The Golden Shadows Operation In Lauriea 250129
In the enigmatic and ancient Golden City of Lauriea, a team consisting of unique individuals Lenny, Kitsune, Novel, and Castiel embarked on a perilous mission to intercept an unknown artifact of immense power. The city, shrouded in mystery and protected by the formidable Golden Shadow mercenaries, posed tremendous challenges, testing the team's wit, strength, and resolve. Lenny, with his intensity and strategic thinking, charged toward objectives with single-minded determination. Novel, the crossbowman, showed unparalleled focus, shooting with precision and constantly adjusting his position for tactical advantage. Kitsune, with his mystical spectral foxtails, unleashed torrents of icy shards against their adversaries, embodying both the grace and ferocity of his namesake. Castiel, embodying resilience and supernatural prowess, leaped across the battlefield, his actions a testament to his protective instincts and combat mastery.
As the conflict crescendoed, alliances shifted, and strategies evolved, the artifact's significance became ever more apparent, intensifying the skirmish. Lenny's adaptability saw him navigating the volatile battlefield with cunning, employing every trick at his disposal to outmaneuver opponents. However, it was Kitsune who managed to secure the artifact, utilizing his spectral abilities to fend off the relentless assault of the Golden Shadow mercenaries. In the final moments, Castiel and Kitsune, bound by a shared goal, orchestrated a masterful retreat towards the extraction point, warding off any who dared to thwart their exit. With Kitsune's protectiveness and Castiel's unwavering will, they overcame the odds, securing the artifact against all expectations. Their unity and prowess in the face of adversity culminated in a victory for the Lawful Extremists Alliance, marking a momentous achievement in their storied endeavors, all while leaving behind tales of courage, camaraderie, and an enigmatic artifact whose secrets lay waiting to be unveiled.
At Tue Jan 28 2025, in a forest near Lauriea
Mission: Intercept Unknown Artifact from the Golden City and bring it back to the extraction point.
Deep within the Golden City of Lauirea, an artifact of immense power has surfaced. Its potential is unknown, but its worth is unquestionably high, attracting unwanted attention. The mission is to infiltrate the city, locate the artifact, and extract it against all odds. The ancient defenses and alert guardians of the city pose significant threats, making this operation one massive gamble. But, if successful, the rewards will be immeasurable.
The Golden Roads of Lauriea
It is afternoon, about 42F(5C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey clouds in the sky.
Lenny charges toward log.
Lenny reaches up to touch his ear and shout some angry sounding commands before rock looks back at the target ahead of him.
Kitsune charges toward depression.
Lenny charges toward rock.
Novel charges toward tree.
Lenny charges toward rock.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at sapling, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Kitsune charges toward depression.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Lenny charges toward rock.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear! The ice misses her.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at sapling, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
Lenny bolts across the field for the rock, his eyes are set on the pair out to the southeast of him. His face stays hidden behind his gas mask but there is an intensity in his eyes
Kitsune charges toward depression.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear! The ice deflects off her armor.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune has Unknown Artifact from the Golden City.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at sapling, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Castiel makes a supernatural leap to depression.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at sapling, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
Castiel says "What's our opposition?"
Kitsune says "Novel on one side, Lenny on the other."
Novel hums to himself as he settles down, firing bolt after bolt into a piece of cover with a crunch and plink.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward sapling, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune says "Golden Shadow behind the Sapling."
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at sapling, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Castiel says "Then the templar has found somewhere to hide and start stabbing himself."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward sapling, and they explode which damages it.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at sapling, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
Lenny raises a hand towards the zealot and robed figure waving like a happy idiot, but that was only to get their attention as he quickly turns his hand and curls all the fingers on it except the middle one
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward sapling, and they explode which damages it.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at sapling, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Castiel says "Do not destroy the sapling."
Kitsune says "I am trying to hit the Mercenary..."
Castiel says "I'll catch it."
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at sapling, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
sapling fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel slowly stretches, cracks his neck side to side. "It's too close to bother with your ammunition."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear! The ice sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Novel takes careful aim before loosing an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Novel has Unknown Artifact from the Golden City.
Kitsune lets their spectral tails settle down after hitting the sapling and the mercenary a little bit. Once the sapling is destroyed by someone else though, they resume pelting the merc from the safety of cover.
