The section directly below determines the picture that's used on the Characters group page. Replace
with a link to an image of your choice.
The following section relates to the character picture that will appear on the page for the individual character and the table beneath it. Replace
with a link to an image of your choice. Replace the words "Your name here", "Archetype", "Your age here", "Your faction Name here", "What You do for income", and "Where you're from" with the appropriate information. "FactionName" also needs to be replaced with the name of your faction without spaces. The link can be replaced with a link to a theme song for the character and "Theme Song Title" can be replaced with the name of that song.
Ruqa Isao
| Female
Birth Date:
| 27/04/2000
| Asian (Japanese)
| Job Title
Theme Song:
| Theme Song Title
Supernatural Outlook
Noteworthy Ability Noteworthy Ability
What I'm doing in Haven.
More About Me
Scary stuff
The comments section is used by other players to leave feedback and shout outs to your character. "CharacterName" is replaced with the name of the character as seen at the top of their character page. "Said person" can be replaced with a more informal name.
Notes on file
"Note" - By person?
"Note" - By person?