Hell is in open revolt. It took only days after Lucifer's sudden and mysterious disappearance for the residents of the underworld to decide they no longer wished to be God's prison and eliminate the few remaining loyalists in their way. At this point however the various factions began to disagree, The Fallen Angels either wanted to take the war to Heaven or to turn hell into a competing paradise. The demons mostly wanted to keep torturing the damned but do it on their own timetable and maybe add the humans of earth to their racks, while the damned mostly just wanted to be free to live out their afterlives without daily torment.
Civil war seemed inevitable, but then a host of Angels descended into the pit, bringing with them the souls of many noble warriors from heaven to help re-conquer hell and return it to its divinely ordained purpose. Brought together by a common enemy the residents of Hell formed a shaky alliance to maintain their freedom and the war for Hell was joined. But the underlying tensions did not dissipate and even as they fight alongside each other the various factions try to ensure that when the war is won, they will be the strongest group remaining.
The Damned
The most populous residents of Hell are the damned. Ranging from those who've committed terrible sins to those who simply chose the wrong religion they have all been sentenced to an eternity of suffering. Now they find themselves free of their daily torments and despite being on average far less powerful than demons or fallen angels, they are far more numerous which puts their faction on an even foot with the other two. The upside of being destined to be tortured for eternity is that the Damned cannot die or be permanently injured, no matter what happens to them they will simply wake up again the next morning whole and hardy. They are also able to 'Imagineer' items into existence, including weaponry and vehicles.
The Builders: Those opportunistic sinners who want to build Hell into something like Earth with politicians and votes and a money based economy.
The Purists: Those who prioritise wanting to purge all the demons and Fallen Angels from Hell and having it be only damned.
The Seekers: Those who idolize demons and want to become them, members of this faction are often secretive as they are rarely trusted not to sell out other damned to the demons.
The Demons
Some of the damned who have been in Hell for a long time eventually transform into demons, developing inhuman or animalistic physical traits. Natural sadists they enjoy little more than torturing anything and everything they can get their hands on. Many of them have useful inhuman mutations, but they are also aided by their ability to perform sorcery, summon monsters, create magical items and shapeshift. With about ten damned to every one demon, and ten demons to every one Fallen Angel they are the main workforce of Hell. Demons are in general far more devious and cunning than Angels, whose power has made them used to solving their problems much more directly. Although very resilient and able to heal from almost anything they can be killed, and doing so will return them to the numbers of the Damned.
The Imperium: Those who want to see Hell return to functioning much as before but with the demons in charge, the angels either all dead or ideally, trapped in their torture chambers along with the damned.
The Ascendent: Those demons who want to use Hell as a staging point to invade earth.
The Hedonists: Those who just want Hell to become one big relaxed libertarian party.
The Fallen Angels
The original host that rebelled with Lucifer, the Fallen Angels were previously the administrators and rulers of Hell, but with a memory of Heaven, they could never come to truly enjoy the place. Being away from the Grace of God for so long as made them significantly weaker than their divine brethren, but they are still stronger than most demons. Possessing incredible strength and resilience as well as the ability to fly or manipulate light. They will heal from any injury and can only be slain if decapitated at which point their energy explodes with a yield similar to a small nuclear detonation. A small portion of Fallen Angels have somehow grown souls while in Hell, and if killed those souls will show back up on the plane as one of the Damned.
The Conquerors: Those who wish to use Hell as a staging point to invade Heaven.
The Ideologs: Those who wish to turn Hell into a paradise.
The Bearers: Those who just wish to give up their burdens and be free of all responsibility.
The Repentant: A secret faction of Angels who wish Hell to return to how it was before and to go back to doing God's will.
What weapons your character possesses. [You need to find a PC to create any weapons above level 1, and include their name in brackets in your eq descriptions]
1: Swords, knives, spears, bows and other non-mechanical weapons.
2: Rifles, revolvers and other basic firearms.
3: Automatic rifles and sub-machine guns as well as single shot rifles with scoped sights.
4: Grenades, grenade and rocket launchers and other basic explosive weapons.
Imagineering Weapons
Damned souls can will items into existence in hell. This usually starts off with them simply manifesting clothes and other basic items but with practice they can use the ability to make weapons. Because the items created are based more on belief than physics advanced objects will not work, limiting imagineers up to approximately world war 2 era technology. However because they are not based on physics, things which seem like they should work but do not can be created as long as they are based on that same combustion era technology such as armored airship zeppelins or mechs. Imagineering items takes time, particularly large or complicated items. [You should only create one imagineered item per day, you must have the same level of imagineering of the appropriate type to equip someone with an item of that type. E. G. Imagineering weapons 3 to enable someone to use 3 points in weaponry. ]
What vehicle your character possesses. [You need to find a PC to create any vehicles you own and include their name in brackets in your eq descriptions]
1: Motorcycles and basic cars.
