The Destined Hosts Operation In Lauriea 241213
In an enchanted forest near Lauriea, the heart of Orion's realm of the Fae, a strategic battleground unfolds under the cloak of morning mist and dense canopy. The mission at hand is of paramount importance - to claim a critical territory near the Golden City, rich with magical ley lines, offering control over magical, reality, and fate across multiple worlds. Amidst the cold embrace of a 36F morning, two remarkable warriors, Harriet and Elora, alongside their formidable companion Vindicta, face the daunting task of navigating through the dense forest, aiming to capture a significant rock formation that serves as the entry point to claiming the territory.
The battle rages on as Harriet, with her rifle and elegant platinum warhammer, and Elora, with her swift movements and strategic prowess, combat the Destined Host soldiers ensnared in this mortal conflict. Each soldier comes equipped with sigil-etched weaponry, casting echoes of their resolve through the forest air with every missed shot, arrow deflection, and parried attack. Despite the relentless assault from their adversaries and the challenges posed by the elemental forces at play, Harriet and Elora stand undeterred, their focus unwavering. A significant turn of events is marked by the intervention of a magical orange two-tailed fox, bringing with it a change in the tide. Amid the chaos, strategic advances are made towards the rock, signifying the claiming of crucial territory. As frost bites and ice crystals form, the persistent efforts of Harriet and Elora, fueled by their indomitable spirit and the support of mystical forces, culminate in the grand triumph of the Balanced Alliance, securing a vital victory in the vast realms connected to Lauriea.
At Thu Dec 12 2024, in a forest near Lauriea
Mission: Get to the designated site and continue claiming territory until the process is complete.
In the heart of Orion, the realm of the Fae, lies Lauriea - also known as the Golden city. Surrounded by dense forests and guarded by the powerful Fair Folk, it serves as a crucial hub between Earth and the other realms. The operation focuses on claiming a strategic part of this land - a location near the city that is connected to numerous magical ley lines. This area holds immense magical potential and would serve as a critical position for those who manage to control it. Whoever holds this territory could influence various aspects - magic, reality, even fate - in multiple worlds connected to it.
Lauriea - The Golden City
It is morning, about 36F(2C) degrees, and the sky is covered by dark grey clouds.
Harriet charges toward tree.
Vindicta makes a supernatural leap to tree.
Elora charges toward Harriet.
Elora glares toward Elora. One with senses beyond the mundane might sense power flowing out of her. A call has gone out. To something. To somewhere.
Harriet says to Elora, "There is a lot of water, unfortunately."
Harriet heads towards the rock for now.
Harriet charges toward rock.
Elora charges toward Harriet.
Harriet tries to get to the rock before the opposing soldiers do.
Elora sprints for the rock.
Harriet charges toward rock.
Harriet steadies herself, rifle nestled against her shoulder, and then rings out one shot after the next at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with their echoing cracks splitting the air and misses her.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
Harriet steadies herself, rifle nestled against her shoulder, and then rings out one shot after the next at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with their echoing cracks splitting the air and sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry starts to glow slightly.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
Harriet steadies herself, rifle nestled against her shoulder, and then rings out one shot after the next at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with their echoing cracks splitting the air and misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it misses her.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet gives a nod to Elora as she focuses on a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry coming in towards them.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and sparks off the ground near her feet.
"Vin is moving out," Elora mentions to Harriet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it misses her.
A small amount of frost forms in the air around Vindicta.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Harriet gives a nod to Elora in response, preparing to take on the two a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry face to face, and sees a third a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Elora joins Harriet in combat against the soldiers who've arrived.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by her.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Vindicta steadies their breath, lining up a precise shot aimed directly at a vulnerable point on a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, their gaze unblinking as they pull the trigger. It deflects off her armor.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Elora swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by him.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it misses her.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by him.
"She's reaching the capture point," Elora calls to Harriet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Elora swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off his armor.
"My fox is on her," Elora explains.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
Harriet keeps fighting against a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, swinging her warhammer heavily.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Orange two-tailed fox launches a stab at Vindicta, it is blocked by her startling white exoskeleton made of light-bending metamaterials.
