The Destined Hosts Operation In Lauriea 250201
In the mysterious and supernatural-laden wilderness of Yellowstone National Park, a charged battle unfolded near the Loriade Forest, with key factions vying for control over a strategically vital ranger station. At the heart of the conflict were Castiel and Kitsune, alongside their allies, pitted against the determined foes of the Destined Host and their supporters. Kitsune, with his mystical fox abilities, and Castiel, wielding unearthly powers, found themselves in a relentless struggle against their adversaries. As the battle raged, the two sides clashed fiercely, utilizing a mix of conventional weaponry, supernatural abilities, and strategic maneuvers in a bid to secure the upper hand.
The conflict saw numerous close calls and tactical exchanges, with Kitsune nearly being bested at several turns, only for Castiel to step in protectively, ensuring that Kitsune could complete the crucial task of securing the ranger station. Despite the relentless onslaught from the Destined Host soldiers, who were adept with sigil-etched weaponry, Castiel and Kitsune deftly parried and counter-attacked, demonstrating both their combat prowess and their resilience against the odds. Through a combination of Kitsune's agile maneuvers and Castiel's formidable defense, they managed to fend off their persistent attackers. Ultimately, after an intense struggle, marked by moments of peril and strategic brilliance, the Lawful Extremists Alliance triumphed, securing the ranger station and asserting their dominance over the supernatural domain of Yellowstone, casting the park's fate into a new light under their control.
At Fri Jan 31 2025, in a forest near Lauriea
Mission: Get to the designated site and continue securing the ranger station until the process is complete.
The pristine wilderness of Yellowstone National Park has become the backdrop for a supernatural war. Central to the conflict is a critical ranger station, equipped with high-end communication systems that control the flow of information and coordinate events over the vast, rugged terrain. With an increased presence of rival factions, a race has begun to secure the strategic point. The victor seizes control over the park's fate, influencing the balance and dynamic of the supernatural world.
Yellowstone National Park
It is afternoon, about 40F(4C) degrees, and there are a few grey clouds in the sky.
Kitsune charges toward tree.
Lenny reaches up to touch his ear and shout some angry sounding commands before Cara looks back at the target ahead of him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
William charges toward brush.
Cara says "Not much cover."
Cara presses a finger to her radio and calls for re-enforcement.
William fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Lenny says "We can go for the depression"
Lenny charges toward depression.
Cara charges toward depression.
Cara says "Everyone will be going there."
Lenny says "And we will win it."
Cara says "Fuckit let's go."
Lenny says "Vox isn't here, its just a couple nobodies."
Kitsune charges toward tree.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
William charges toward brush.
Cara says "There's kitsune."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear! The ice misses him.
Lenny says "Nevermind..yeah, fuck that guy"
William fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Lenny charges toward depression.
Cara charges toward Lenny.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
William charges toward brush.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear! The ice impacts against his armor.
a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel charges toward tree.
William fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, misses him.
Lenny charges toward depression.
Novel charges toward brush.
Cara charges toward depression.
Novel thumps on over into cover with William, remarking in aside, "Lenny and Temple on one end and Castiel and Kitsune on the other."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Novel, it is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
William charges toward brush.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear! The ice sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
William fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, is parried by him.
Lenny says "I think if we have time, that rock should go"
Cara charges toward depression.
Cara says "Kitsune has the position north of the objective. He'll likely wait for us to fight it out then assault his position."
William seems to be rushing for cover again, tilting his head at Novel "Can we really do much against Castiel and Kitsune?"
Novel says "I can poison them and be fucking annoying and hope for the bst."
Castiel says "You're out of cover."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at William, it ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Novel, it is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
Castiel charges toward tree.
William swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by him.
Novel sweeps his blade in front of him in a flurry at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, a feint, creating space as he moves to a better position, deflects off his armor.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear! The ice impacts against his armor.
a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fades out of the nightmare.
Cara charges toward rock.
Cara says "Think the rock is a long shot, but fuckit."
"If Novel has a brain he'll not shoot our way then and make us hand this over to the big asshole with wings over there." Lenny says, all too loudly to make sure the other cover hears them.
Lenny says "No I meant blow up the rok"
Lenny says "Stay here"
Cara says "Gottit. "
Cara says "Misunderstood. "
Novel chuckles.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at William, it impacts against his armor.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Novel, it is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
Cara fires off a shot at rock which damages it.
William swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off his armor.
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Cara charges toward depression.
Kitsune runs towards the objective.
Cara says "Castiel'n Kitsune. They on the same side?"
Castiel says "Kitsune? "
Kitsune says "Yes? "
Lenny says "They are both Vox yes."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Novel, it is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
Castiel says "Battle-plan? "
William swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off his armor.
Kitsune says "Keep them off me."
