
For many year children of all ages have dreamed dreams of wonderful places, filled with wonderful and awe inspiring landscapes and creatures. Sometimes these dreams come to settle on a place known simply as Wonderland. In this place rabbits wear waistcoats, caterpillars smoke from hookahs, and you must be ever cautious of talking cats.
Some hundred years on, though, a subtle corruption is starting to seep in at the gates. Alice, who originally was a simple traveller, has become a ruthless dictator in her own right, waging an endless war with the Queen of Hearts. Weapons have advanced as well, making the stalemate even more devastating.
The creatures of the forest, once full of mischief and fantasy are slowly becoming full of malice and mystery. Even common allies may turn their back upon you as the war wages on.
Note: The usual suspects are still alive and well in this re-imagining of Wonderland. If you want to interact with them feel free to dreamworld petition and one of the gods will try to make it happen.
Traveller: 0 A normal human who has fallen down the rabbit hole and now finds him or herself in wonderland.
Plant: 0 An anthropomorphic and mobile plant who are often some of the first to greet new travellers as well as socialize with other citizens. Not aligned with any particular kingdom.
Small Animal: 10000 A small anthropomorphic animals comprised of birds and small mammals, that often exhibits intelligence and cunning. Many enjoy confusing travellers with unsolvable riddles or provide questionable advice. As denizens of the Dark forest, they are not aligned with any particular kingdom.
Spade: 10000 The servants of the Kingdom of Hearts, the Spades are often doing menial tasks around the kingdom, including painting all of the white roses red. The general citizens of the Kingdom of Hearts
Club: 25000 The soldiers of the Kingdom of Hearts, these also serve as the secret police of the kingdom, encouraging all citizens to follow the orders of the Royal family, or of the Diamonds.
Large Animal: 50000 A large anthropomorphic animals comprised of large birds, such as Dodos and large mammals, such as walruses that often exhibits intelligence and cunning. Many enjoy confusing travellers with unsolvable riddles or provide questionable advice. As denizens of the forest, they are not aligned with any particular kingdom.
Diamond: 100000 Diamonds are the upper class of Kingdom of Hearts. They serve as the kingdom's masters of industry, class, and commanders of armies.
Mythical Animal: 150000 Animals of unusual qualities, likely to be as tricky as their smaller brethren they hold no loyalty to any particular kingdom and have a penchant for tea.