Kitsune says "Novel has it."
Castiel says "That works, too."
Lenny notices the gangly man in his peripherial, but he doesn't turn his gun that way or much of his attention. He's got an eye for the pair off by the depression. When the gangly man sprints his way he shouts, "Fuck off somewhere else. I dont want you. I want angel-boy."
Novel muses, "Is nobody fucking awake, or what?"
Castiel moves protectively towards Lenny.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Castiel, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Lenny says "You try to use my cover Novel I'll have to fuck you up and that'll cost us both the fight. Go find somewhere else."
Castiel says "I thought Novel was on our side."
Novel charges toward rock.
Lenny fires off a shot at Castiel which grazes his cheek.
Novel says "Suit yourself."
Castiel says "They are together."
Lenny says "Actually. I'm going to kill this angel fuck"
Lenny charges toward Castiel.
Novel chuckles.
Lenny shoots Castiel with a tranq dart.
Castiel charges toward depression.
Lenny fires off a shot at Castiel which grazes his forehead.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Castiel, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, misses him.
Lenny charges toward Castiel.
Castiel charges toward depression.
Castiel says "I'm poisoned, but Lenny is out of cover and within your range."
Lenny is picked up by an invisible force..
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Lenny! The ice misses him.
Lenny says "Didn't quite get em."
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Lenny, it misses him.
Novel says "I know."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Lenny! The ice misses him.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at depression, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Lenny, it impacts against his worn kevlar vest.
Lenny says "Ah fuck. That fuckin' fox-boy piece of shit"
Novel says "Yeah. "
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Lenny! The ice impacts against his armor.
Lenny fades out of the nightmare.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at depression, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Novel says "you're screwed if you go in there."
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at depression, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at an off duty templar with an extendable baton, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at depression, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward an off duty templar with an extendable baton! The ice misses her.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at an off duty templar with an extendable baton, it misses her.
Novel whips out a glass bolt filled with yellow gas and fires it at depression, which bursts open upon landing, damages it.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward an off duty templar with an extendable baton! The ice sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at an off duty templar with an extendable baton, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
an off duty templar with an extendable baton fades out of the nightmare.
Novel whips out a glass bolt filled with yellow gas and fires it at depression, which bursts open upon landing, damages it.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Novel! The ice ineffectually wounds his left arm.
Castiel says "I will catch him when this poison wears off, if you don't handle him until then."
Novel sighs, faintly, as someone evaporates, shaking his head in dismay - and then giving a shrug.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.
Novel sighs, faintly, as the evaporates, shaking his head in dismay - and then giving a shrug.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Novel! The ice ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.
Novel whips out a glass bolt filled with yellow gas and fires it at depression, which bursts open upon landing, damages it.
Kitsune says "He should be nearly frozen in place by now."
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his stomach.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his chest.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Novel! The ice ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, misses him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it impacts against his armor.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it impacts against his worn kevlar vest.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it impacts against his armor.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Novel! The ice ineffectually wounds his right leg.
Novel fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune has Unknown Artifact from the Golden City.
Castiel says "How lucky."
Castiel notches a massive arrow and levels his bow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, with a loud release the air crackles upon an impact that misses him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade is parried by him.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade is parried by him.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade is parried by her.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by her.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel says "Heavy. "
Kitsune says "Indeed, but I suspect you are faster than me still."
Castiel says "Not with any artifact, but I will carry it. See you on the other side."
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Kitsune tries to block for Castiel on the way to the extraction point and beyond, but they really keep it up after the last timer announcement. "Should not be long now," they comment, keeping their katana ready.
With his wings folding up at his back, Castiel takes a seat up on the floor. The furled plumage serves as the shield, with a will of its own - while Castiel stares down unto the strange and unknown artifact in his hands. Indecipherable, befuddling, making little sense. It creases his brow and sours his expression to look at. "I do not know what we're taking back, but they sure fight for it heavily."
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel notches a massive arrow and levels his bow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, with a loud release the air crackles upon an impact that strikes the depression he's taking cover behind.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Kitsune says "Ahh, there is actually enough to be a force now..."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel says "However, too late."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
The Lawful Extremists Alliance has proved victorious.