Novel sweeps his blade in front of him in a flurry at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, a feint, creating space as he moves to a better position, strikes his armor with bruising force.
Lenny says "You take one hit from them and you wont make it back to cover. Get over here."
Cara says "They're capturing the point."
Kitsune runs towards the objective.
Castiel says "Are you going to charge the target?"
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Lenny says "Ah shit"
Kitsune says "Securing the station now."
Kitsune says "But I am in range."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Novel, it is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
Cara runs towards the objective.
William swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Cara fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Castiel says "They're busy with the destiend soldiers for now."
Lenny moves protectively towards Cara.
Kitsune says "The white one is shooting at me."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward brush, and they explode which damages it.
Cara says "Novel'n bill are preoccupied over in the brush. We need to knock them off the point."
William huffs, looking around after swinging his blade at the soldier and having him vanish from view, telling Novel "Alright need a second to fix the armor, but I should be good..."
Cara fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Castiel moves protectively towards Cara.
Lenny fires off a shot at Castiel which grazes his left arm.
Cara says "Damn Castiel is fast."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward brush, and they explode which damages it.
Novel charges toward depression.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Castiel, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, grazes his right leg.
Cara charges toward depression.
Castiel charges toward Lenny.
Castiel swings his weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Lenny disarms Castiel.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny charges toward depression.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward brush, and they explode which damages it.
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Lenny says "Drop Castiel"
A templar strike force jarhead fires off a shot at Castiel which misses him.
Cara fires off a shot at Castiel which misses him.
Castiel charges toward depression.
Cara says "Landmine? Fuck. Too late."
Lenny is pulled towards Castiel by an invisible force.
Castiel swings his weapon at Lenny, it completely misses him.
Cara jabs Castiel with a taser.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward brush, and they explode which damages it.
Castiel says "It seems I've mistaken my ally for you."
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Castiel says "You two should dress differently."
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward brush, and they explode which damages it.
Cara says "Pardon the inconvenience sire."
Lenny says "Ah, hes' got a mask lets not waste that.."
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny jabs Castiel with a taser.
Cara launches a stab at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny says "We'll stagger our tasers and let our boys take him down for a bit."
Castiel starts to radiate heat.
Cara says "We'll need to backoff soon"
Cara shoots Castiel with a taser.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a templar strike force jarhead! The ice misses him.
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Lenny says "That wasn't a good staggerin' he was already reeling from mine."
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune says "How are you holding up? I am fine."
Cara says "Want to backoff? I wouldn't mind backing off."
Lenny says "No fuck no."
Lenny says "Take this guy down!"
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Novel charges toward log.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a templar strike force jarhead! The ice misses him.
A templar strike force jarhead fades out of the nightmare.
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Castiel says "I'm engaged with all of them in melee. They've circled me, and I'm being shot with something they call tazers."
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Kitsune, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, grazes his left hand.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel says "I will humor them for a bit more."
"He's not touchin' either of us right now." Lenny tells Cara as they taser the living shit out of Castiel. The kryptonite of any big bad.
Cara launches a stab at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny shoots Castiel with a taser.
Cara says "Kitsune still has the objective."
Lenny says "Now hold a moment then prepare a taser dart next. Keep him royally pinned like this."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Cara says "Already used it."
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Kitsune, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, grazes his right arm.
Cara shoots Castiel with a tranq dart.
Cara launches a stab at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny says "Did you use your dart, and your close range jab?"
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Novel! The ice strikes the log he's taking cover behind.
Cara says "Yes. "
Castiel leaps into the fray at Lenny and all that surrounds them, throwing ahead a flurry of slashes in a wide-range which is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Castiel makes a supernatural leap to sapling.
Lenny says "Fuck how can he still move so far."
William fires off a shot at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) which misses him.
Cara says "At least he's not in our faces."
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, grazes his right arm.
Lenny says "Aoe that sapling"
Cara says "On it."
Castiel says "It seems they have a certain tactic."
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses sapling and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Castiel says "It is annoying."
William seems to focus for a moment as his shadow detaches, walking away from William as if to deliver a message. Moments later it appears back in place.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips,
Lenny says "Step out just enough to frag him out of there"
Cara launches a grenade at sapling.
Cara says "Therrre we go."
Cara says "Frago out."
Kitsune charges toward William.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) playfully nips at William, trying to find a weakness in his defense. Their jaws snap and is dodged by him.
William swings his weapon at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Cara says "We NEED to knock the kitsune off the point."
Lenny says "Ah I just want to fuck this guy to be honest."
Castiel charges toward log.
Cara charges toward depression.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt,
Lenny says "Keep up the Aoe."
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses sapling and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Lenny charges toward sapling.
A great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes launches a slashing rake attack at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) with her claws which is dodged by him.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) savagely bites at William, trying to rip out his throat! Their jaws snap shut like a steel trap and ineffectually wounds his stomach.
