new adversaries emerged, unfazed by the loss of their comrades. The tide turned grim as Harriet fell, her leadership and prowess in combat sorely missed. Autumn and Selina, now bearing the weight of command, executed a strategic retreat to the objectives, their determination unwavering. Jodie, too, found herself overwhelmed, her strength waning under the relentless assault of the Black Flame. In the end, despite their courage and strength, the shadow of the Black Flame engulfed them. Victorious, the Black Flame's dominance was unchallenged, leaving the warehouse under their sinister control, a beacon of dark victory amidst the cold, unforgiving streets of Berlin. The warriors faded, their efforts a haunting whisper in the night, a tale of valor and sacrifice in the face of overwhelming darkness.
At Sun Jul 14 2024, in a warehouse near Mexico City, Mexico

Mission: Get to the designated site and continue securing the warehouse until the process is complete.

The operation takes place in the harsh, industrial terrain of Berlin's harbour district. An old warehouse, a focal point of illicit activities, serves as our battlefield. To claim supremacy and extend their influence, the group must secure this vital piece of real estate. The warehouse is heavily guarded by a tenacious local gang reluctant to cede control. To succeed, they need to outsmart the gang, overcome their defenses, and claim the warehouse. The operation promises high-stakes action and strategic complexity, set against the backdrop of Berlin's gritty underworld.

in the harbour district of Berlin
It is after dusk, about 53F(11C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by dark grey clouds. There is a waxing gibbous moon.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Selina charges toward machinery.
Harriet charges toward container.
Autumn charges toward container.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, and misses him.

Jodie runs towards the objective.
Harriet is taking off towards the container, as quickly as she can manage to run, whilst shooting at a warrior.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, and sparks off the ground near his feet.

Viktorin says "Is that Jodie?"
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which sparks off the ground near her feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which sparks off the ground near her feet.

Autumn charges toward machinery.
Harriet charges toward container.
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes which sparks off the ground near his feet.

Harriet gives a confirming nod to someone.

Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Viktorin, it is parried by his steel gauntlet sword.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, and misses him.

Silent as she appears, Autumn turns to run towards the machinery.

Jodie(wolf) bolts across the battlefield on a mission to get to the crates. The fire directed towards her goes wide for now

Jodie charges toward crates.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which sparks off the ground near her feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which sparks off the ground near her feet.

Harriet charges toward container.
Autumn charges toward machinery.
Viktorin stares at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, gauging them quietly for a moment. In a quick flash, the dusky man lunges forward, dipping his body low as he stabs. is parried by him.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Selina immediately finds cover behind some machinery and takes a look out at the field. After a moment checking it out, she calls to the others, "Let's see how they do with the Black Flame first."

Jodie charges toward crates.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by him.

Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Selina says "Or not... Is that Jodie down there?"
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

Autumn slowly nods her head.

Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which impacts against his armor.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Selina says "Off to take out Vik and Harry then..."
Jodie(wolf) arrives at the crates shortly after the black flame warriors do. She snarls as she begins reeking absolute havoc amongst them. Pawing and snapping at the pair

Harriet charges toward workbench.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

Harriet is now running towards the workbenches.

Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by her.

Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Harriet charges toward workbench.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

Selina charges toward container.
Autumn charges toward container.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which impacts against her armor.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Viktorin sprints after Harriet, occasionally lifting his rifle up.

Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Harriet charges toward workbench.
Harriet gives a nod to Viktorin, looking proud of the Czech.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at crates, and damages it.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at Viktorin. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and misses him.

Viktorin says "Harry! Slow down, you're leaving me vulnerable."
Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Harriet really seems to like her position right here, so she doesn't move yet, nodding to Viktorin.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at crates, and damages it.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at Viktorin. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and misses him.

Round after round is fired at Selina, with Viktorin reloading and racking the bolt of his rifle.

Selina charges toward Harriet.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at crates, and damages it.

Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward Harriet, and it misses her.

Selina charges toward Harriet.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at crates, and damages it.

Peering confusedly at Harriet, Viktorin murmurs, "I need first-aid..."

Jodie(wolf) cleans up the flame soldiers at the crates and takes some time to rest before she finds a new enemy to chase with savage abandon.

Viktorin swings his weapon at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

Selina swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Jodie charges toward Viktorin.
Autumn chants a few words and a puff of black smoke appears.

