\ Haven:Mist and Shadow OutOfDreamers/Dominance


The {Dominance} Dreamworld

A retreat for the more dramatically minded, Dominance is an ever-evolving dreamscape steeped in Greco-Roman influence. Those newly exploring this dream will find themselves in the beautiful city of Vale, the capital of the Central Dominance. Adorned with marble arches and stately columns, all is not as idyllic in the city as it seems.

Current Story Arc

The city of Vale, home to the seat of government in the Central Dominance, is currently divided, with one segment of the population pushing for war with the barbarian Aishmar kingdom to the East, and another that wishes to avoid war altogether. Recently, tensions have been made worse by a raid at the border, in which the Aishmar army ransacked a small farming town, commandeering food and supplies after their skirmish with the pirates of the Southern Sea. The Senate has scheduled an open forum debate for (OOC: September 27th, 7PM EST) in which citizens can voice their concerns or support for or against the war effort.

With the Central Dominance having pledged its support of the military marching on the pirates of the Southern Sea before turning to the neighboring Eastern Kingdom, the Senate has called for volunteers to support the effort. In the weeks leading up to the assault, ships will be commissioned to round out the king's navy, and supplies will be loaded onto them in preparation for casting off toward the southern isles. (OOC: September 28th - October 3rd, 5PM EST - 6PM EST, brief scenes will be run for those who pledge. October 4th, 7PM EST, the expedition will launch - only those who pledge their services will go on this dream adventure.) Pledge Requirements

Diplomats: Nobility 1, Education 2, & Social status 2. Translators: Education 2. Foreign Trade Barons: Non-noble, Trade rank 2. Sailors/Soldiers: Swords 1, Military rank 1. Monetary Pledges: Wealth 1 Supply Pledges: Trade rank 1

Pledges thus far: The Domitius Family: Gold The Valerii Family: Gold Lealiana Domitius: Diplomat Lt. Caius Valerii: Soldier Counselor Deimos: Translator Crafter Ligea: Ship Designs

Recent Events

Prince Fasian, one of a near dozen sons of the king, recently hosted a masquerade ball at the palace, raising funds for arms and armaments for the military in preparation for the possible war on the horizon. The event was by and large a success, raising 67 gold Centrals and 8 silver Sovereigns, exceeding the evening's goal of 50 gold Centrals. A shadow was cast over the fete when Ambassador Vahn made an appearance, the representative of the Aishmar kingdom donating three gold Centrals to the war effort in what some are claiming is a show of respect, but many more are claiming was an insult to the army.

During the recent Senate meeting, held to determine whether or not the Central Dominance would march on the Eastern Kingdom, all were shocked that soldiers from the southern shore of the Dominance marched on the Senate, threatening a coup if the Senate did not vote to deal with the southern pirates before going to war. A vote was held, and the people of Vale voted to head South instead of East, delaying the war to deal with the southern sea menace and secure the coast against rear attacks.

Things to Note
I. Clothing: Men wear tunics, rich men wear tunics and togas. Tunics generally fall to just above the knee. Soldiers of either gender wear military skirts made from leather, and breastplates, greaves and bracers. Women wear floor-length stolas, no matter their station, women do not ever show their legs in public. Slaves wear whatever their master chooses for them, and it is not uncommon to see female slaves dressed like noblewomen when accompanying their master out in public. Noblewomen wear stolas made from fine fabrics with lavish embroidery and silk slippers. High-heels are not a thing.

Feel free to add a pic of your Dominance character and a *brief* blurb about their class/role/personality.

His Eminence
The ruler of the Central Dominance, the king is not referred to by name, but only by title, as is customary. Before taking the throne, he was known as Crown Prince Euleius, for any who remember those days long past. His visage is familiar to one and all, as it is stamped on the front of the highest currency of the kingdom, the gold Central coin. Well into his seventies now, his Highness has a host of children that jockey for position, but by all reports, he is hale and healthy, ruling from the castle, though with age has come reclusiveness, and the king is not often seen by those outside of his inner circle of family and advisors, save when presiding over Senate meetings and the occasional debate.

Prince Fasian
One of many sons of the king, Prince Fasian is more than six steps away from the throne, making it highly unlikely that he will ever inherit the throne. So instead of involving himself overly much in the affairs of Central Dominance leadership, he throws his political clout and military acumen behind the weight of the sword, serving as Minister of War during times of peace, and as a naval commander during times of war. Barely twenty seven years of age, he is an accomplished officer, having organized and led dozens of successful offensives against the pirates of the Southern Seas in the past eight years. Currently, he is outspokenly supportive of the decision to go to war with the Aishmar Kingdom.

Laeliana Domitia
Third child and second daughter of Antonius Domitius and his wife, Fulvia, Laeliana is a somewhat fanciful girl of sixteen who fled the prospect of advantageous marriage for the temple of Vanna, casting her newly ennobled family back a step on their climbing path – something she claimed was prompted by Lady Vanna Herself. She serves as a scribe in the temple, and has tossed further shadow onto her family name by taking up the mantle of courtesan, preferring not to trouble herself with the politics that interest many in Central Dominance. Other Members of the Domitius Family: Antonius Domitius & Fulvia Lucretia – Patriarch & Matriarch; Hadrian Domitius (aged 22) and his wife, Faustina Priscus; Saturnina (aged 20) and her husband, Verginius Livianus; Augusta (aged 13).

