\ Haven:Mist and Shadow OutOfDreamers/Yggdrasil Online

Yggdrasil Online

Yggdrasil Online

"The World Tree Online"





Argentiri - The Air Nomads

The Argentiri are not so much a nation as much as they are just a group of similarly-minded people, travelling the world, sharing their views of tranquility and co-existence. Many are vegetarian, bald (even the women), and wear loose clothing, to be healthier and able to feel the air moving around them. They rarely have money, detaching themselves from the weight of worldly possessions, and often find themselves telling stories and giving advice in exchange for a meal or lodgings as needed. They are loosely bound to the symbol of the Argentiri, which is the Silver Swirl on a green field. They have no real elite task force or anything, but outside Terrafini territory, they are treated quite hospitably, as an unspoken rule.

National Ally: Auremizi
National Enemy: Terrafini
Neutrality: Aventari
Ambivalence with the rest.

Auremizi - The Golden Technocracy

Auremizi, as controllers of energy, are the best known technocrats in the land. Their machines function on cells that can contain the energy from their lightning. Their cities are artistic and often lively during the day, but Auremizi are quick to wind down when the sun fades on the horizon. Their symbol is a Golden Sun on a sky blue field, showing their reverence for the sun and its life giving energy. A select group of special individuals are known as the Guardians of the Sun, and they are usually knights in golden armor with shields blazoned with the Sun.

National Ally: Argentiri
National Enemy: Veneni
Neutrality: Volcari
Ambivalence with the rest.

Aventari - The Righteous Theocracy

Aventari are known for their benevolence and religious devotion to light, good, healing, and kindness. Their people often do work for charities, religious houses, churches, and hospitals. They are all but universally welcome, save in Mortali territories, where their Light and Healing magic are in constant demand. While every kingdom has healers, the Aventari make extra effort to master it in conjunction with their divine light. All Aventari rally to the White Ankh banner on a blue field, a symbol of the Giver of Life and Light, venerated in many incarnations. A special group of elite healers exists in the kingdom of light, called the Hierophants.

National Ally: Volcari
National Enemy: Mortali
Neutrality: Argentiri
Ambivalence with the rest.

Mortali - The Grave Guardian Cultists

Mortali are not really a nation. They have no territory that most can even reach. It is actually a cult, effectively, with hundreds of members that dwell in the Shadow Maze. Steeped in secrecy and practicers of supposedly dark magic, Mortali are united beneath the Banner of the Black Fist, a symbol of the Guardian of the Dead. Commoners are just as capable and likely to be included in all manners of magical and mystical arts as any other kingdom, but most actually shy from it, preferring weapon combat, stealth, and subterfuge. A special group called the Laughing Skulls are elite assassins from the kingdom of death.

National Ally: Seavini
National Enemy: Aventari
Neutrality: Veneni
Ambivalence with the rest.

Remiki - The Reality Shapers

Remiki are rarely seen outside of their Pocket Dimension. This is because they are incredibly dangerous, and their reality magic can have unforeseen consequences. All Remiki wear masks. They are mysterious, often quiet, tend to speak in riddles, some times prophetic. They are allowed into all territories, often as advisors and consultants for that very reason. They are allied under the symbol of the Purple Eye on a white field, which is often seen on their masks. The elite of the Remiki are called the Speakers of Truth, and they are incapable of lying in any way.

The Remiki are neutral to all nations.

Seavini - The Undersea Conglomerate

Seavini are a loose conglomeration of various trade houses. Known for grand cities beneath the seas that are difficult, if not impossible to invade, the Seavini also tend to leave land dwellers to their own devices, especially the Volcari. Seavini that travel on land are usually nomadic traders, plying the wealth of the deep for what luxury the land can afford them. Almost all Seavini have some talent with Water Magic, making them able to breath under water. Their symbol is a blue trident on a black and blue horizontal striped field, representing their dominion over the Depths of the ocean. Their special force is called the Mariners, which are effectively sea-faring pirates that accept tributes for safe passage.