William swings his weapon at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Castiel charges toward log.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Castiel, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips,
Cara says "Well the good news is nobody is on the objective right now. Castiel is seriously hard to pin down though."
William charges toward Cara.
A great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes launches a slashing rake attack at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) with her claws which is dodged by him.
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) and the area around him down with bullets
Lenny says "He's way out there now"
Novel charges toward brush.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) launches a slashing rake attack at William with his claws which is dodged by him.
Lenny charges toward depression.
William swings his weapon at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Cara says "Think we did well just to repel them."
Castiel charges toward log.
Lenny says "If they come at us together its over."
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it misses him.
Cara says "Trying to hose down the kitsune."
Castiel says "Kitsune? How are you holding up?"
William charges toward Lenny.
Cara says "Might drop a grenade there."
A great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes launches a slashing rake attack at Kitsune with her claws which is dodged by him.
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses brush and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Kitsune says "Perfectly fine."
Novel charges toward Kitsune.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at William in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade ineffectually wounds his chest.
Cara launches a tear gas grenade at Kitsune.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it misses him.
Castiel says "I need a small breather from engaging with the Templars."
A great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes launches a slashing rake attack at Kitsune with her claws which is dodged by him.
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses brush and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Novel charges toward Kitsune.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at Novel in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
Cara charges toward depression.
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards William, grazes his right hand.
William fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it strikes the brush he's taking cover behind.
Novel says "Fucking tear gas."
Kitsune runs towards the objective.
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses brush and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
"I definitely need a rifle so I can pop nades out there. If we would've hit him with a neutralizer the moment he left cover but before he got out of range. He'd not have had the speed." Lenny mentions to Cara. Doing an after action report before the battle is actually over.
Cara says "Going to lay off the brush now the kitsune is out of it."
Castiel makes a supernatural leap to brush.
Kitsune charges toward tree.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it misses him.
Cara says "Annnd now Castiel is there. Neutralize?"
Lenny says "Yes "
Castiel says "We should group up to handle them quicker."
Kitsune says "I had to get out of the gas. Coming back shortly."
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at a great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes, it misses her.
Cara says "Gottem "
Cara charges toward depression.
Lenny says "Who's the owl?"
Cara says "Not a clue."
Novel charges toward sapling.
Cara says "Anarchs. "
Cara says "Novel's side."
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses brush and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Kitsune runs towards the objective.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Lenny says "Take out the brush and it'll force them off."
Castiel says "They're hiding behind the depression."
Castiel notches a massive arrow and levels his bow at depression, with a loud release the air crackles upon an impact that damages it.
Cara says "I can frag again."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Novel charges toward sapling.
Lenny says "Good idea."
Cara fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Kitsune charges toward depression.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Cara says "Or not."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes! The ice misses her.
a great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Cara says "Shit. Outta frags."
Lenny says "I'll hand you one"
Lenny swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off his armor.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Novel draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Cara fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Kitsune charges toward depression.
Cara says "Sure. Pop it in my pouch. Kitsune inbound"
Castiel says "They will not move far from one another, I cannot find an opportunity to close in properly when they'll 'taser' me repeatedly."
Lenny fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which misses her.
Novel whips out a glass bolt filled with yellow gas and fires it at brush, which bursts open upon landing, damages it.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Cara charges toward depression.
Cara fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Castiel says "What's your target? I will meet you there."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Lenny fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which misses her.
Novel whips out a glass bolt filled with yellow gas and fires it at brush, which bursts open upon landing, damages it.
Kitsune charges toward brush.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Kitsune, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt,
Kitsune says "I gave them the gift of Host soldiers."
Lenny fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Castiel notches a massive arrow and levels his bow at Cara, with a loud release the air crackles upon an impact that misses her.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it deflects off her set of pure white battle armor.
Cara fires off a shot at sapling which damages it.
Castiel says "Shall we destroy their depression while we wait?"
brush fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Kitsune, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, misses him.
Lenny says "Shoot the brush, not the sapling"
Cara says "Seems I can't frag yet."
Lenny swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Cara charges toward depression.
Lenny says "Oh its gone eh?"
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Cara says "Yep. "
Novel charges toward Kitsune.
Cara fires off a shot at Castiel which misses him.
Castiel says "Or better yet, let's take it."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Kitsune, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, misses him.
Cara says "Yep. They're out in the open now."
Kitsune says "Ideally, they will fall before then."
Lenny swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
Castiel says "They're focusing on me, all of them."
Lenny says "Give em a tickle"
Castiel charges toward depression.
Kitsune says "Our cover is gone."
Lenny shoots Castiel with a tranq dart.
Castiel says "I'll move in the depression."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Cara prepares a landmine.
Cara charges toward depression.
