\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Golden Shadows Operation In Brasilia Brazil 240501

The Golden Shadows Operation In Brasilia Brazil 240501

In a tense showdown near Brasilia, Brazil, a team comprising Meridith, Viktorin, Martin, and Harriet find themselves pitted against the formidable Golden Shadow mercenaries within a decrepit warehouse. As storm clouds loom ominously overhead, the team charges into action—Meridith making bold moves towards a workbench while Martin and his crew maneuver towards a vital container. Amid the clatter of gunfire and the whirl of combat, Harriet and Viktorin provide covering fire, battling not only the mercenaries but the hostile environment filled with dangerous machinery. Meridith's agility and sharpshooting, combined with Martin's strategic charges, begin to turn the tide, as Vik finds himself in sync with Harriet's precise rifle shots, damaging the machinery that could offer their enemies cover.

The skirmish intensifies as invisible forces manipulate the battlefield, pulling Martin towards Meridith and launching Golden Shadow mercenaries into the fray. Despite sustaining injuries, the team weaves a dance of death and destruction. Harriet, wielding her heavy warhammer with grace and ferocity, and Viktorin, with his unexpected moonlit prowess, eliminate mercenary after mercenary. Their resilience and strategic destruction of the machinery begin to wear down the enemy's defenses. As Martin continues securing the area, relying heavily on the cover provided by Harriet and the offensive support from Viktorin, they inch closer to victory. Acknowledging that survival hinges on teamwork and acknowledging their vulnerabilities, the team sets aside internal conflicts, focusing solely on their mission amidst the cacophony of battle.

In a climactic push, powered by determination and the critical support of each team member, they ultimately vanquish the last of the Golden Shadow mercenaries, who fade out of existence. Amid the wreckage of the warehouse and the fading threats, Martin's strategic ingenuity, combined with the sheer force of Harriet and Viktorin's counterattacks and Meridith's sharpshooting, secures the area. The Virtuous Extremists Alliance emerges victorious, a testament to their unwavering resolve and the strength found in unity against overwhelming odds. Their success underlines a crucial lesson: acknowledging one's vulnerabilities can be the first step toward monumental achievements, even under the relentless hail of gunfire.
At Tue Apr 30 2024, in a warehouse near Brasilia, Brazil

Mission: Get to the designated site and continue securing the area until the process is complete.

in a warehouse near Brasilia, Brazil
It is afternoon, about 42F(5C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.

Meridith charges toward workbench.
Viktorin whistles a bit, checking himself.

Martin charges toward container.
Viktorin charges toward Martin.
Harriet charges toward Martin.
Meridith charges toward workbench.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Meridith which sparks off the ground near her feet.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear sparks off the ground near her feet.

Martin says "Stick to me, I am making a move for the container."
Martin charges toward container.
Viktorin says "You can't tell me what to do!"
Meridith says "Come you weak little dweebs."
Viktorin charges toward Martin.
Meridith charges toward workbench.
A nearby object suddenly flings itself into a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear sparks off the ground near her feet.

Harriet charges toward Martin.
Martin charges toward container.
Harriet is simply running around, glancing over at Viktorin and smirking some.

Viktorin still obediently jogs along, raising his rifle here and there as he moves.

Viktorin charges toward Martin.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear impacts against her armor.

Harriet charges toward container.
Martin says "I'll go for the point, stay in position."
Martin runs towards the objective.
Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear impacts against her armor.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet gives a nod after Martin, preparing her rifle.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Martin runs towards the objective.
Harriet takes aim and fires off at the various machinery.

Martin says "Good idea to knock down any covers that you can, well thought, Harry!"
Viktorin glances towards Harriet, pewking at them quietly. And then he follows her lead, firing wherever she does.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

Martin runs towards the objective.
Harriet scrunches her nose a bit at Viktorin. "It's good to see you, dear Vik."

Viktorin is peeking, not expelling stuff from his mouth.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

Martin runs towards the objective.
Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it strikes the machinery he's taking cover behind.

Squinting, Viktorin asks Harriet, "Why're you giving me that face?"

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

Martin charges toward container.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Viktorin says "Meridith is in range."
Meridith fires a ranging shot at container damages it.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

Martin charges toward container.
Martin says "I am retreating to cover, take down Meredith and then the merc."
Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Meridith, and misses her.

Viktorin fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

Martin charges toward container.
Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it misses him.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Meridith, and ineffectually wounds her left leg.

Viktorin says "Best destroy her cover... she's gonna skirmish."
Viktorin fires off a shot at Meridith which ineffectually wounds her left leg.

Martin says "If Meridith goes out of your range, take down the merc. And I need a patchup if you could."
Meridith makes a supernatural leap to workbench.
Martin says "We are taking fire from that merc."
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it misses her.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Martin says "He's here!"
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Martin, it is dodged by him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear is picked up by an invisible force..