Counselor Deimos
A member of the Din clergy, Deimos Vestalis was born to a well known military captain and a humble tailor. The years of his youth were spent being a disappointment to his father and a rather infamous troublemaker, in Vale, a city he has called his home for all his life. The death of his father due to illness was shocking to some, as shocking as it was for Deimos to find out that his mother had entrusted him to the Din clergy shortly after, claiming she was unable to properly take care of him. Deimos grew up in the temple as a ward of the High Priest. Through the years he has risen to the ranks of the clergy, and currently serves as a Counselor for the temple.

With a rather opinionated nature and a voice deep enough to resemble that of a man, Ligea has a presence that can offend, confuse, or perhaps intrigue any who happen to join her conversation. She is open to those who do so, enjoying a debate almost as much as she does crafting candor sculpture and hawking her wares in the forum. She's rather infamous for the queer craft she produces, her talent for pushing the envelope of 'ugly' and 'mystifying' the thing that sets her somewhat apart. She is commonly considered eccentric, known by only one name and unmarried even still into her late thirties.

Caius Valerii
Born into a very wealthy noble house, Caius is a "fifth son". Caius became a solider as soon as he was able, and has excelled to prestigious rank through family influence as well ability and effort. He is often grim and focused, demanding utmost discipline from soldiers under his command. He rarely indulges in excess but is never shy in sharing his opinion in public or private forum. Those who've fought in the field with him will rarely speak of it.

Dominance - Masquerade Ball 09/20/2015? In which funds are raised for a war, and an Ambassador casts a dark shadow. Dominance - Senate Meeting 09/27/2015? In which a coup is threatened and the war with the East is set aside in favor of Southern conquest.

{Stats & Classes}

All Stats

I. Alchemist Rank: Required stat for performing alchemical feats.

II. Artist Rank: Required stat for creating works of art.

III. Attractiveness: Required stat for being pretty/handsome.

IV. Debate: Required stat for winning a formal debate.

V. Defense: Required stat for deflecting a blow.

VI. Education: Required stat for feats of intellect.

VII. Entertainer Rank: Required stat for performing feats of entertainment.

VIII. Life Training: Required stat for having any 'Rank' stat as a career.

IX. Military Rank: Required stat for determining military rank. 1 - Foot Soldier 2 - Calvary 3 - Centurion 4 - Captain 5 - Lieutenant.

X. Noble Blood: Required stat for determining level of nobility. 1 - Bastards have noble fathers but are not acknowledged publicly as nobility. 2 - Half-bloods have noble mothers that married down and are addressed as nobility by those of lower social standing. 3 - Neo-nobles have only been granted nobility within the past 3 generations and are accepted as nobility but snubbed by those of both higher social standing AND higher noble blood. 4 - Old Money nobles have nobility going back countless generations and are of impeccable breeding. 5 - Half-royals are the sons and daughters of princes and princesses that married into wealthy noble families, and are rumored to have the blood of the gods in their veins, which grant the monarchs their Divine Right to Rule.

XI. Poise: Required stat for determining level of sophistication.

XII. Political Rank: Required stat for determining advancement in political career track. 1 - Aides are the assistants of higher ranking politicians. 2 - Scribes are taught law in exchange for copying countless court documents for higher ranking politicians. 3 - Lawyers argue cases before judges for their clients. 4 - Senators meet to determine new laws, taxes, and military movements as well as prepare edicts for the Judges to present to the monarchs. 5 - Judges hear trials and have the determining vote at Senate meetings, along with having the ear of the monarchs themselves.

XIII. Social Status: Required stat for determining one's place in society's ranks.

XIV. Stealth: Required stat for moving about unseen.

XV. Strength: Required stat for breaking through defenses.

XVI. Swords: Required stat for performing feats of swordsmanship.

XVII. Temple Rank: Required stat for determining advancement in clergy career track. 1 - Initiates clean the temples and aid higher ranking priests, while studying all of the pantheon until determining the diety they will serve. 2 - Scribes are taught doctrine in exchange for copying countless religious documents for higher ranking priests. 3 - Counselors meet with citizens to discuss their troubles and aid them in their times of need. 4 - Confessors take confession, carrying the burden of sins and offering tasks of penance so the guilty may be absolved. 5 - Priests are addressed as 'Father' and lead the other clergy of their chosen diety. The most pious and industrious of this rank are said to commune directly with the gods.

XVIII. Trade Rank: Required stat for determining one's prowess in their chosen craft. These merchants do not create works of art, but represent the butchers, bakers, and candlestick making variety of tradesmen.