Cara says "Landmine down"
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Castiel, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, misses him.
Lenny says "Well fuck"
Cara says "Fucks sake."
Lenny levels his pistol at the head of Castiel and squeezes the trigger to try and land a deadly blow grazes his right hand.
Cara says "Got a bola?"
Lenny says "Nope "
Castiel charges toward depression.
Kitsune charges toward Novel.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) playfully nips at Novel, trying to find a weakness in his defense. Their jaws snap and is dodged by him.
an off duty templar with an extendable baton fades out of the nightmare.
Lenny says "You could taser gun him right there"
Cara fires off a shot at Castiel which misses him.
Castiel says "I could use you at the depression."
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), is parried by his an ornate katana.
Lenny fires off a shot at Castiel which grazes his left leg.
Novel runs towards the objective.
Castiel charges toward depression.
Castiel swings his weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Kitsune charges toward Novel.
Lenny disarms Castiel.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) savagely bites at Novel, trying to rip out his throat! Their jaws snap shut like a steel trap and ineffectually wounds his left leg.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Cara says "Nice "
Cara launches a stab at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel says "Have you not learned that I have no need of weaponry?"
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) lets out some yip-like barks toward Castiel, but is currently focused on running down Novel.
Lenny says "THe host are on me too. Kinda fuckin' sucks"
Novel sweeps his blade in front of him in a flurry at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), a feint, creating space as he moves to a better position, is parried by his an ornate katana.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Novel trips Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter).
Novel runs towards the objective.
Castiel throws a punch at Lenny, it is blocked by him.
Cara jabs Castiel with a taser.
Castiel starts to radiate heat.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it misses him.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) launches a slashing rake attack at Novel with his claws which is dodged by him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it deflects off his shield.
Cara says "Taser in. You next."
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), is parried by his an ornate katana.
Novel runs towards the objective.
Kitsune charges toward Novel.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his chest.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) launches a slashing rake attack at Novel with his claws which ineffectually wounds his chest.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it deflects off his shield.
Cara launches a stab at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny jabs Castiel with a taser.
Novel twists Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) around to be a bodyshield.
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it impacts against his armor.
Castiel says "Kitsune? "
Castiel swings his weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Kitsune charges toward depression.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) playfully nips at Lenny, trying to find a weakness in his defense. Their jaws snap and impacts against his armor.
Cara says "Fuck. "
Lenny says "Whelp, asshole number two is here."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it impacts against his worn kevlar vest.
Novel fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it mildly wounds his left shoulder.
Lenny is picked up by an invisible force..
Castiel says "Throw it, I dare you."
Lenny says "Was fun while it lasted."
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel presses the attack, delivers a strike equal parts savage and elegant towards Lenny which ineffectually wounds his forehead.
Lenny fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel says "No grenade."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
Castiel says "I took him out."
Kitsune charges toward Cara.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) playfully nips at Cara, trying to find a weakness in her defense. Their jaws snap and is dodged by her.
Cara throws a grenade at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter).
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
Castiel says "The soldier is handled as well, I will join with you and give chase after I catch my breath."
Kitsune runs towards the objective.
Kitsune says "Back to work securing."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
Castiel says "I will handle them, then."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Cara! The ice misses her.
Cara charges toward depression.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is pulled towards Castiel by an invisible force.
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses depression and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Cara! The ice strikes her armor with bruising force.
Cara fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune says "Host closing in."
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off her armor.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel says "I'm dealing with a few of my own."
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade is parried by her.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune says "Is the white one down?"
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel says "It appears the destined got to her while she was trying to flee from me."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off her armor.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune says "Securing now. They are retreating."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off her armor.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel says "I've handled the ones on my end, I will join you."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Kitsune says "They are shooting at me ineffectually."
Castiel makes a supernatural leap to a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Castiel leaps into the fray at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry and all that surrounds them, throwing ahead a flurry of slashes in a wide-range which is parried by her.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel says "I'm on them."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel says "Their attention is on me, carry on at your leisure."
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel leaps into the fray at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry and all that surrounds them, throwing ahead a flurry of slashes in a wide-range which strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel leaps into the fray at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry and all that surrounds them, throwing ahead a flurry of slashes in a wide-range which deflects off her armor.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel leaps into the fray at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry and all that surrounds them, throwing ahead a flurry of slashes in a wide-range which strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Kitsune, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it ineffectually wounds his stomach.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel says "More of them, how great."
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel moves protectively towards Kitsune.
Castiel says "I will protect you until you finish."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is picked up by an invisible force..
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
Castiel notches a massive arrow and levels his bow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, with a loud release the air crackles upon an impact that sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
The Lawful Extremists Alliance has proved victorious.
