\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Knights Of The Silver Dragons Operation In District 82240726

The Knights Of The Silver Dragons Operation In District 82240726

In the dense forest near District 82, a clash of steel and sorcery unfolded as the Knights and the Hand vied for power amidst the whispers of ancient trees. Autumn, with her massive katana, defended against the onslaught of a fleshformed monstrosity, its old-fashioned weaponry clashing against her blade in a shower of sparks. Beside her, allies like Harriet, with her precise rifle shots, and Korina, weaving light into lethal butterflies, fought bravely against the encroaching darkness. The air crackled with the power of invoked rituals, the earth scarred by the spells cast and the violence unleashed. In a desperate bid, Nikolai triggered a distress beacon, signaling a turn in the skirmish as strategic positions shifted and the forest became a maze of conflict and strategy.

As the battle wore on, the relentless push from both factions saw no end. With each fallen monstrosity, another seemed to rise, the nightmare never ceasing. Korina, illuminating the path to victory with her radiant spells, fought tirelessly to protect the sapling — a symbol of their hope and resilience. Yet, as the cover dwindled and their numbers dwindled, exhaustion set in. Despite the valor displayed by each warrior, the sheer force and numbers of their adversaries overwhelmed them. In the end, the forest stood quiet once more, the ritual site abandoned, a testament to the fierce battle fought. The sacrifices made and the efforts expended faded into the whispers of the wind, with neither side claiming victory in the continued struggle for power and dominion over the contested lands.
At Thu Jul 25 2024, in a forest near District 82

Mission: Get to the designated site and continue to complete or disrupt the ritual until the process is complete.

With tensions rising between the Knights and the Hand over disputed holdings in Rhagost, the Knights have decided to fight on a different front, redirecting their efforts into Hell. Many soldiers have been seen around District 82 riding large lizards and rallying the various peoples there to rise up against the Hand and throw them out of Hell. To that end, the Knights rely on their signature rituals to drive up the fervor of the populace and start attacking the Hand on a second front.

a forest outside Midnight Hollow
It is morning, about 44F(6C) degrees, and the sky is covered by thin white clouds.

Autumn chants a few words and a puff of black smoke appears.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Fayad, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Autumn, it is parried by her massive katana.

Harriet charges toward log.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

Autumn charges toward tree.
Korina charges toward sapling.
Fayad charges toward sapling.
Nikolai makes a supernatural leap to depression.
Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Autumn says "To tree."
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Jodie charges toward tree.
Fayad fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Nikolai taps his neck twice and activates a distress beacon.

Korina says "Oh. I was going for the sapling."
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it misses her.

Nikolai says "Alright, are you moving for sapling?"
Korina eyes Nikolai who did not have the same idea.

Jodie bolts off towards the tree around the time Autumn mentions it, though she was likely headed that way on her own.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Autumn, it is parried by her massive katana.

Trevor charges toward tree.
Trevor says "Alright. "
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

Fayad says "I am. Closest thing."
Korina charges toward sapling.
Nikolai says "We will go for sapling."
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Fayad, it misses him.

Dean charges toward sapling.
A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination strikes her armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Nikolai charges toward sapling.
Konstantin makes a supernatural leap to sapling.
Autumn swings her weapon at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it is parried by him.

Nikolai taps his neck twice and activates a distress beacon.

Jodie charges toward tree.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Autumn, it is parried by her massive katana.

Fayad charges toward sapling.
Trevor fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which misses him.

Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Fayad fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which misses her.

Nikolai sweeps his hammer in a shallow arc towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, scattering a trail of flames into the air which deflects off her armor.

Jodie charges toward tree.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it strikes her armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Nikolai charges toward sapling.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Autumn, it impacts against her armor.

Fayad charges toward sapling.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn charges toward tree.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean, it misses him.

Fayad fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which misses her.

A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

Freya fires off a shot at sapling which damages it.

Dean charges toward sapling.
"Oh boy, the Hand really cares about this one." Jodie mentions as she crest a ridge and reveals the distant enemy force. "Well, sucks for us"

Korina says "I saw Harriet somewhere."
Fayad says "Yes. "
Dean says "She's somewhere."
Trevor charges toward tree.
Nikolai says "Harriet and Jodie are south."
Autumn says "How unfortunate."
Konstantin says "Harriet at the log"
Freya fires off a shot at sapling which damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

Fayad says "There's a Moore here too."
Harriet smirks some over what she hears, peering through her scope and firing off shots.