: Armored cars.
3: Small tanks.
4: Large tanks.
5: Small mechs, up to approximately 12 feet tall.
6: Large mechs, up to approximately 4 stores tall.
Imagineering Vehicles
Damned souls can will items into existence in hell. This usually starts off with them simply manifesting clothes and other basic items but with practice they can use the ability to make weapons. Because the items created are based more on belief than physics advanced objects will not work, limiting imagineers up to approximately world war 2 era technology. However because they are not based on physics, things which seem like they should work but do not can be created as long as they are based on that same combustion era technology such as armored airship zeppelins or mechs. Imagineering items takes time, particularly large or complicated items. [You should only create one imagineered item per day, you must have the same level of imagineering of the appropriate type to equip someone with an item of that type. E. G. Imagineering weapons 3 to enable someone to use 3 points in weaponry. ]
What aircraft your character possesses. [You need to find a PC to create any aircraft you own and include their name in brackets in your eq descriptions]
1: Biplanes suitable for scouting.
2: Fixed winged fighters capable of mounting machine guns.
3: Single-seater bombers and fighters capable of mounting rockets.
4: multi-person bombers
5: Small armored Zeppelins.
6: Large armored Zeppelins.
Imagineering Aircraft
Damned souls can will items into existence in hell. This usually starts off with them simply manifesting clothes and other basic items but with practice they can use the ability to make weapons. Because the items created are based more on belief than physics advanced objects will not work, limiting imagineers up to approximately world war 2 era technology. However because they are not based on physics, things which seem like they should work but do not can be created as long as they are based on that same combustion era technology such as armored airship zeppelins or mechs. Imagineering items takes time, particularly large or complicated items. [You should only create one imagineered item per day, you must have the same level of imagineering of the appropriate type to equip someone with an item of that type. E. G. Imagineering weapons 3 to enable someone to use 3 points in weaponry. ]
Demons are usually distinguished by their inhuman characteristics, some of these can be useful in a fight such as porcelain like skin, bone wings, or spurs or blades, sharp horns etc.
Demons can create magical items, these are of little use in combat and mostly consist of impossible clothing, accessories or torture implements. [If using a magical item you should include the name of who created it in brackets in your equipment description. ]
1: Create magical jewellery such as crowns made from star constellations.
2: Create magical clothing such as dresses made from flowing blood.
3: Create magical weapons or torture implements such as whips of living snakes.
1: Can make people see things that are not there.
2: Can make people see things drawn from their own mind, such as making someone see their greatest fear or love. Can also make them hear things.
3: Can make people hear things drawn from their own mind, and make them feel things.
4: Can make people feel things drawn from their own mind.
Hellfire Sorcery
Demons can conjure and manipulate hellfire either to attack others or more rarely, to create shields and defences to protect themselves.
1: Summon a dog-sized monster.
2: Summon a swarm of rat-sized monsters.
3: Summon a small pack of dog-sized monsters.
4: Summon an elephant sized monster or large pack.
5: Summon a dinosaur sized monster.
1: Transform into natural animals.
2: Transform into swarms of insects or small animals.
3: Transform into supernatural animals of normal animal size.
4: Transform into packs of natural animals.
5: Transform into supernatural creatures up to the size of an elephant.
6: Transform into massive supernatural creatures such as dragons.
Shapeshifter Flight
1: When shapeshifted can fly.
2: When shapeshifted can fly fast enough to avoid most weapons fire.
3: When shapeshifted can fly fast and dexterous enough to dogfight with fighters.
Grigorian Sight
1: Can see things far away, as if they had a telescope.
2: Can see shapes through walls.
3: Can see anything happening outdoors or in a room with a window to outdoors if they choose to focus upon it.
Angelic Flight
1: Ability to fly, without this Angels can only Glide.
2: Fly fast and dexterous enough to avoid most weapons fire.
3: Fly fast and dexterous enough to dogfight with fighters.
Angelic Strength
Angels possess immense strength and regularly punch or rip their way through their problems, with little need for cunning, strategy or subtlety.
Angelic Power
Divine Angels can conjure pure white divine light into any shape they wish, forming swords, shields, barricades, manacles and can also shoot it from their eyes to burn enemies to ash. Fallen Angels have the same ability, but their light is not pure white but rather other stranger colors and hues. It also tends to be less powerful and only a few have enough power to burn their enemies to ash.
Angel's bodies are unnaturally durable, bullets and most other attacks tend to simply bounce off them. But they are not invulnerable, sustained fire from machine guns or being struck by several grenades is usually enough to weaken them enough for someone to attempt a decapitation.
Character Roster
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Onoskelis | Andrastia Di'Lucifurge? | Paula? | Jennifus |