The conflict saw numerous close calls and tactical exchanges, with Kitsune nearly being bested at several turns, only for Castiel to step in protectively, ensuring that Kitsune could complete the crucial task of securing the ranger station. Despite the relentless onslaught from the Destined Host soldiers, who were adept with sigil-etched weaponry, Castiel and Kitsune deftly parried and counter-attacked, demonstrating both their combat prowess and their resilience against the odds. Through a combination of Kitsune's agile maneuvers and Castiel's formidable defense, they managed to fend off their persistent attackers. Ultimately, after an intense struggle, marked by moments of peril and strategic brilliance, the Lawful Extremists Alliance triumphed, securing the ranger station and asserting their dominance over the supernatural domain of Yellowstone, casting the park's fate into a new light under their control.
At Fri Jan 31 2025, in a forest near Lauriea
Mission: Get to the designated site and continue securing the ranger station until the process is complete.
The pristine wilderness of Yellowstone National Park has become the backdrop for a supernatural war. Central to the conflict is a critical ranger station, equipped with high-end communication systems that control the flow of information and coordinate events over the vast, rugged terrain. With an increased presence of rival factions, a race has begun to secure the strategic point. The victor seizes control over the park's fate, influencing the balance and dynamic of the supernatural world.
Yellowstone National Park
It is afternoon, about 40F(4C) degrees, and there are a few grey clouds in the sky.
Kitsune charges toward tree.
Lenny reaches up to touch his ear and shout some angry sounding commands before Cara looks back at the target ahead of him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
William charges toward brush.
Cara says "Not much cover."
Cara presses a finger to her radio and calls for re-enforcement.
William fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Lenny says "We can go for the depression"
Lenny charges toward depression.
Cara charges toward depression.
Cara says "Everyone will be going there."
Lenny says "And we will win it."
Cara says "Fuckit let's go."
Lenny says "Vox isn't here, its just a couple nobodies."
Kitsune charges toward tree.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
William charges toward brush.
Cara says "There's kitsune."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear! The ice misses him.
Lenny says "Nevermind..yeah, fuck that guy"
William fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Lenny charges toward depression.
Cara charges toward Lenny.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at William, it misses him.
William charges toward brush.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear! The ice impacts against his armor.
a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel charges toward tree.
William fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, misses him.
Lenny charges toward depression.
Novel charges toward brush.
Cara charges toward depression.
Novel thumps on over into cover with William, remarking in aside, "Lenny and Temple on one end and Castiel and Kitsune on the other."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Novel, it is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
William charges toward brush.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear! The ice sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
William fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, is parried by him.
Lenny says "I think if we have time, that rock should go"
Cara charges toward depression.
Cara says "Kitsune has the position north of the objective. He'll likely wait for us to fight it out then assault his position."
William seems to be rushing for cover again, tilting his head at Novel "Can we really do much against Castiel and Kitsune?"
Novel says "I can poison them and be fucking annoying and hope for the bst."
Castiel says "You're out of cover."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at William, it ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Novel, it is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
Castiel charges toward tree.
William swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by him.
Novel sweeps his blade in front of him in a flurry at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, a feint, creating space as he moves to a better position, deflects off his armor.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear! The ice impacts against his armor.
a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fades out of the nightmare.
Cara charges toward rock.
Cara says "Think the rock is a long shot, but fuckit."
"If Novel has a brain he'll not shoot our way then and make us hand this over to the big asshole with wings over there." Lenny says, all too loudly to make sure the other cover hears them.
Lenny says "No I meant blow up the rok"
Lenny says "Stay here"
Cara says "Gottit. "
Cara says "Misunderstood. "
Novel chuckles.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at William, it impacts against his armor.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Novel, it is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
Cara fires off a shot at rock which damages it.
William swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off his armor.
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Cara charges toward depression.
Kitsune runs towards the objective.
Cara says "Castiel'n Kitsune. They on the same side?"
Castiel says "Kitsune? "
Kitsune says "Yes? "
Lenny says "They are both Vox yes."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Novel, it is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
Castiel says "Battle-plan? "
William swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off his armor.
Kitsune says "Keep them off me."
Novel sweeps his blade in front of him in a flurry at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, a feint, creating space as he moves to a better position, strikes his armor with bruising force.
Lenny says "You take one hit from them and you wont make it back to cover. Get over here."
Cara says "They're capturing the point."
Kitsune runs towards the objective.
Castiel says "Are you going to charge the target?"
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Lenny says "Ah shit"
Kitsune says "Securing the station now."
Kitsune says "But I am in range."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Novel, it is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
Cara runs towards the objective.
William swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Cara fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Castiel says "They're busy with the destiend soldiers for now."
Lenny moves protectively towards Cara.
Kitsune says "The white one is shooting at me."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward brush, and they explode which damages it.
Cara says "Novel'n bill are preoccupied over in the brush. We need to knock them off the point."
