\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Destined Hosts Operation In Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 240508

The Destined Hosts Operation In Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 240508

In the murky twilight of a rain-soaked evening near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, a tense mission unfolds by a secluded lake. Amid the whispering pines and the soft patter of rain, Harriet, an unyielding sniper, continuously fires her rifle at the landscape, methodically dismantling cover to expose her adversaries. The fierce Selina, finding herself repeatedly landing in the icy embrace of the lake, teams up with the strategic Meridith, as they navigate the treacherous terrains under the ever-watchful moon. As the Destined Host soldiers materialize with their sigil-etched weaponry, the night is set ablaze with the exchange of cold beams and heavy bullets, alongside the sheer willpower of the warriors fighting for control.

The centerpiece of their struggle quickly becomes a solitary sapling, a symbol of cover and tactical advantage in this vast, open waterlogged battlefield. Harriet, ruthless in her pursuit, focuses on obliterating this piece of land, while Selina and Meridith, with their backs against the odds, weave together spells and arrows, their synergy peeling away at their foes with surgical precision. The climax of their endeavor is a furious exchange of power and grit, with Selina unleashing her chilling spells and Meridith parrying death with the grace of her rapier. As the final moments draw near, a plan is hatched to make a desperate push for extraction, with Selina and Meridith coordinating their movements flawlessly against Harriet's relentless assault. The mission concludes with the Balanced Alliance emerging victorious, a testament to the unyielding spirit and camaraderie of Selina and Meridith, who, against all odds, secure their objective and retreat into the sheltering night.
At Tue May 7 2024, in a lake near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Mission: Intercept and bring it back to the extraction point.

in a lake near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
It is night, about 46F(7C) degrees, and the sky is covered by dark grey clouds. It's raining. There is a waning crescent moon.

Harriet charges toward log.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Selina lands in water again for the second time today and sighs. "All the cover is on the east side," she laments from behind her mask, shaking her head slowly.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Meridith charges toward Selina.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Meridith nods to Selina. "We should rush south east, the dock, the rest is water, Harry can't approach us easily."

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Selina which sends up a spray of water near her feet.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Selina continues sprinting mostly south toward rock and says, "Trying to reach some cover first." And then she is being shot at. She starts returning fire with beams of cold.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and misses him.

Selina charges toward rock.
Harriet charges toward log.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Selina which sends up a spray of water near her feet.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

A nearby object suddenly flings itself into a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Selina charges toward rock.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Selina which sends up a spray of water near her feet.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Selina which sends up a spray of water near her feet.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith has .

Meridith charges toward rock.
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and misses him.

Selina charges toward rock.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Selina which misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

tree fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry misses him.

Meridith charges toward rock.
Meridith nods to Selina, and fires off a deft arrow to their quarry. She races along as best she can within the shallow water

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and strikes the rock he's taking cover behind.

Selina charges toward rock.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Selina which sends up a spray of water near her feet.

Harriet charges toward sapling.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Meridith charges toward rock.
Selina charges toward rock.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

Selina swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by him.

Meridith ceases fire once the man closes behind the rock and lifts into the air abruptly for a moment.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Meridith makes a supernatural leap to rock.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

Selina swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by him.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Meridith charges toward rock.
Meridith swings hard at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry strikes his armor with bruising force.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith has .

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Meridith slams her blade down devastatingly against the a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. Seizing the object and pivoting

Meridith fires a ranging shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry sparks off the ground near her feet.

Selina dives behind cover to start dueling with the host soldier. She keeps an eye to the northeast, noting that Harry has taken out the rest of the cover. "She has made it so she thinks we have to come at her to get the extraction," she points out, leaning back against the rock to catch her breath until the next wave already shows up.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. A chilly ray blasts out toward her and misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry misses her.

Harriet takes aim and keeps firing off at the little tree.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry strikes her armor with bruising force.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Selina swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it strikes her armor with bruising force.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Meridith says "Taking the sapling down is wise."
Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at sapling damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Harriet purses her lips as she focuses on taking out the sapling, riddling it with bullets.

"It is, but she would be better served using it to pick us off from it," Selina points out to Meridith, but then moves out to start freezing the poor sapling

Selina charges toward sapling.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at sapling damages it.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at sapling. A chilly ray blasts out toward it and damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at sapling. A chilly ray blasts out toward it and damages it.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at sapling damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Selina charges toward sapling.
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at sapling. A chilly ray blasts out toward it and damages it.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at sapling damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Meridith nods to Selina. "We'll hang out by the rocks, then, close to time after a wave, we'll take them down and make for extraction, work for you?" she poses.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at sapling. A chilly ray blasts out toward it and

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at sapling damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sapling, and damages it.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at sapling damages it.

sapling fades out of the nightmare.
Selina works around till she gets the sapling at the right spot to freeze it best, then unloads on it. "Sounds good," she replies from behind he rmask.

Meridith charges back toward cover and stretches out some.