National Ally: Mortali
National Enemy: Volcari
Neutrality: Terrafini
Ambivalence with the rest.

Terrafini - The Jade Empire

Terrafini is ruled by an Emperor who is in the palace inside the center of the Inner Circle of the capital city. Their territory is expansive and mineral rich, leading to a huge economy based on mining and metal working. They do not however like to travel, so many of their goods remain in the city, forcing visitors and tourists to come and get them. They rally behind the Brown Coin banner on a green field with gold accents. The truly elite in Earth Magic can join the Jade Fist, some of the most ruthless defenders of Terrafini territory.

National Ally: Veneni
National Enemy: Argentiri
Neutrality: Seavini
Ambivalence with the rest.

Veneni - The Hiveminded Outcasts

While the Mortali may revere death, the Veneni have a fantastic reputation for being assassins, blending in to apply various highly specialized poison cocktails to their targets in a variety of ways. While the kingdom does officially rally under the symbol of the Green Droplet on a black background, the flag is rarely actually displayed anywhere save the Wilting Wastes. The elite Scorpion Stingers are ghosts that the Veneni use to enforce their borders, contracts, and treaties, and they are absolutely relentless in this endeavor.

The Veneni have a symbiotic with the Hive, and this relationship is a main theme of Veneni play, requiring many newbies to do quests to gain enough trust with the Hive to not attack them on sight. Continuing to do more quests for them will unlock various cosmetic perks related to the Hive. But one of the most sought after prizes, even by non-Veneni, and the cap stone to doing those starting quests is a combat-assistant Wasp Pet that can be named and fights beside its Veneni caretaker and provides a conduit to the Hive for them even when abroad. There is a Queen of the Hive, buried far, far below the Dorzenthal Mound. The Veneni there are fiercely protective of her and will stop any that would do her harm.

National Ally: Terrafini
National Enemy: Auremizi
Neutrality: Mortali
Ambivalence with the rest.

Volcari - The Kingdom of Molten Majesty

Volcari are ruled by a King and Queen, plus the royal families and various designations below that, in a medieval, feudal fashion. Their territories are mostly limited to some large, volcanic islands that have long been dormant. The lands are quite fertile however, so agriculture can thrive. As a people, the Volcari are by and large passionate and hot tempered, but many find joy in things like song and dance, parties and other revelries. The Volcari are very patriotic, with twice daily pledges to their Red Flame banner, the symbol of Banishing the Darkness Within. They have an elite group of Fire Magic users called the Searing Embers, which is a secret, fraternal society devoted to mastery of Mind (with Rune Magic), Body (with Martial Arts), and Soul (with Fire Magic).

National Ally: Aventari
National Enemy: Seavini
Neutrality: Auremizi
Ambivalence with the rest.


Argentiri Commoner

Argentiri commoners are nomads, travelling the world, sharing their views of tranquility and co-existence. Many are vegetarian, bald, and wear loose clothing, to be healthier and able to feel the air moving around them. They rarely have money, detaching themselves from worldly possessions, and often find themselves telling stories and giving advice in exchange for a meal or lodgings as needed.

Auremizi Commoner

Auremizi commoners are in constant motion, almost always upbeat, smiling with radiant, tanned skin, found the world over engaging in various social pursuits, often as traders. Their cities are artistic and often lively during the day, but Auremizi are quick to wind down when the sun fades on the horizon.

Aventari Commoner

Aventari commoners are typically quite sociable, bubbly, and bright of disposition. They often work for charities, religious houses, churches, and hospitals. They are all but universally welcome, save in Mortali territories, where their Light and Healing magic are in constant demand. While every kingdom has healers, the Aventari make extra effort to master it in conjunction with their divine light.

Mortali Commoner

Mortali commoners are difficult to distinguish from nobles, because even they are included in the secret practices and dark arts that they all perform. It is only advancement within the cult that distinguishes one from the other, and no outsider will ever be made aware of or allowed to witness those rituals.