William huffs, looking around after swinging his blade at the soldier and having him vanish from view, telling Novel "Alright need a second to fix the armor, but I should be good..."
Cara fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Castiel moves protectively towards Cara.
Lenny fires off a shot at Castiel which grazes his left arm.
Cara says "Damn Castiel is fast."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward brush, and they explode which damages it.
Novel charges toward depression.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Castiel, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, grazes his right leg.
Cara charges toward depression.
Castiel charges toward Lenny.
Castiel swings his weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Lenny disarms Castiel.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny charges toward depression.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward brush, and they explode which damages it.
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Lenny says "Drop Castiel"
A templar strike force jarhead fires off a shot at Castiel which misses him.
Cara fires off a shot at Castiel which misses him.
Castiel charges toward depression.
Cara says "Landmine? Fuck. Too late."
Lenny is pulled towards Castiel by an invisible force.
Castiel swings his weapon at Lenny, it completely misses him.
Cara jabs Castiel with a taser.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward brush, and they explode which damages it.
Castiel says "It seems I've mistaken my ally for you."
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Castiel says "You two should dress differently."
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward brush, and they explode which damages it.
Cara says "Pardon the inconvenience sire."
Lenny says "Ah, hes' got a mask lets not waste that.."
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny jabs Castiel with a taser.
Cara launches a stab at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny says "We'll stagger our tasers and let our boys take him down for a bit."
Castiel starts to radiate heat.
Cara says "We'll need to backoff soon"
Cara shoots Castiel with a taser.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a templar strike force jarhead! The ice misses him.
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Lenny says "That wasn't a good staggerin' he was already reeling from mine."
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune says "How are you holding up? I am fine."
Cara says "Want to backoff? I wouldn't mind backing off."
Lenny says "No fuck no."
Lenny says "Take this guy down!"
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Novel charges toward log.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a templar strike force jarhead! The ice misses him.
A templar strike force jarhead fades out of the nightmare.
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Castiel says "I'm engaged with all of them in melee. They've circled me, and I'm being shot with something they call tazers."
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Kitsune, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, grazes his left hand.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel says "I will humor them for a bit more."
"He's not touchin' either of us right now." Lenny tells Cara as they taser the living shit out of Castiel. The kryptonite of any big bad.
Cara launches a stab at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny shoots Castiel with a taser.
Cara says "Kitsune still has the objective."
Lenny says "Now hold a moment then prepare a taser dart next. Keep him royally pinned like this."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
William fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Cara says "Already used it."
An off duty templar with an extendable baton swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Kitsune, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, grazes his right arm.
Cara shoots Castiel with a tranq dart.
Cara launches a stab at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny says "Did you use your dart, and your close range jab?"
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Novel! The ice strikes the log he's taking cover behind.
Cara says "Yes. "
Castiel leaps into the fray at Lenny and all that surrounds them, throwing ahead a flurry of slashes in a wide-range which is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Castiel makes a supernatural leap to sapling.
Lenny says "Fuck how can he still move so far."
William fires off a shot at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) which misses him.
Cara says "At least he's not in our faces."
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, grazes his right arm.
Lenny says "Aoe that sapling"
Cara says "On it."
Castiel says "It seems they have a certain tactic."
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses sapling and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Castiel says "It is annoying."
William seems to focus for a moment as his shadow detaches, walking away from William as if to deliver a message. Moments later it appears back in place.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips,
Lenny says "Step out just enough to frag him out of there"
Cara launches a grenade at sapling.
Cara says "Therrre we go."
Cara says "Frago out."
Kitsune charges toward William.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) playfully nips at William, trying to find a weakness in his defense. Their jaws snap and is dodged by him.
William swings his weapon at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Cara says "We NEED to knock the kitsune off the point."
Lenny says "Ah I just want to fuck this guy to be honest."
Castiel charges toward log.
Cara charges toward depression.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt,
Lenny says "Keep up the Aoe."
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses sapling and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Lenny charges toward sapling.
A great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes launches a slashing rake attack at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) with her claws which is dodged by him.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) savagely bites at William, trying to rip out his throat! Their jaws snap shut like a steel trap and ineffectually wounds his stomach.
William swings his weapon at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Castiel charges toward log.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Castiel, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips,
Cara says "Well the good news is nobody is on the objective right now. Castiel is seriously hard to pin down though."
William charges toward Cara.
A great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes launches a slashing rake attack at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) with her claws which is dodged by him.
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) and the area around him down with bullets
Lenny says "He's way out there now"
Novel charges toward brush.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) launches a slashing rake attack at William with his claws which is dodged by him.
Lenny charges toward depression.
William swings his weapon at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Cara says "Think we did well just to repel them."
Castiel charges toward log.
Lenny says "If they come at us together its over."
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it misses him.