Elora charges toward Vindicta.
Elora draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it completely misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it misses her.
Harriet calls out, "Be careful of standing too deeply in the water," to Elora.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Vindicta, and misses her.
Moving with silent precision, Vindicta brings their knife forward, aiming for a weak spot on orange two-tailed fox with a focused, almost surgical intent, their gaze narrowed. It is parried by her.
Orange two-tailed fox launches a stab at Vindicta, it is blocked by her startling white exoskeleton made of light-bending metamaterials.
Elora charges toward rock.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it misses her.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Vindicta, and misses her.
Moving with silent precision, Vindicta brings their knife forward, aiming for a weak spot on orange two-tailed fox with a focused, almost surgical intent, their gaze narrowed. It is parried by her.
Harriet brushes herself off some, looking about the area before raising her rifle back up and taking aim.
Harriet exhales out a slow breath.
Orange two-tailed fox launches a stab at Vindicta, it is blocked by her startling white exoskeleton made of light-bending metamaterials.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it deflects off her shield.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Vindicta, and deflects off her shield.
Vindicta swipes quickly the blade barely catching the surface in a shallow, glancing strike against orange two-tailed fox, glinting faintly under the light. This is parried by her.
Harriet narrows her eyes, glancing about to ensure there are no additional incoming enemies before peering through the scope of her rifle again.
Orange two-tailed fox launches a stab at Vindicta, it deflects off her shield.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it deflects off her shield.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Vindicta, and deflects off her shield.
Orange two-tailed fox launches a stab at Vindicta, it strikes her shield with bruising force.
A small amount of frost forms in the air around Vindicta.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it strikes her shield with bruising force.
Vindicta charges toward brush.
Harriet charges toward Vindicta.
Harriet locks her gaze onto Vindicta before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and strikes her shield with bruising force.
Vindicta fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet swings that warhammer heavily as she comes down, and then focuses on a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry after the deputy fades from view.
Harriet charges toward tree.
Harriet disarms a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and deflects off her armor.
Elora charges toward brush.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet looks around to ensure Elora is still safe after she ends someone.
Harriet looks around to ensure Elora is still safe after she ends the soldier.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet gets to work, keeping her eye out for any surprise attacks.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet calls to Elora, "The rock is likely the best place to keep us safe."
Elora says "Okay "
Elora says "Swimming back"
Harriet glances about, expecting someone or a few someones to arrive at any moment.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it misses her.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet watches as, sure enough a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry comes in.
Harriet moves to the rock.
Harriet charges toward rock.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and misses her.
After a quick flight to her intended destination, Harriet is at the rock, focusing on the two soldiers.
Elora draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it completely misses her.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Ice crystals form on Harriet's armor.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Harriet disarms a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Elora draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it completely misses her.
"I hate the water so much," Elora calls.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry starts to glow slightly.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet charges toward tree.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet takes a moment to assess the situation, ensuring she is the only one getting attacked at the moment.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet looks pleased seeing Elora back at the rock once again, safe and sound for now.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
"Alright, I am back at the rock," Elora calls out.
"Its hard for me to move through the water effectively," Elora mentions. "So I'll stay here and you capture the point."
"I can provide spell support to you," Elora mentions.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet squints to the southwest, nodding to Elora. "Yes, I can easily reach you if there is any incoming danger."
Harriet keeps an eye out still, ever checking her surroundings.
"Envy! Go to Harriet, be there before her. No nipping! If she wants to pet you, let her!" Elora calls to her fox, which starts dashing toward Harriet.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it misses her.
Harriet watches as a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry comes near. She decides to stay put for now, though.
Elora causes a distraction, distracting the a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with an illusion.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it misses her.
Elora draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it misses him.
Elora looses an arrow.
Harriet charges toward Elora.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Elora points at the distant soldier. "Git em Envy."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Elora swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by him.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and deflects off his armor.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Ice crystals form on orange two-tailed fox's armor.
Harriet charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by her.
Harriet disarms a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
A small amount of frost forms in the air around a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Harriet appears to be doing just fine against a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and deflects off her armor.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet gets back to work once again, although she ever seems to be checking their surroundings.