Nikolai says "Trevor, too."
Autumn charges toward tree.
Freya fires off a shot at sapling which damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

Fayad says "This is the thing about the gold harp?"
Korina says "Jodie and Trevor are same side, yes?"
Fayad says "Oh, no, it's this."
Autumn charges toward tree.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

Nikolai says "This is the Moderates trying to rip Hell from our alliance."
Konstantin says "Not the harp. We kill intruder"
Freya says "Trevor is a night autumn is too"
Autumn says "If only Hand would back off from Rhagost..."
Jodie charges toward tree.
Autumn charges toward tree.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

Konstantin says "They try to destroy depression near capture point"
Dean says "Freya, get behind the sapling don't shoot it."
Trevor charges toward tree.
Freya charges toward sapling.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

depression fades out of the nightmare.
Trevor charges toward tree.
Korina says "Autumn, Jodie behind tree. Trevor behind bush. Harriet behind log."
Nikolai says "We can move to the tree for a closer point between us."
Nikolai says "It won't be /that/ close, though."
Freya charges toward sapling.
Fayad says "Trevor and JOdie are behind that tree"
Dean says "Does anyone have a sword to finish off Harriet with? She'll be a problem if I shift and no one does."
Harriet peers over at the group by the tree, and then keeps looking around.

Konstantin says "I do not"
Korina flexes her steel claws at Dean.

Fayad says "I, uh, technically have a spear?"
Trevor says "Should we take Harriet out?"
Nikolai says "I do not expect Harriet is immortal."
Korina says "Not a sword. Will get the job done."
Dean says "She is."
Nikolai says "I have finished her with a hammer before."
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at log, it damages it.

Nikolai says "I will take word for it."
Jodie pretends to reach into her pocket and when she pulls her hand out she shows it empty by splaying her fingers, "I"m all outta fucking winning strategies.." she glances then towards the leggy woman's position, "Maybe.""

Korina says "Autumn is hitting the log where Harriet is."
Dean says "I confirmed last operation, both her and Samatha - immortal."
Konstantin says "Alright then, looks like they're fighting eachother"
Korina says "We want to move in?"
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at log, it damages it.

Jodie fires off a shot at log which damages it.

Konstantin says "I am more worried by the Order. Agreed? Let's charge them first"
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Nikolai says "The order are on the other side of the Temple."
Harriet squints and then frowns. She was rather happy with her spot.

Jodie fires off a shot at log which damages it.

Korina says "Fleshformed coming."
Nikolai sweeps his hammer in a shallow arc towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, scattering a trail of flames into the air which misses her.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at log, it damages it.

Freya says "can they hear us?"
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Fayad fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Nikolai says "Not at this distance."
Konstantin says "Deal with the fleshformed, and then charge the temple"
Jodie fires off a shot at log which damages it.

Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it misses her.

Freya fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which misses her.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack is parried by her.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Fayad launches an attack at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which is parried by her.

Gripping his hammer in both hands, Nikolai brings the massive weapon down upon a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry in a crushing blow that is parried by her.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
"Clearly, they have been trying to stop us from securing Rhagost," Autumn mutters while she recovers. "We have goal in stopping Gonthorian and we are trying to secure some territories. However, it's not even working because Hand is in way."

Korina says "Harriet is flying."
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it deflects off her armor.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Dean says "Why are the fleshformed attacking us? Aren't they from hell?"
A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination misses her.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by him.

Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it deflects off her armor.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Harriet fights against the monstrosity.

Trevor swings his weapon at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it is parried by her.

Fayad says "They don't seem very sapient"
Autumn swings her weapon at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it is parried by her.

Konstantin says "They are freaks without mind"
Korina says "They are attacking everyone."
Fayad fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which strikes her armor with bruising force.

Freya fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which strikes her armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it misses him.

Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and deflects off his armor.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Nikolai says "Da, but we are asserting further control this way."
Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it misses him.

Korina nods her head at Konstantin's words.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Konstantin, it is parried by his small hunting knife.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Fayad launches an attack at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which deflects off his armor.

Nikolai's hammer flicks speedily towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry in an attempt to whittle down his defenses and strikes his armor with bruising force.

Freya launches an attack at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which strikes his armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at log, it damages it.

"You could just beat them in Rhagost and call it a day!" Jodie suggest with a sarcastic inflection, "Not that I mind seeing the drama."