As the conflict crescendoed, alliances shifted, and strategies evolved, the artifact's significance became ever more apparent, intensifying the skirmish. Lenny's adaptability saw him navigating the volatile battlefield with cunning, employing every trick at his disposal to outmaneuver opponents. However, it was Kitsune who managed to secure the artifact, utilizing his spectral abilities to fend off the relentless assault of the Golden Shadow mercenaries. In the final moments, Castiel and Kitsune, bound by a shared goal, orchestrated a masterful retreat towards the extraction point, warding off any who dared to thwart their exit. With Kitsune's protectiveness and Castiel's unwavering will, they overcame the odds, securing the artifact against all expectations. Their unity and prowess in the face of adversity culminated in a victory for the Lawful Extremists Alliance, marking a momentous achievement in their storied endeavors, all while leaving behind tales of courage, camaraderie, and an enigmatic artifact whose secrets lay waiting to be unveiled.
At Tue Jan 28 2025, in a forest near Lauriea
Mission: Intercept Unknown Artifact from the Golden City and bring it back to the extraction point.
Deep within the Golden City of Lauirea, an artifact of immense power has surfaced. Its potential is unknown, but its worth is unquestionably high, attracting unwanted attention. The mission is to infiltrate the city, locate the artifact, and extract it against all odds. The ancient defenses and alert guardians of the city pose significant threats, making this operation one massive gamble. But, if successful, the rewards will be immeasurable.
The Golden Roads of Lauriea
It is afternoon, about 42F(5C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey clouds in the sky.
Lenny charges toward log.
Lenny reaches up to touch his ear and shout some angry sounding commands before rock looks back at the target ahead of him.
Kitsune charges toward depression.
Lenny charges toward rock.
Novel charges toward tree.
Lenny charges toward rock.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at sapling, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Kitsune charges toward depression.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Kitsune, it misses him.
Lenny charges toward rock.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear! The ice misses her.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at sapling, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
Lenny bolts across the field for the rock, his eyes are set on the pair out to the southeast of him. His face stays hidden behind his gas mask but there is an intensity in his eyes
Kitsune charges toward depression.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear! The ice deflects off her armor.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune has Unknown Artifact from the Golden City.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at sapling, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Castiel makes a supernatural leap to depression.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at sapling, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
Castiel says "What's our opposition?"
Kitsune says "Novel on one side, Lenny on the other."
Novel hums to himself as he settles down, firing bolt after bolt into a piece of cover with a crunch and plink.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward sapling, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune says "Golden Shadow behind the Sapling."
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at sapling, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Castiel says "Then the templar has found somewhere to hide and start stabbing himself."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward sapling, and they explode which damages it.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at sapling, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
Lenny raises a hand towards the zealot and robed figure waving like a happy idiot, but that was only to get their attention as he quickly turns his hand and curls all the fingers on it except the middle one
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward sapling, and they explode which damages it.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at sapling, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Castiel says "Do not destroy the sapling."
Kitsune says "I am trying to hit the Mercenary..."
Castiel says "I'll catch it."
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at sapling, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
sapling fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel slowly stretches, cracks his neck side to side. "It's too close to bother with your ammunition."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear! The ice sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Novel takes careful aim before loosing an arrow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Novel has Unknown Artifact from the Golden City.
Kitsune lets their spectral tails settle down after hitting the sapling and the mercenary a little bit. Once the sapling is destroyed by someone else though, they resume pelting the merc from the safety of cover.
Kitsune says "Novel has it."
Castiel says "That works, too."
Lenny notices the gangly man in his peripherial, but he doesn't turn his gun that way or much of his attention. He's got an eye for the pair off by the depression. When the gangly man sprints his way he shouts, "Fuck off somewhere else. I dont want you. I want angel-boy."
Novel muses, "Is nobody fucking awake, or what?"
Castiel moves protectively towards Lenny.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at Castiel, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Lenny says "You try to use my cover Novel I'll have to fuck you up and that'll cost us both the fight. Go find somewhere else."
Castiel says "I thought Novel was on our side."
Novel charges toward rock.
Lenny fires off a shot at Castiel which grazes his cheek.
Novel says "Suit yourself."
Castiel says "They are together."
Lenny says "Actually. I'm going to kill this angel fuck"
Lenny charges toward Castiel.