XIX. Wealth: Required stat for determining one's monetary worth.


Required Stats: Attractiveness 1 Wealth 2 Education 2 Life Training 1 Social Status 2 Noble Blood 1-5 (Bastard, Half-blooded, Neo-noble, Old-blood, Half-Royal). Nobility is a fickle thing in the city of Vale. While blood is the major determinant, wealth and social status are the fencing tools of those within the same standing - when they don't resort to actual bladed combat. Duels are not uncommon, and can be quite the sporting event, though they do on occasion end in utter victory, as any duel is to the death by default, and mercy is granted only afterward, at the whim of the victor. Noblewomen are less prone to bloodshed in general, and instead prefer the more refined arts of the backhanded compliment and congenial snark, though a lady worth her blood is generally expected to be above blatantly petty insults or overt displays of emotion.


Required Stats: Attractiveness 1 Wealth 2 Education 3 Social Status 2 Life Training 1 Political Rank 1-5 (Aide, Scribe, Lawyer, Senator, Judge). The politicians of Vale are a ruthless lot, more often than not the second and third sons (and daughters) of nobility. Without lands to inherit, they instead turn to other means of diverting the city's funds to their own usage. Taxation of the working poor, establishing new laws, and taking heavy bribes are all part of a day's work for the political class. The climb to the top is a brutal one, and it is guaranteed to be paved in blood. A kindhearted lawyer is a soon-to-be dead one. Or worse, bankrupt.

Priests & Priestesses

Required Stats: Wealth 1 Education 1 Life Training 2 Social Status 2 Temple Rank 1-5 (Initiate, Scribe, Counselor, Confessor, Priest). The Clergy of the Central Dominance each serve one specific deity: Zion, the god of the sky, farmers, and weather. Vanna, the goddess of motherhood, courtesans, and life. Din, the god of emotions and death. Pike, the god of the sea, sailors, and science. Anthem, the goddess of warriors, orphans, and crafters. The gods are almost universally accepted to be real entities, with most people claiming to have witnessed or known someone that has witnessed their direct actions. Clergymen and clergywomen are therefor quite revered by one and all, especially when someone is seeking some sort of intervention from the gods.


Required Stats: Wealth 1 Education 2 Life Training 2 Social Status 1 Alchemist Rank 1-5 (Apprentice, Beginner, Novice, Skilled, Expert). Alchemists are the scientists and intellectuals of the Central Dominance, their class a hazy portmanteau of peasantry and the middle class. Serving as doctors and educators by day, and mad scientists by night, alchemists are a focused lot, constantly seeking out the answers of the world they inhabit. Some are atheists, discounting acts of the gods as mere happenstance, though few are willing to speak out on these ideals, for fear of repercussions.


Required Stats: Wealth 1 Swords 2 Life Training 2 Social Status 2 Military Rank 1-5 (Foot soldier, Calvary, Centurion, Captain, Lieutenant) The Soldiers of Vale are the best in all of the Central Dominance, or so they say. Trained in the art of combat, soldiers that aren't currently deployed to the outer reaches serve in other capacities within the city, be it as guardsmen, keepers of the peace, and personal bodyguards. They may also take on more mercenary roles, serving at the whim of the nobility or anyone else that offers the right amount of coin. Soldiers are sometimes peasants, and sometimes nobility, depending on their birth and circumstance. It isn't uncommon to discover that a roguish seadog is actually a dashing prince, come landfall.


Required Stats: Attractiveness 2 Wealth 1 Life Training 2 Social Status 1 Entertainer Rank 1-5 (Apprentice, Beginner, Novice, Skilled, Expert). Entertainers, like artists, bring beauty to the city, and thus they also enjoy a higher station than other peasants. Their craft is less tangible than that of other artists, entertainers are the singers and dancers, the actors and playwrights. They are also the acrobats and courtesans, enticing the wealthy for attention and coin.


Required Stats: Wealth 1 Life Training 4 Artist Rank 1-5 (Apprentice, Beginner, Novice, Skilled, Expert). Artists add beauty to the city, and as such, are heralded above the crafters that make up the ordinary peasantry, though by rights they too are often of the peasant social class. Artists craft physical creations, such as paintings and sculptures, but they are also horticulturists and tailors. A relatively eccentric lot, artists oftentimes require wealthy patrons to guide their careers and livelihood, lest they forget to actually sell the things they make, or get paid for their services.


Required Stats: Wealth 1 Life Training 1 Social Status 1 Trade Rank 1-5 (Apprentice, Beginner, Novice, Skilled, Expert). Peasants are the lowest socially acceptable class, one step up from slaves, though the higher their wealth, social status, and social ranking, the more respect they are entitled to. To that end, wealthier peasants can be quite ostentatious in their displays of wealth, hoping to distinguish themselves from their lowlier peers.


In Dominance, slaves are bought and sold and sometimes even inherited. Anyone of any class can own a slave. Slaves must have a master to move freely within the walls of the city of Vale. Slaves without masters are owned by the Slaver's Guild by default, and have no rights whatsoever, so it is in their own best interest to find someone willing to own them, lest they be assaulted without the hope of justice or repercussions. They have no stat requirements.