Before Haven: Orphaned and left in the big tent of a traveling circus, Lorna grew up a carnie. Some memories are gentle, others full of horror. But she speaks little of her time there unless she trusts you, and even then there is pain in her eyes. But as Gramma LaRoux always said - Behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain. More recently she was in a very abusive relationship with an ancient vampire, and is still on the run from him. Will he find her here?
Since Arrival in Haven: Now that she's in Haven, Lorna is attempting to live a normal, boring life. Renting an apartment with a roommate, hanging out at the local bars and making friends. She was ready to leave the past behind in favor of a new start.
Supernatural/Weirdness: Growing up a human in a fae circus, Lorna was always the odd one out. But she's aware of all that lurks in the dark, under beds and hidden from natural eyes. She's had the dreams since a young age, but has avoided much of the terrors of that world, growing up in the strange as she did. It doesn't mean she can function without her medication, anxiety causing her to become paranoid at times. Everyone wears masks, but some are never easily found until much too late.
Painting: She paints portraits, mainly dark and gothic styles for mantles of the underground and curious.
Stealthy & Lockpicky & Hacky: Certain skills you pick up being a carnie, grifting is one of them.
Animals: Many of the animals in the circus took a liking to the young girl, and since then, she's always had an innate ability to sense their moods.