Harriet charges toward log.
Selina charges toward rock.
"Do we know anything about this region that might be related to dragons?" Selina asks Meridith regarding the location they are fighting in, ducking back into cover then turning to look toward the others for the next wave.

Meridith humms. "Mongolia? Not I,' she gestures some."

Meridith says "Before we leave, step on to the solid land, then use that to sprint to the extraction."
Harriet charges toward rock.
"Harry's coming," Selina says, motioning to the northeast.

Meridith says "She's moving...south west? To get in range of extraction?"
Harriet charges toward log.
Meridith says "If she gets in range I'll yank her close and we'll both let her have it."
Selina says "She backed up... I do not like her bullets. Almost as bad as Carmine's."
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Meridith nods to Selina as the men charge out. She pivots and fires off a warning shot, then pulls her blade out, grinning.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Selina swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by him.

Meridith swings hard at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry impacts against his armor.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith says "And...DIE! "
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Selina swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.

Meridith swings hard at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is parried by her.

Selina says "Harry is staying back at least."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Meridith cuts the one down in a solid blow and pivots to the remaining, parrying the strike and delivering a testing one before bringing up her blade. "And another!" she happily declares.

Selina swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith says "Aw! Good woooork-"
Meridith pouts some at Selina

"What? Why are you pouting at me?" Selina asks as she flicks her blade then stows it back at her hip.

Meridith says "I wanted to kill 'em!"
Selina crouches down behind the rock for a moment and looks over the field. "When the timer reaches three minutes, you bolt for the northwest point. I'll charge toward Harry and hopefully distract her from you," she says with a small nod.

Meridith says "Better you keep with me. I'll be slow and could use the protector, but, I think it's fine. If you wanna go that route"
Meridith nods to Selina gently and brushes herself off.

Selina says "Alright. I can go with you. But Harry can shoot me out of here in just a few bullets."
Meridith says "Not if I can keep her away."
Selina says "Very well. I trust your abilities."
Selina says "I can also slow her down."
Meridith nods to Selina. "Whichever way you think is best, I think we've got this."

Selina says "You push, I freeze, we both run, and hopefully she can't keep up."
Meridith humms a moment then explains "She isn't like me, she doesn't take on fights she doesn't believe she can win."

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. A chilly ray blasts out toward her and sparks off the ground near her feet.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry sparks off the ground near her feet.

Meridith says "She's moving"
Selina says "It is her best shot."
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. A chilly ray blasts out toward her and sparks off the ground near her feet.

Meridith says "Ignore her for now, I think"
Meridith fires a ranging shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry impacts against her armor.

Selina says "She will try to take out our cover."
Harriet scowls over the sheer amount of water she's surrounded by, and after doggy paddling with her weapons, she swims back to the log.

Selina says "She retreated."
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. A chilly ray blasts out toward her and strikes her armor with bruising force.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry strikes her armor with bruising force.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith nods some.

Meridith says "One down."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Selina swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.

Meridith swings hard at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is parried by her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Selina swings her weapon at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it impacts against her armor.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith swings hard at rock damages it.

Selina says "Catch your breath, then we move."
Meridith nods. "A moment then we go."

Selina swings her weapon at rock, it damages it.

Meridith says "I think it'll take about a minute and a half to make it there."
Meridith sharpens her blade on the rock and shifts readying herself to move.

Selina swings her weapon at rock, it damages it.

Selina moves protectively towards Meridith.
Meridith says "Sprint northwest."
Selina says "I think you are optimistic about the distance"
Meridith runs towards the extraction point.
Selina moves protectively towards Meridith.
Meridith says "Urgh, trying again out of water"
Selina moves protectively towards Meridith.
Selina says "The whole place is water. Just move."
Selina moves protectively towards Meridith.
Selina moves protectively towards Meridith.
Meridith says "I think you're pessimistic about the distance, ma'am!"
Selina moves protectively towards Meridith.
Selina tries to keep up with Meridith, but even with her weighed down by the objective, she cannot. She tries to stay close though, keeping an eye out for movement from the enemies or Harry.

Meridith says "Dangit, too early like I suspected..."
Meridith runs towards the extraction point.
Selina moves protectively towards Meridith.
Meridith says "Should be okay"
"Being in position at time is fine," Selina assures Meridith shaking her head as she adopts a protective position.

Meridith runs towards the extraction point.
Selina moves protectively towards Meridith.
Selina says "See? Perfect timing."
Meridith says "The worst case scenario is a wave of foes taking our rock while Harriet moves in...perfect timing actually. I was wrong to doubt you"
Meridith grins

Meridith runs towards the extraction point.
Selina moves protectively towards Meridith.
Ice crystals form on Selina's armor.

Harriet is picked up by an invisible force..

Meridith perhaps unnecessarily lifts someone into the air.

Selina moves protectively towards Meridith.
Meridith perhaps unnecessarily lifts Harriet into the air.

Meridith runs towards the extraction point.
The Balanced Alliance has proved victorious.