Remiki Commoner

Remiki are mysteries, wrapped in enigmas, topped off with puzzles and unanswerable questions. Who are they? What do they want? No one knows the difference between a Remiki commoner and a noble. They are all mysterious, and getting straight answers from any of them is practically impossible.

Seavini Commoner

Seavini commoners are relaxed, peaceful, and resolute as a whole, inhabiting any region with enough water to sustain their population. Known for grand cities beneath the seas that are difficult, if not impossible to invade, the Seavini also tend to leave land dwellers to their own devices, especially the Volcari. Seavini that travel on land are usually nomadic traders, plying the wealth of the deep for what luxury the land can afford them.

Terrafini Commoner

Terrafini commoners are literally down to earth, stubborn as mountains, and a hearty people. Many are capable of minor feats of earth magic, and the Terrafini territories are known to be heavily fortified with rock walls reaching upwards of fifty feet. Many of them are miners, and gold mining is a very desired position.

Veneni Commoner

Veneni commoners are rare to see outside of the swamp and wastelands, unless they are in disguise. While the Mortali may revere death, the Veneni have a fantastic reputation for being assassins, blending in to apply various highly specialized poison cocktails to their targets in a variety of ways.

Volcari Commoner

Volcari commoners are fiery, passionate, quick to anger, and eagerly competitive. Many are laborers, with blacksmithing being the craft of choice of greatest renown, coupling the strength of body with the fire of the soul. Volcari traders and merchants can be found in any part of the world, save the Seavini territories and some more flammable Terrafini forests.

Argentiri Noble

Argentiri nobles are gurus, wisemen, monks, and spiritual guides, tending to stick to one small region to be available for others on various pilgrimages. Almost all of them are vegetarian, bald, wear loose clothing, and have tattoos.

Auremizi Noble

Auremizi nobles bask in the luxury of their cities, and tend to come across a bit aloof, a little lazy, and maybe a little gluttonous. What is less well known is that they tend to conserve their energy for some really stellar displays of energy magic.

Aventari Noble

Aventari nobles tend to be quite rigid, devoted, and disciplined. They are often far more martial than commoners, able to afford heavy armor, shields, and knightly pursuits. They are welcome in most noble societies for their competitive nature and predictable temperament, though not in Mortali territory. Aventari nobles are more likely to use their light magic for combat purposes, but often have some healing to back up their skills.

Mortali Noble

Mortali nobles are difficult to distinguish from commoners, because even they are both included in the secret practices and dark arts that they all perform. It is only advancement within the cult that distinguishes one from the other, and no outsider will ever be made aware of or allowed to witness those rituals.

Remiki Noble

Remiki are mysteries, wrapped in enigmas, topped off with puzzles and unanswerable questions. Who are they? What do they want? No one knows the difference between a Remiki commoner and a noble. They are all mysterious, and getting straight answers from any of them is practically impossible.

Seavini Noble

Seavini nobles are prim, proper, and proud as a whole, usually remaining in the deep oceanic cities with others of like power. Seavini nobles rarely travel outside the ocean without good reason, and may often attempt to pass as common when they do. While almost all Seavini have some talent with Water Magic, nobles near any body of water are a force to be reckoned with.

Terrafini Noble

Terrafini nobles are far more lofty than their common counterparts, interested in maintaining the status quo, and deliberately live separate from the commoners behind walls of stone and bureaucracy. They rarely journey outside of the Inner Circle of the capital city, and all of their needs are met within the walls. They tend to be very out of touch with their commoners.

Veneni Noble

Veneni nobles are most often seen in other nations, wearing purple, near someone holding a Purple Droplet standard, negotiating with other territories, save those of the Auremizi.

Volcari Noble

Volcari nobles are cunningly clever, coldly calculating, quick to anger, and aggressive. Many are trained in military disciplines, serving as the leadership in the Volcari armies. Volcari nobles are often treated with greater respect than strictly deserved in other territories to prevent escalations, though they are rarely found in Seavini areas.


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"Comment." - Said Character?

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