Cara says "Trying to hose down the kitsune."
Castiel says "Kitsune? How are you holding up?"
William charges toward Lenny.
Cara says "Might drop a grenade there."
A great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes launches a slashing rake attack at Kitsune with her claws which is dodged by him.
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses brush and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Kitsune says "Perfectly fine."
Novel charges toward Kitsune.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at William in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade ineffectually wounds his chest.
Cara launches a tear gas grenade at Kitsune.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it misses him.
Castiel says "I need a small breather from engaging with the Templars."
A great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes launches a slashing rake attack at Kitsune with her claws which is dodged by him.
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses brush and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Novel charges toward Kitsune.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at Novel in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade is parried by his blackened, curved blade of fused and polished scrap.
Cara charges toward depression.
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards William, grazes his right hand.
William fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it strikes the brush he's taking cover behind.
Novel says "Fucking tear gas."
Kitsune runs towards the objective.
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses brush and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
"I definitely need a rifle so I can pop nades out there. If we would've hit him with a neutralizer the moment he left cover but before he got out of range. He'd not have had the speed." Lenny mentions to Cara. Doing an after action report before the battle is actually over.
Cara says "Going to lay off the brush now the kitsune is out of it."
Castiel makes a supernatural leap to brush.
Kitsune charges toward tree.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it misses him.
Cara says "Annnd now Castiel is there. Neutralize?"
Lenny says "Yes "
Castiel says "We should group up to handle them quicker."
Kitsune says "I had to get out of the gas. Coming back shortly."
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at a great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes, it misses her.
Cara says "Gottem "
Cara charges toward depression.
Lenny says "Who's the owl?"
Cara says "Not a clue."
Novel charges toward sapling.
Cara says "Anarchs. "
Cara says "Novel's side."
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses brush and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Kitsune runs towards the objective.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Lenny says "Take out the brush and it'll force them off."
Castiel says "They're hiding behind the depression."
Castiel notches a massive arrow and levels his bow at depression, with a loud release the air crackles upon an impact that damages it.
Cara says "I can frag again."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Novel charges toward sapling.
Lenny says "Good idea."
Cara fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Kitsune charges toward depression.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Cara says "Or not."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes! The ice misses her.
a great horned owl with brown and grey feathers, and ghastly cyan eyes fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Cara says "Shit. Outta frags."
Lenny says "I'll hand you one"
Lenny swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off his armor.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Novel draws and quickly fires an arrow at brush, it damages it.
Cara fires off a shot at brush which damages it.
Kitsune charges toward depression.
Cara says "Sure. Pop it in my pouch. Kitsune inbound"
Castiel says "They will not move far from one another, I cannot find an opportunity to close in properly when they'll 'taser' me repeatedly."
Lenny fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which misses her.
Novel whips out a glass bolt filled with yellow gas and fires it at brush, which bursts open upon landing, damages it.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Cara charges toward depression.
Cara fires off a shot at Kitsune which misses him.
Castiel says "What's your target? I will meet you there."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Lenny fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which misses her.
Novel whips out a glass bolt filled with yellow gas and fires it at brush, which bursts open upon landing, damages it.
Kitsune charges toward brush.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Kitsune, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt,
Kitsune says "I gave them the gift of Host soldiers."
Lenny fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Castiel notches a massive arrow and levels his bow at Cara, with a loud release the air crackles upon an impact that misses her.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it deflects off her set of pure white battle armor.
Cara fires off a shot at sapling which damages it.
Castiel says "Shall we destroy their depression while we wait?"
brush fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Kitsune, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, misses him.
Lenny says "Shoot the brush, not the sapling"
Cara says "Seems I can't frag yet."
Lenny swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Cara charges toward depression.
Lenny says "Oh its gone eh?"
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Cara says "Yep. "
Novel charges toward Kitsune.
Cara fires off a shot at Castiel which misses him.
Castiel says "Or better yet, let's take it."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Kitsune, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, misses him.
Cara says "Yep. They're out in the open now."
Kitsune says "Ideally, they will fall before then."
Lenny swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
Castiel says "They're focusing on me, all of them."
Lenny says "Give em a tickle"
Castiel charges toward depression.
Kitsune says "Our cover is gone."
Lenny shoots Castiel with a tranq dart.
Castiel says "I'll move in the depression."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Cara prepares a landmine.
Cara charges toward depression.
Cara says "Landmine down"
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Castiel, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, misses him.
Lenny says "Well fuck"
Cara says "Fucks sake."
Lenny levels his pistol at the head of Castiel and squeezes the trigger to try and land a deadly blow grazes his right hand.
Cara says "Got a bola?"
Lenny says "Nope "
Castiel charges toward depression.
Kitsune charges toward Novel.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) playfully nips at Novel, trying to find a weakness in his defense. Their jaws snap and is dodged by him.
an off duty templar with an extendable baton fades out of the nightmare.