Nikolai says "I am moving for the tree."
Korina says "I am ready to move in."
Wings appear on Nikolai's ankles

Fayad says "Which direction is that"
Nikolai makes a supernatural leap to tree.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Korina says "Southwest. "
Nikolai says "South. "
Fayad charges toward tree.
Korina moves protectively towards Nikolai.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

Nikolai says "That, da."
Trevor fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

Dean says "I'll join you."
Nikolai sweeps his hammer in a shallow arc towards Autumn, scattering a trail of flames into the air which strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Dean charges toward tree.
Trevor says "On Korina, maybe?"
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Konstantin makes a supernatural leap to tree.
Nikolai charges toward tree.
Fayad charges toward tree.
Dean says "Get rid of the salamander, yeah? It's Autumn's."
Korina moves protectively towards Nikolai.
Trevor fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

Autumn says "We tried, but they keep overpowering us with numbers."
Jodie fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Nikolai, and misses him.

Dean charges toward tree.
Fayad charges toward tree.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at tree, it damages it.

Fayad fires off a shot at A glowing salamander with fiery wings which completely misses her.

A glowing salamander with fiery wings hurls a small fireball at Nikolai, it misses him.

Korina makes a supernatural leap to tree.
Trevor fires off a shot at Fayad which misses him.

Konstantin charges toward tree.
Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards Trevor, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault is parried by his silver steel sword.

Nikolai charges toward tree.
A small fire suddenly ignites on Korina's clothes.

Freya charges toward Dean.
Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at A glowing salamander with fiery wings, it completely misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Dean charges toward tree.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at tree, it damages it.

Nikolai disarms Trevor.

Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Korina with her claws which is dodged by her.

Fayad charges toward sapling.
Nikolai's hammer flicks speedily towards Trevor in an attempt to whittle down his defenses and is parried by his silver steel sword.

A glowing salamander with fiery wings ignites her fist and throws a punch at Nikolai, it is dodged by him.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards Trevor, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack is parried by his silver steel sword.

Jodie(wolf) starts to look a little more unsure of herself.

Freya charges toward Dean.
Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at A glowing salamander with fiery wings, it ineffectually wounds her chest.

Autumn says "This is getting ridiculous."
Autumn swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at tree, and damages it.

Nikolai says "Bandage me, please."
Fayad says "Trevor shooting me, retreating a little. Tell me if you need me to burn armor"
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at tree, it damages it.

tree fades out of the nightmare.
Konstantin says "When the tree goes down, crush Autumn"
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Korina with her claws which is dodged by her.

Gripping his hammer in both hands, Nikolai brings the massive weapon down upon Trevor in a crushing blow that impacts against his armor.

A glowing salamander with fiery wings ignites her fist and throws a punch at Nikolai, it is dodged by him.

Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards Trevor, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault strikes his armor with bruising force.

Trevor fades out of the nightmare.
Konstantin charges toward Nikolai.
A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Freya fires off a shot at A glowing salamander with fiery wings which ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A glowing salamander with fiery wings fades out of the nightmare.
Dean says "Harriet is shooting at our cover."
Korina says "Need a second."
Nikolai says "Trevor down."
Konstantin says "Nikolai, still need it?"
Fayad says "Tell me when the tree is down and I'll burn her armor"
Autumn swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Nikolai with her claws which deflects off his shield.

Gripping his hammer in both hands, Nikolai brings the massive weapon down upon Harriet in a crushing blow that is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Nikolai says "Yes, still need. "
Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards Jodie(wolf), aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack is dodged by her.

Harriet locks her gaze onto Nikolai before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and impacts against his armor.

A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Freya fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Fayad charges toward Autumn.
Konstantin charges toward Nikolai.
Fayad fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Autumn swings her weapon at Nikolai, it impacts against his suit of mechanised armour.

Autumn's armor blackens and burns.

Konstantin says "I am coming to you"
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at Harriet, it misses her.

Jodie charges toward Nikolai.
Dean charges toward Konstantin.
Nikolai says "I had to move."
A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Autumn which impacts against her armor.

Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Nikolai with her claws which impacts against his suit of mechanised armour.

Nikolai fades out of the nightmare.
Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it misses her.

Freya fires off a shot at Harriet which ineffectually wounds her chest.

Fayad charges toward Autumn.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at Harriet, it misses her.

Harriet starts to sweat.

Autumn swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Konstantin, and misses him.

Jodie(wolf) doesn't let the man go, snarling she chases him down to put him out of the fight

Konstantin says "Did she.."

Autumn fades out of the nightmare.
A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Autumn which mildly wounds her right arm.

Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at Jodie(wolf), it misses her.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards Harriet, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at Harriet, it impacts against her concealable bulletproof vest.

Jodie charges toward Korina.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Korina with her claws which is dodged by her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Konstantin, and misses him.

A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Dean charges toward Harriet.
Konstantin retreats from Harriet.
Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards Jodie(wolf), their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault is dodged by her.

Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it completely misses her.

Korina's blades start to glow red with heat.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at Harriet, it completely misses her.

Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Korina with her claws which is dodged by her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Konstantin, and misses him.

A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her left arm.

Jodie(wolf) leaps on Korina and forces her to the ground.

Freya fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

Fayad charges toward Harriet.
Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards Jodie(wolf), aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack ineffectually wounds her forehead.

Dean charges toward Harriet.
Fayad fires off a shot at Harriet which completely misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean, it misses him.

Harriet is like a snail at the moment, unable to really move or do much, living her best life.

Dean swings his weapon at Harriet, it ineffectually wounds her right arm.

Harriet fades out of the nightmare.
Jodie(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Korina with her claws which ineffectually wounds her forehead.

Freya charges toward Dean.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it misses her.

Jodie fades out of the nightmare.
A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Jodie(wolf) which mildly wounds her left shoulder.

Dean says "Alright, that problem is dealth with."
Konstantin says "Let's get to the point!"
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Fayad, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean, it misses him.

Korina says "I need bandage, President."
Fayad runs towards the objective.
Konstantin makes a supernatural leap to Korina.
Freya charges toward a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry.
Konstantin says "Done! Get the point!"
Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that misses her.

Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Fayad fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which deflects off her armor.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Fayad, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Freya fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which deflects off her armor.

Fayad says "Ow. These monstrosities are going to take me out."
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it strikes her armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Fayad runs towards the objective.
Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault is parried by her.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Dean says "I could use a quick bandage too before I shift."
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Fayad, it impacts against his snug black kevlar vest with the HSD logo.

Freya charges toward Konstantin.
Fayad fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Fayad says "I'm going down."
Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Fayad runs towards the objective.
Freya says "come to me"
Dean runs towards the objective.
Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that misses her.

Fayad fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Fayad, it mildly wounds his right shoulder.

a svelte woman in a three-piece suit fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

Dean draws and quickly fires an arrow at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Freya charges toward Dean.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it misses her.

A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination deflects off her armor.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Freya, it is parried by her glaive spear.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it deflects off her armor.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Dean says "You're the best, Frey. "
Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that misses her.

Dean says "Here I go killing again."
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Freya, it deflects off her shield.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Freya, it deflects off her camouflaged leather chest plate.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it deflects off her armor.

Freya launches an attack at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which is parried by her.

Dean charges toward a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination deflects off her armor.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Freya charges toward Korina.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Dean(wolf), it is dodged by him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Dean(wolf), it is dodged by him.

Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry with his claws which is dodged by him.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it deflects off his armor.

Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that strikes his armor with bruising force.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Dean(wolf), it is dodged by him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Dean(wolf), it is dodged by him.

Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry with his claws which strikes his armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Korina is just shooting out lances of bright, eye-watering light from behind here.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it misses him.

Freya fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which deflects off his armor.

A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination strikes his armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Freya charges toward Korina.
Dean runs towards the objective.
Freya runs towards the objective.
Dean runs towards the objective.
Korina says "I need to recover. I will keep an eye out. President, you capturing?"
Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Konstantin says "Yes! "
Konstantin continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

Konstantin says "Dean, you good? need bandage?"
Konstantin continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

Dean moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Konstantin continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

Freya says "i could use you banfaging me"
Freya charges toward Konstantin.
Konstantin says "Get to us freya"
Konstantin continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

Konstantin says "Fayad, can you get to cover?"
Freya says "can't wrap my own arm as good"
Freya charges toward Konstantin.
Konstantin continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Korina says "One south."
Konstantin says "Kill it! I'm capturing"
Dean(wolf) gives Konstantin a shake of his head, and moves in to settle that massive body in front of Konstantin and the world, snarling with narrow eyes directed out in readiness to effectivelly serve as a cover.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it deflects off her shield.

Konstantin continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination misses her.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Korina says "I need cover to heal up..."
Freya fires off a shot at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry which misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it deflects off her shield.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it deflects off her camouflaged leather chest plate.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it deflects off her armor.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it deflects off her armor.