Autumn charges toward container.
Viktorin stares at Selina, gauging them quietly for a moment. In a quick flash, the dusky man lunges forward, dipping his body low as he stabs. is parried by her rapier.

Selina swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

"Greetings," Selina says as she steps in to start slicing and cutting, dancing between strikes from Viktorin and Harriet to make openings and keep herself mobile.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at Selina as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Viktorin, it misses him.

Autumn charges toward container.
Selina swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Viktorin stares at Selina, gauging them quietly for a moment. In a quick flash, the dusky man lunges forward, dipping his body low as he stabs. is parried by her rapier.

Jodie charges toward Viktorin.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Viktorin with her claws which is dodged by him.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at Selina as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Selina does not seem to care at all that the Black Flames are shooting at her. She is focused on Harriet for the moment, leaving Viktorin to Jodie(wolf).

A glowing salamander with fiery wings hurls a small fireball at Viktorin, it ineffectually wounds his forehead.

Selina swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Viktorin, it ineffectually wounds his left leg.

Viktorin fades out of the nightmare.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Harriet with her claws which deflects off her shield.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at Selina as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which ineffectually wounds her chest.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

Harriet says "Do what?"
Jodie moves protectively towards Selina.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Harriet with her claws which impacts against her concealable bulletproof vest.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it completely misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

Jodie(wolf) is all about aggression this evening and she moves to attack, attack attack. Though she seems to have enough sense to move in front of Selina(argenti draco hybrida) as she struggles

Harriet locks her gaze onto Jodie(wolf) before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is dodged by her.

Selina charges toward crates.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Harriet with her claws which completely misses her.

Harriet says "Yes, you told me to wait."
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it completely misses her.

Jodie charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and sparks off the ground near his feet.

A glowing salamander with fiery wings hurls a small fireball at Harriet, it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Harriet looks about, swinging her heavy warhammer at Jodie(wolf).

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

Jodie charges toward workbench.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Autumn, it is parried by her massive katana.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

Selina slips back to the crates to grab a quick break in the mids of the fight and starts tossing out some chilly rays. "Don't go down just yet," she calls to the others, preparing to re-enter the fray.

Jodie charges toward workbench.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Jodie(wolf), and sparks off the ground near her feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Autumn, it is parried by her massive katana.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

Harriet charges toward workbench.
Autumn swings her weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by him.

Selina charges toward Harriet.
Jodie charges toward workbench.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Autumn, it is parried by her massive katana.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

Selina swings her weapon at Harriet, it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

Harriet fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn swings her weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by him.

Selina says "Harry is down."
Selina charges toward workbench.
Jodie(wolf) struggles under the hail of fire till she arrives at the workbench to start trying to chew through the black flame warriors. But she might've bitten off more than she can chew

Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by him.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Autumn, it is parried by her massive katana.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Selina says "Coming for you, Jodie."
Autumn swings her weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by him.

Selina charges toward workbench.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

Selina swings her weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by her.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
A small fire suddenly ignites on a Black Flame warrior in dark robes's clothes.

Selina says "Autumn, start the thing."
Autumn runs towards the objective.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by him.

Autumn says "On it."
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

Selina swings her weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by him.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Selina flourishes her blade once the last warrior falls, flicking it as if to get the blood off of it. "Heading there too," she says before turning to sprint toward it.

Selina runs towards the objective.
Jodie(wolf) huffs, her ribs expanding and contracting rapidly as she tries to catch her breath. Fortunately all the enemies are gone and she has a chance to recover

Autumn runs towards the objective.
Selina runs towards the objective.
Selina continues securing the warehouse.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
Selina continues securing the warehouse.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Selina continues securing the warehouse.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Jodie(wolf) heals bleeding wounds in real time while she stays at the workbench until most all have sealed themselves. Once she's in good shape she snarls and bounds off to the black flame warriors

Jodie charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which misses her.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
Jodie(wolf) leaps at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by him.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Selina charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Selina(argenti draco hybrida) leaps at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and starts savagely thrashing her with their claws, teeth, and tail. The rampage strikes his armor with bruising force.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which sparks off the ground near her feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which sparks off the ground near her feet.

Selina charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Selina(argenti draco hybrida) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by him.