Elora looks about, eyes scanning for distant threats.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Elora looks about for threats, head on a swivel as Harriet secures the capture point.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
The Balanced Alliance has proved victorious.
The battle rages on as Harriet, with her rifle and elegant platinum warhammer, and Elora, with her swift movements and strategic prowess, combat the Destined Host soldiers ensnared in this mortal conflict. Each soldier comes equipped with sigil-etched weaponry, casting echoes of their resolve through the forest air with every missed shot, arrow deflection, and parried attack. Despite the relentless assault from their adversaries and the challenges posed by the elemental forces at play, Harriet and Elora stand undeterred, their focus unwavering. A significant turn of events is marked by the intervention of a magical orange two-tailed fox, bringing with it a change in the tide. Amid the chaos, strategic advances are made towards the rock, signifying the claiming of crucial territory. As frost bites and ice crystals form, the persistent efforts of Harriet and Elora, fueled by their indomitable spirit and the support of mystical forces, culminate in the grand triumph of the Balanced Alliance, securing a vital victory in the vast realms connected to Lauriea.
At Thu Dec 12 2024, in a forest near Lauriea
Mission: Get to the designated site and continue claiming territory until the process is complete.
In the heart of Orion, the realm of the Fae, lies Lauriea - also known as the Golden city. Surrounded by dense forests and guarded by the powerful Fair Folk, it serves as a crucial hub between Earth and the other realms. The operation focuses on claiming a strategic part of this land - a location near the city that is connected to numerous magical ley lines. This area holds immense magical potential and would serve as a critical position for those who manage to control it. Whoever holds this territory could influence various aspects - magic, reality, even fate - in multiple worlds connected to it.
Lauriea - The Golden City
It is morning, about 36F(2C) degrees, and the sky is covered by dark grey clouds.
Harriet charges toward tree.
Vindicta makes a supernatural leap to tree.
Elora charges toward Harriet.
Elora glares toward Elora. One with senses beyond the mundane might sense power flowing out of her. A call has gone out. To something. To somewhere.
Harriet says to Elora, "There is a lot of water, unfortunately."
Harriet heads towards the rock for now.
Harriet charges toward rock.
Elora charges toward Harriet.
Harriet tries to get to the rock before the opposing soldiers do.
Elora sprints for the rock.
Harriet charges toward rock.
Harriet steadies herself, rifle nestled against her shoulder, and then rings out one shot after the next at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with their echoing cracks splitting the air and misses her.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
Harriet steadies herself, rifle nestled against her shoulder, and then rings out one shot after the next at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with their echoing cracks splitting the air and sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry starts to glow slightly.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
Harriet steadies herself, rifle nestled against her shoulder, and then rings out one shot after the next at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with their echoing cracks splitting the air and misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it misses her.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet gives a nod to Elora as she focuses on a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry coming in towards them.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and sparks off the ground near her feet.
"Vin is moving out," Elora mentions to Harriet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it misses her.
A small amount of frost forms in the air around Vindicta.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Harriet gives a nod to Elora in response, preparing to take on the two a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry face to face, and sees a third a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Elora joins Harriet in combat against the soldiers who've arrived.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by her.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Vindicta steadies their breath, lining up a precise shot aimed directly at a vulnerable point on a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, their gaze unblinking as they pull the trigger. It deflects off her armor.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Elora swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by him.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it misses her.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by him.
"She's reaching the capture point," Elora calls to Harriet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Elora swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off his armor.
"My fox is on her," Elora explains.
Vindicta runs towards the objective.
Harriet keeps fighting against a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, swinging her warhammer heavily.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Orange two-tailed fox launches a stab at Vindicta, it is blocked by her startling white exoskeleton made of light-bending metamaterials.
Elora charges toward Vindicta.
Elora draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it completely misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it misses her.
Harriet calls out, "Be careful of standing too deeply in the water," to Elora.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Vindicta, and misses her.
Moving with silent precision, Vindicta brings their knife forward, aiming for a weak spot on orange two-tailed fox with a focused, almost surgical intent, their gaze narrowed. It is parried by her.