Freya says "i need cover too"
Konstantin continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

Konstantin says "The wolves can take it"
Freya charges toward Dean.
Korina says "There are more. North."
Korina says "Eight. "
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

Freya fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Freya, it mildly wounds her right leg.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

Konstantin launches a stab at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it is parried by him.

Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry with his claws which is dodged by him.

Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Dean(wolf), it is dodged by him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Konstantin says "Shit! "
Konstantin says "I'm done for! Get this done!"
A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination misses him.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Konstantin makes a supernatural leap to sapling.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Dean(wolf), it is dodged by him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Dean(wolf), it ineffectually wounds his forehead.

Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry with his claws which strikes his armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Dean(wolf), it ineffectually wounds his right leg.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Dean(wolf), it ineffectually wounds his right leg.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Dean(wolf), it ineffectually wounds his forehead.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Dean(wolf), it ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Dean(wolf), it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.

Dean fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it mildly wounds his right shoulder.

Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it ineffectually wounds his chest.

Konstantin leaps back and starts throwing flames. "help dean!"

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Konstantin retreats from a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it ineffectually wounds his left arm.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it ineffectually wounds his left arm.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it impacts against his armor.

A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination strikes her armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Konstantin launches a stab at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, it is parried by him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Konstantin, it impacts against his a sleek back mechanised harness.

Konstantin fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Konstantin, it mildly wounds his left arm.

Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right arm.

Korina charges toward sapling.
A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it impacts against her armor.

Korina charges toward sapling.
Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that strikes his armor with bruising force.

Korina moves protectively towards sapling.
A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination strikes his armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing his surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Korina moves protectively towards sapling.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right leg.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right arm.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it impacts against her form-fitting suit of mechanised armour.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it impacts against her armor.

Korina makes a supernatural leap to brush.
Korina charges toward brush.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing his surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that strikes the sapling he's taking cover behind.

Korina charges toward rock.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing his surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing his surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing his surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that strikes the rock he's taking cover behind.

Korina runs towards the objective.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing his surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Korina runs towards the objective.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing his surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Korina runs towards the objective.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Korina runs towards the objective.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that deflects off her armor.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Korina runs towards the objective.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that strikes her armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Korina runs towards the objective.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing his surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that strikes his armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right arm.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack is parried by her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault is parried by her.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right arm.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack is parried by him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault is parried by him.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Korina continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

Korina continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Korina continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her chest.

Korina continues to complete or disrupt the ritual.

Bruised and battered, Korina glances over at the direction the arrow shot came from with a little 'tch' of disdain. "Go away," she calls out to the fleshformed monstrosity.

Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right arm.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right leg.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right arm.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right leg.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it impacts against her armor.

Korina makes a supernatural leap to sapling.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it impacts against her form-fitting suit of mechanised armour.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it impacts against her armor.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it impacts against her form-fitting suit of mechanised armour.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it impacts against her armor.

Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that misses her.

Korina charges toward sapling.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that misses her.

Korina moves protectively towards sapling.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that misses her.

Korina charges toward brush.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that strikes the sapling she's taking cover behind.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her left leg.

Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that strikes the sapling she's taking cover behind.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

Korina charges toward rock.
Ethereal butterflies of pure light flutter through the air with a gesture from Korina, circling a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry's head before they dissipate into a shower of glitter that misses him.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her chest.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her left leg.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Korina makes a supernatural leap to rock.
A lance of light forms in Korina's hands, aimed at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - it splits mid-air to form a rainbow arcing with deadly intent; the force of the radiant illumination misses him.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that deflects off her armor.

Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that deflects off her armor.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Korina moves protectively towards sapling.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that strikes her armor with bruising force.

Korina moves protectively towards sapling.
Korina splays her fingers and takes aim at a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry - ten brilliant beams of light shoot forth, terrorizing her surroundings with a prismatic onslaught that sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Korina moves protectively towards sapling.

sapling fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Korina says "Ah- fuck."
Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault is parried by her.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack strikes her armor with bruising force.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her chest.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right leg.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings his weapon at Korina, it impacts against her form-fitting suit of mechanised armour.

Korina sighs as the last bit of cover is destroys, and resigns herself to the good old fashioned melee duking it out against fifteen of these shits.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack strikes her armor with bruising force.

a fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it impacts against her form-fitting suit of mechanised armour.

A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it impacts against her form-fitting suit of mechanised armour.

Korina fades out of the nightmare.
A fleshformed monstrosity with old fashioned weaponry swings her weapon at Korina, it mildly wounds her right leg.