Selina(argenti draco hybrida) has stopped securing the warehouse to suddenly focus on tearing apart the black flame warriors.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it misses her.

Selina charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

Selina(argenti draco hybrida) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which impacts against his armor.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
Selina charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

Selina(argenti draco hybrida) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by her.

Jodie charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

Selina(argenti draco hybrida) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which impacts against her armor.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Selina(argenti draco hybrida) snarls at the black flame warrior and starts tearing into them, claws, teeth, and tail all blending into a silvery blur of motion as she moves with lightning reflexes.

Jodie charges toward workbench.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes the workbench he's taking cover behind.

Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

A small fire suddenly ignites on a Black Flame warrior in dark robes's clothes.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

Autumn charges toward crates.
Selina(argenti draco hybrida) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which impacts against his armor.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Selina charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Autumn charges toward crates.
Selina(argenti draco hybrida) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by her.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Selina runs towards the objective.
Selina says "Securing once more."
Autumn runs towards the objective.
Selina continues securing the warehouse.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
Selina continues securing the warehouse.

Selina continues securing the warehouse.

Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Selina continues securing the warehouse.

Jodie(wolf) stays at the workbench when there is no enemies to chomp down on. She impatiently chuffs, watching for further threats

Selina continues securing the warehouse.

Selina continues securing the warehouse, but as Autumn gets close, she says, "Next wave, you take over, and I'll protect you." She seems confident in her ability to do so.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Jodie charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Autumn smiles at someone as she and A glowing salamander with fiery wings arrives at point. But upon seeing more warriors, she draws her arrow.

Autumn smiles at the woman as she and A glowing salamander with fiery wings arrives at point. But upon seeing more warriors, she draws her arrow.

Autumn continues securing the warehouse.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Jodie(wolf), it is dodged by her.

A glowing salamander with fiery wings fades out of the nightmare.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by her.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Autumn continues securing the warehouse.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Autumn which deflects off her shield.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

Jodie(wolf) lands herself in the middle of no less than 5 black flame warriors with more coming. She roars meancingly and prepares to try and kill everything near her

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Autumn continues securing the warehouse.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her stomach.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her stomach.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Autumn which deflects off her shield.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her right arm.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, and it strikes her armor with bruising force.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn continues securing the warehouse.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her chest.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her left leg.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her left arm.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Autumn which impacts against her armor.

Jodie fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which mildly wounds her right arm.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward workbench, and it damages it.

Autumn says "How are they getting past you?"
Autumn continues securing the warehouse.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Autumn which ineffectually wounds her chest.

Autumn fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Autumn which mildly wounds her left arm.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Selina says "No idea..."
Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward workbench, and it damages it.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward workbench, and it damages it.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward workbench, and it damages it.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward workbench, and it damages it.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which ineffectually wounds her left leg.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward workbench, and it damages it.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward workbench, and it damages it.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which misses her.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward workbench, and it damages it.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which ineffectually wounds her right leg.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina which ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward workbench, and it damages it.

Selina(argenti draco) gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward workbench, and it

Selina makes a supernatural leap to crates.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco), it ineffectually wounds her right leg.

Selina(argenti draco) launches a slashing rake attack at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes with her claws which is dodged by him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco), it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Selina(argenti draco) leaps at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and starts savagely thrashing her with their claws, teeth, and tail. The rampage impacts against his armor.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco), it ineffectually wounds her left leg.

crates fades out of the nightmare.
Selina(argenti draco) leaps at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and starts savagely thrashing her with their claws, teeth, and tail. The rampage is dodged by him.

Selina charges toward container.
Selina charges toward container.
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and sparks off the ground near his feet.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, and it misses him.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, and it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it ineffectually wounds her chest.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it ineffectually wounds her left leg.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

container fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes fires off a shot at Selina(argenti draco hybrida) which ineffectually wounds her right arm.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it ineffectually wounds her chest.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it ineffectually wounds her chest.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco hybrida), it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco), it ineffectually wounds her chest.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco), it ineffectually wounds her right leg.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco), it ineffectually wounds her chest.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco), it ineffectually wounds her right arm.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco), it ineffectually wounds her left leg.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco), it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

Selina fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes launches a stab at Selina(argenti draco), it mildly wounds her right arm.

The Black Flame has proved victorious.