Lenny says "You could taser gun him right there"
Cara fires off a shot at Castiel which misses him.
Castiel says "I could use you at the depression."
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), is parried by his an ornate katana.
Lenny fires off a shot at Castiel which grazes his left leg.
Novel runs towards the objective.
Castiel charges toward depression.
Castiel swings his weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Kitsune charges toward Novel.
Lenny disarms Castiel.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) savagely bites at Novel, trying to rip out his throat! Their jaws snap shut like a steel trap and ineffectually wounds his left leg.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Cara says "Nice "
Cara launches a stab at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel says "Have you not learned that I have no need of weaponry?"
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) lets out some yip-like barks toward Castiel, but is currently focused on running down Novel.
Lenny says "THe host are on me too. Kinda fuckin' sucks"
Novel sweeps his blade in front of him in a flurry at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), a feint, creating space as he moves to a better position, is parried by his an ornate katana.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Novel trips Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter).
Novel runs towards the objective.
Castiel throws a punch at Lenny, it is blocked by him.
Cara jabs Castiel with a taser.
Castiel starts to radiate heat.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it misses him.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) launches a slashing rake attack at Novel with his claws which is dodged by him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it deflects off his shield.
Cara says "Taser in. You next."
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), is parried by his an ornate katana.
Novel runs towards the objective.
Kitsune charges toward Novel.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his chest.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) launches a slashing rake attack at Novel with his claws which ineffectually wounds his chest.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it deflects off his shield.
Cara launches a stab at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Lenny jabs Castiel with a taser.
Novel twists Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) around to be a bodyshield.
Novel opts to grasp his blade in both hands and draws back before shoving forwards with an abrupt, brutal thrust towards Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter), is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it impacts against his armor.
Castiel says "Kitsune? "
Castiel swings his weapon at Lenny, it is parried by his a rusty machete used as a sword.
Kitsune charges toward depression.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) playfully nips at Lenny, trying to find a weakness in his defense. Their jaws snap and impacts against his armor.
Cara says "Fuck. "
Lenny says "Whelp, asshole number two is here."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Lenny, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it impacts against his worn kevlar vest.
Novel fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it mildly wounds his left shoulder.
Lenny is picked up by an invisible force..
Castiel says "Throw it, I dare you."
Lenny says "Was fun while it lasted."
Lenny swings his weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel presses the attack, delivers a strike equal parts savage and elegant towards Lenny which ineffectually wounds his forehead.
Lenny fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel says "No grenade."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
Castiel says "I took him out."
Kitsune charges toward Cara.
Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter) playfully nips at Cara, trying to find a weakness in her defense. Their jaws snap and is dodged by her.
Cara throws a grenade at Kitsune(vulpes lagopus fallaciter).
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
Castiel says "The soldier is handled as well, I will join with you and give chase after I catch my breath."
Kitsune runs towards the objective.
Kitsune says "Back to work securing."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Cara, it misses her.
Castiel says "I will handle them, then."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Cara! The ice misses her.
Cara charges toward depression.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is pulled towards Castiel by an invisible force.
With her weapon set to fully automatic Cara hoses depression and the area around it down with bullets damages it.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Cara! The ice strikes her armor with bruising force.
Cara fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune says "Host closing in."
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off her armor.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel says "I'm dealing with a few of my own."
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade is parried by her.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune says "Is the white one down?"
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel says "It appears the destined got to her while she was trying to flee from me."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off her armor.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune says "Securing now. They are retreating."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it deflects off her armor.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel says "I've handled the ones on my end, I will join you."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Kitsune says "They are shooting at me ineffectually."
Castiel makes a supernatural leap to a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Castiel leaps into the fray at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry and all that surrounds them, throwing ahead a flurry of slashes in a wide-range which is parried by her.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel says "I'm on them."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel says "Their attention is on me, carry on at your leisure."
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel leaps into the fray at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry and all that surrounds them, throwing ahead a flurry of slashes in a wide-range which strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel leaps into the fray at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry and all that surrounds them, throwing ahead a flurry of slashes in a wide-range which deflects off her armor.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel leaps into the fray at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry and all that surrounds them, throwing ahead a flurry of slashes in a wide-range which strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings his weapon at Kitsune, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it ineffectually wounds his stomach.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry swings her weapon at Castiel, it is parried by his curved kopis sword.
Castiel says "More of them, how great."
Castiel swings his weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
Castiel moves protectively towards Kitsune.
Castiel says "I will protect you until you finish."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
Kitsune continues securing the ranger station.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is picked up by an invisible force..
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
Castiel notches a massive arrow and levels his bow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, with a loud release the air crackles upon an impact that sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
The Lawful Extremists Alliance has proved victorious.