Novel chuckles.
Lenny shoots Castiel with a tranq dart.
Castiel charges toward depression.
Lenny fires off a shot at Castiel which grazes his forehead.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at Castiel, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, misses him.
Lenny charges toward Castiel.
Castiel charges toward depression.
Castiel says "I'm poisoned, but Lenny is out of cover and within your range."
Lenny is picked up by an invisible force..
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Lenny! The ice misses him.
Lenny says "Didn't quite get em."
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Lenny, it misses him.
Novel says "I know."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Lenny! The ice misses him.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at depression, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Lenny, it impacts against his worn kevlar vest.
Lenny says "Ah fuck. That fuckin' fox-boy piece of shit"
Novel says "Yeah. "
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Lenny! The ice impacts against his armor.
Lenny fades out of the nightmare.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at depression, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Novel says "you're screwed if you go in there."
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at depression, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, damages it.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at an off duty templar with an extendable baton, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Novel notches back his crossbows with his pommel, and quickly fires a shot at depression, opting to jockey into a different position and readjust his grips, damages it.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward an off duty templar with an extendable baton! The ice misses her.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at an off duty templar with an extendable baton, it misses her.
Novel whips out a glass bolt filled with yellow gas and fires it at depression, which bursts open upon landing, damages it.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward an off duty templar with an extendable baton! The ice sends up a spray of soil near her feet.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at an off duty templar with an extendable baton, it strikes her armor with bruising force.
an off duty templar with an extendable baton fades out of the nightmare.
Novel whips out a glass bolt filled with yellow gas and fires it at depression, which bursts open upon landing, damages it.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Novel! The ice ineffectually wounds his left arm.
Castiel says "I will catch him when this poison wears off, if you don't handle him until then."
Novel sighs, faintly, as someone evaporates, shaking his head in dismay - and then giving a shrug.
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.
Novel sighs, faintly, as the evaporates, shaking his head in dismay - and then giving a shrug.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Novel! The ice ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.
Novel whips out a glass bolt filled with yellow gas and fires it at depression, which bursts open upon landing, damages it.
Kitsune says "He should be nearly frozen in place by now."
Castiel draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his stomach.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it ineffectually wounds his chest.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Novel! The ice ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.
Novel abruptly snaps a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, using his free hand to help brace the firing of the bolt, misses him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it impacts against his armor.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it impacts against his worn kevlar vest.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Novel, it impacts against his armor.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. With a flick, each of the nine tails sends a shard of ice toward Novel! The ice ineffectually wounds his right leg.
Novel fades out of the nightmare.
Kitsune has Unknown Artifact from the Golden City.
Castiel says "How lucky."
Castiel notches a massive arrow and levels his bow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, with a loud release the air crackles upon an impact that misses him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade is parried by him.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade is parried by him.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it strikes his armor with bruising force.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade is parried by her.
Castiel swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by her.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Kitsune, it is parried by his an ornate katana.
Kitsune draws their katana and strikes at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear in a blurred flash of motion before sheathing the weapon. The blade strikes her armor with bruising force.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Castiel says "Heavy. "
Kitsune says "Indeed, but I suspect you are faster than me still."
Castiel says "Not with any artifact, but I will carry it. See you on the other side."
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel runs towards the extraction point.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it misses him.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Castiel, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Kitsune tries to block for Castiel on the way to the extraction point and beyond, but they really keep it up after the last timer announcement. "Should not be long now," they comment, keeping their katana ready.
With his wings folding up at his back, Castiel takes a seat up on the floor. The furled plumage serves as the shield, with a will of its own - while Castiel stares down unto the strange and unknown artifact in his hands. Indecipherable, befuddling, making little sense. It creases his brow and sours his expression to look at. "I do not know what we're taking back, but they sure fight for it heavily."
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel notches a massive arrow and levels his bow at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, with a loud release the air crackles upon an impact that strikes the depression he's taking cover behind.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Kitsune says "Ahh, there is actually enough to be a force now..."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
Castiel says "However, too late."
Nine white, spectral foxtails appear briefly behind Kitsune and wiggle briefly. Each tail flicks an ice shard toward depression, and they explode which damages it.
Kitsune moves protectively towards Castiel.
The Lawful Extremists Alliance has proved victorious.