\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Golden Shadows Operation In Belfast Ireland 250206

The Golden Shadows Operation In Belfast Ireland 250206

In the chilly dawn of Belfast, amidst the urban whispers and the unsettled mists, Takeshi and Skye found themselves in the thick of a dire mission: to claim and protect a psychic hotspot of immense power. Without weapons or armor, Takeshi expressed his frustration, setting a grim tone for the endeavor. Yet, undeterred by their lack of firepower, they pressed on towards their objective, determination fueling their every step. Their journey was fraught with peril as Golden Shadow mercenaries, equipped with sleek tactical gear, unleashed a barrage of gunfire in their direction. Skye's attempts at retaliation, with arrows whistling through the cold air, were all for naught as their enemies seemed untouchable, their shots narrowly missing their mark.

As the confrontation escalated, Skye's resilience was tested against the mercenaries' relentless assault. Her armor absorbed the brunt of the impact, yet one well-placed shot bruised her with considerable force, signaling the beginning of the end. Takeshi, unarmed and vulnerable, could only charge at their adversaries in a desperate bid to turn the tide. His efforts, however, were met with pity and mockery as the mercenaries easily outmaneuvered him, leaving him wounded and defeated. In a poignant conclusion, both Skye and Takeshi were overtaken by their injuries and the overwhelming might of the Golden Shadow, their silhouettes fading from the nightmare realm. The Golden Shadow's triumph served as a harsh reminder of the stakes involved in claiming power within this treacherous world.
At Wed Feb 5 2025, in the city of Belfast, Ireland

Mission: Get to the designated site and continue claiming and protecting a territory until the process is complete.

In the heart of Belfast lays a psychic hotspot, a place of importance within the nightmare that can shape the fate of the waking world. Its significance has attracted the attention of various factions. The goal of the operation is to claim this territory, shedding the blood, sweat and tears necessary to imprint their will upon it. Once claimed, the territory offers not only strategic advantage but also access to untold power – power enough to change the course of destiny. But claiming the territory is just the first step. It also needs to be protected from other groups who would like to take it for themselves. Success means gaining a stronghold in the waking world, failure means losing ground to rivals.

Belfast, Ireland
It is morning, about 26F(-3C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by dark grey clouds.

Takeshi looks down at himself and lets out annoyed 'tsk' "Still no weapon and no armor. This bullshit."

Skye charges toward corner.
Takeshi says "Where we going?"
Takeshi runs towards the objective.
Skye runs towards the objective.
Takeshi runs towards the objective.
Skye runs towards the objective.
Takeshi runs towards the objective.
Skye runs towards the objective.
Takeshi runs towards the objective.
Skye runs towards the objective.
Takeshi runs towards the objective.
Skye runs towards the objective.
Takeshi runs towards the objective.
Skye runs towards the objective.
Takeshi runs towards the objective.
Skye runs towards the objective.
Takeshi runs towards the objective.
Skye runs towards the objective.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Skye which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Skye which misses her.

Takeshi runs towards the objective.
Skye runs towards the objective.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Skye which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Skye which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Skye which misses her.

Takeshi runs towards the objective.
Skye draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it misses her.

Takeshi says "I have no weapons ..."
Takeshi says "I run over, maybe punch her"
Skye runs towards the objective.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Skye which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Skye which impacts against her armor.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Skye which impacts against her sleek black bodysuit with armored panels.

Takeshi charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Skye draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it misses her.

Skye charges toward sedan.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Skye which strikes her armor with bruising force.

Skye fades out of the nightmare.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Skye which mildly wounds her left shoulder.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Takeshi which misses him.

Takeshi charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Takeshi says "Ah, no armor, not long for this world"
Takeshi says "Sad "
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Takeshi which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Takeshi which ineffectually wounds his right leg.

Takeshi fades out of the nightmare.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Takeshi which mildly wounds his left arm.

The Golden Shadow has proved victorious.