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Martin, it is dodged by him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

Martin throws a punch at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is blocked by him.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by her.

Viktorin launches a stab at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it impacts against her armor.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Viktorin turns and lunges, thrusting his knife at the mercenary. "Worry not, he's dead."

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear misses her.

Meridith charges toward workbench.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Martin, it is dodged by him.

Viktorin says "Or... we have more."
Martin throws a punch at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it strikes him in the stomach.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear as its platinum surface gleams and impacts against his armor.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Martin says "He's definitely still here.."
Martin says "Not anymore."
Meridith fires a ranging shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear misses her.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Martin says "You are a mindreader, Harry. Thank you."
Martin runs towards the objective.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Harriet offers Martin a nod in return.

Meridith swings hard at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear is parried by her.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at machinery, it damages it.

A nearby object suddenly flings itself into a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Martin runs towards the objective.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Viktorin says "Reinforcements keep arriving fast."
Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Martin runs towards the objective.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at machinery, it damages it.

Harriet expresses to Viktorin, "We have good positioning here, at least."

Meridith swings hard at workbench damages it.

Harriet gives a glance about the area but then focuses on the machinery again.

Martin runs towards the objective.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Martin runs towards the objective.
Martin continues securing the area.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Martin says "On position."
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Viktorin shrugs, "Best we destroy the machinery, really." Then, doing as he preaches, he fires off a round at the machinery. "It's good to see you too, Chief. I've felt alone these days."

Martin continues securing the area.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Martin continues securing the area.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Martin continues securing the area.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Martin continues securing the area.

Martin is pulled towards Meridith by an invisible force.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at Martin misses him.

Meridith charges toward crates.
Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Harriet nods to Viktorin, expressing, "I imagine you have. We talked about charm once upon a time..." She flashes a quick smile.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Meridith waves at Martin, yanking him away from the point and firing off an arrow at him.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at Martin misses him.

Harriet peers at the machinery, impressed by how sturdy and resilient it is

Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it misses her.

Martin retreats from Meridith.
Martin says "I am under fire!"
Harriet charges toward Meridith.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Meridith, and misses her.

Viktorin glances towards Harriet, admitting, "I fear I don't recall."

Martin says "Need a conveniently placed meatwall!"
Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at Martin sparks off the ground near his feet.

Viktorin says "Let's help Martin."
Meridith charges toward crates.
Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it misses her.

Viktorin charges toward Martin.
Viktorin fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

Martin says "Gonna need a patchup stat!"
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which ineffectually wounds his forehead.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Meridith, and misses her.

Harriet charges toward Martin.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at Martin ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.

Martin charges toward Harriet.
Viktorin is bathed in moonlight.

Harriet is pushed away from Meridith by an invisible force.

Meridith charges toward crates.
Viktorin charges toward Martin.
Viktorin fires off a shot at Meridith which ineffectually wounds her right arm.

Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it deflects off her armor.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Meridith, and ineffectually wounds her chest.

Meridith charges toward crates.
Harriet charges toward Martin.
Viktorin fires off a shot at Meridith which deflects off her armor.

Viktorin charges toward Martin.
Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it deflects off her an ancient looking armor set.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which ineffectually wounds his right arm.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which ineffectually wounds his right leg.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at Martin ineffectually wounds his forehead.

Martin says "Gah- that was close- seems that we are gonna need over."
Martin says "Cover- and I am not in a good shape."
Martin is picked up by an invisible force..

Viktorin moves protectively towards Martin.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Meridith, and deflects off her armor.

Meridith fades out of the nightmare.
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which sparks off the ground near his feet.

Martin charges toward container.
Harriet says, "Back to the container."

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which sparks off the ground near his feet.

Harriet charges toward Martin.
Martin charges toward container.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Martin, it ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, and misses him.

Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which misses him.

Harriet charges toward container.
Martin staggers as he gets shot in the leg, "Ow- damn it that hurt!"

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Martin throws a punch at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is blocked by him.

Harriet nods solemnly to Martin, saying, "I imagine it did!"

Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which impacts against his armor.

Martin charges toward container.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear as its platinum surface gleams and strikes his armor with bruising force.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which strikes the machinery he's taking cover behind.

Harriet charges toward container.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which deflects off his shield.

Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Martin says "We won't make any progress until those machines are down, it seems. Let's hope the reinforcements do not arrive in greater force."
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which deflects off his shield.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Viktorin says "Hope for nothing."
Harriet charges toward Martin.
Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

Martin says "Merc approaching us."
Viktorin dips his head towards Harriet, "Thanks. But-"

A bow and quiver of arrows appears on Martin's back.

Viktorin charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Martin, it is dodged by him.

Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which impacts against his armor.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear as its platinum surface gleams and impacts against his armor.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Martin materializes some fine looking bolts out of thin air before drawing it into the crossbow and haphazardly firing a shot.

Martin runs towards the objective.
Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Viktorin says "Ugh. Really. I tried to intercept him..."
Martin says "Round two!"
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Martin runs towards the objective.
Harriet chuckles about round two being announced by Martin. "We are the bandage brigade."

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Martin says "Life is not about winning, it is about achieving the most batshit insane, ridiculous outcome possible! Usually losing!"
Martin runs towards the objective.
Harriet peers after Martin uncertainly. "Is..."

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at machinery, and damages it.

Viktorin squints a little, huffing. "I dunno, I likw winning."

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

Harriet prepares for the a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear who is almost at them.

Martin runs towards the objective.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, and sparks off the ground near her feet.

Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which sparks off the ground near his feet.

Harriet calls out towards someone, "You are very popular. They really seem to like you!"

Martin runs towards the objective.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

Martin continues securing the area.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by her.

Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which sparks off the ground near his feet.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

Martin continues securing the area.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear as its platinum surface gleams and strikes her armor with bruising force.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Martin says "Cover me if you could- and, I can assure you that I will definitely be contradicting my own quote!"
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which strikes the machinery he's taking cover behind.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which ineffectually wounds his left arm.

Martin continues securing the area.

Viktorin charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Harriet winces a bit. So much for covering.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, and sparks off the ground near his feet.

Viktorin fires off a shot at machinery which damages it.

machinery fades out of the nightmare.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which ineffectually wounds his left leg.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which ineffectually wounds his left leg.

Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

Martin says "The machinery isn't the greatest concern right now-"
Martin says "Oh scallop!"
Harriet charges toward Martin.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, and sparks off the ground near his feet.

Martin charges toward Harriet.
Viktorin says "Nope, but the man covering behind it is."
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which impacts against his heavy, black camo plate carrier.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Harriet charges toward Martin.
Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

Viktorin charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Martin runs towards the objective.
Viktorin launches a stab at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Viktorin, it is parried by his Mikov 123182 Commando Dagger.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, and sparks off the ground near his feet.

Martin draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it impacts against his armor.

Martin runs towards the objective.
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which strikes his armor with bruising force.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which ineffectually wounds his left arm.

Martin says "We will not survive many more waves, I think we should concentrate on the point and cover someone that is capturing it."
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Harriet charges toward Martin.
Viktorin says "This is insane"
Martin continues securing the area.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, and strikes his armor with bruising force.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Viktorin charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which strikes his armor with bruising force.

Martin says "It worked last time!"
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Martin continues securing the area.

Viktorin says "I'm about to just go beserk and stab everything."
Viktorin charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Viktorin launches a stab at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it strikes his armor with bruising force.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet sighs as Viktorin is still using a knife rather than a sword.

Martin continues securing the area.

Harriet moves protectively towards Martin.
Martin smiles at Harriet as he continues to scribble profanities on the earth with a bolt along with many Order symbols, "Failure is the greatest teacher, I'd suppose."

Martin continues securing the area.

Viktorin says "I'm stubborn and learn nothing."
Martin continues securing the area.

Martin says "And that is fine!"
Viktorin says "There's those that may not agree."
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, and misses him.

Martin continues securing the area.

Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Martin says "You're just fine, Vik."
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, and misses him.

Martin continues securing the area.

Viktorin charges toward Harriet.
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which misses him.

Viktorin says "I'm not."
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Martin continues securing the area.

Viktorin charges toward Martin.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, and sparks off the ground near her feet.

Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which impacts against his armor.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Viktorin is bathed in moonlight.

Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which impacts against his armor.

Harriet gets hit quite a bit, and is obviously struggling.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Harriet, it deflects off her shield.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Martin which misses him.

Martin says "Okay- dear Harry, I'd you to really, really focus on protecting my hollow bones from the wrath of those mercs. No pressure, though!"
Martin continues securing the area.

Martin says "We are almost- there!"
Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear as its platinum surface gleams and impacts against his armor.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Viktorin twists the shadows around him as he moves to cover Martin. "But, the first step is acknowledging that you're not okay, right?"

Viktorin launches a stab at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by her.

Viktorin moves protectively towards Martin.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Viktorin, it is parried by his Mikov 123182 Commando Dagger.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Viktorin, it is parried by his Mikov 123182 Commando Dagger.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by her.

Viktorin launches a stab at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it strikes her armor with bruising force.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Martin says "Well- if you think that it is a problem and want to improve yourself, yes! Acknowledgement is the first step..."
Martin says "Hard to give advice under gunfire, though!"
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Viktorin, it is parried by his Mikov 123182 Commando Dagger.

The Virtuous Extremists Alliance has proved victorious.