Orange two-tailed fox launches a stab at Vindicta, it is blocked by her startling white exoskeleton made of light-bending metamaterials.
Elora charges toward rock.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it misses her.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Vindicta, and misses her.
Moving with silent precision, Vindicta brings their knife forward, aiming for a weak spot on orange two-tailed fox with a focused, almost surgical intent, their gaze narrowed. It is parried by her.
Harriet brushes herself off some, looking about the area before raising her rifle back up and taking aim.
Harriet exhales out a slow breath.
Orange two-tailed fox launches a stab at Vindicta, it is blocked by her startling white exoskeleton made of light-bending metamaterials.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it deflects off her shield.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Vindicta, and deflects off her shield.
Vindicta swipes quickly the blade barely catching the surface in a shallow, glancing strike against orange two-tailed fox, glinting faintly under the light. This is parried by her.
Harriet narrows her eyes, glancing about to ensure there are no additional incoming enemies before peering through the scope of her rifle again.
Orange two-tailed fox launches a stab at Vindicta, it deflects off her shield.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it deflects off her shield.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Vindicta, and deflects off her shield.
Orange two-tailed fox launches a stab at Vindicta, it strikes her shield with bruising force.
A small amount of frost forms in the air around Vindicta.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Vindicta, it strikes her shield with bruising force.
Vindicta charges toward brush.
Harriet charges toward Vindicta.
Harriet locks her gaze onto Vindicta before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and strikes her shield with bruising force.
Vindicta fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet swings that warhammer heavily as she comes down, and then focuses on a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry after the deputy fades from view.
Harriet charges toward tree.
Harriet disarms a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and deflects off her armor.
Elora charges toward brush.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet looks around to ensure Elora is still safe after she ends someone.
Harriet looks around to ensure Elora is still safe after she ends the soldier.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet gets to work, keeping her eye out for any surprise attacks.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet calls to Elora, "The rock is likely the best place to keep us safe."
Elora says "Okay "
Elora says "Swimming back"
Harriet glances about, expecting someone or a few someones to arrive at any moment.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it misses her.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet watches as, sure enough a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry comes in.
Harriet moves to the rock.
Harriet charges toward rock.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and misses her.
After a quick flight to her intended destination, Harriet is at the rock, focusing on the two soldiers.
Elora draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it completely misses her.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Ice crystals form on Harriet's armor.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Harriet disarms a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Elora draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it completely misses her.
"I hate the water so much," Elora calls.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry starts to glow slightly.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet charges toward tree.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet takes a moment to assess the situation, ensuring she is the only one getting attacked at the moment.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Elora charges toward rock.
Harriet looks pleased seeing Elora back at the rock once again, safe and sound for now.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
"Alright, I am back at the rock," Elora calls out.
"Its hard for me to move through the water effectively," Elora mentions. "So I'll stay here and you capture the point."
"I can provide spell support to you," Elora mentions.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet squints to the southwest, nodding to Elora. "Yes, I can easily reach you if there is any incoming danger."
Harriet keeps an eye out still, ever checking her surroundings.
"Envy! Go to Harriet, be there before her. No nipping! If she wants to pet you, let her!" Elora calls to her fox, which starts dashing toward Harriet.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it misses her.
Harriet watches as a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry comes near. She decides to stay put for now, though.
Elora causes a distraction, distracting the a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with an illusion.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it misses her.
Elora draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it misses him.
Elora looses an arrow.
Harriet charges toward Elora.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Elora points at the distant soldier. "Git em Envy."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Elora swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by him.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and deflects off his armor.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Ice crystals form on orange two-tailed fox's armor.
Harriet charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by her.
Harriet disarms a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
A small amount of frost forms in the air around a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Harriet appears to be doing just fine against a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and deflects off her armor.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.
Harriet locks her gaze onto a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet gets back to work once again, although she ever seems to be checking their surroundings.
Elora looks about, eyes scanning for distant threats.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
Elora looks about for threats, head on a swivel as Harriet secures the capture point.
Harriet continues claiming territory.
The Balanced Alliance has proved victorious.