
Dhion is a Primeval beast. A towering serpent that spreads fear wherever he goes. Once upon a time ago, he had a family, but rebelled against his father, and for his sins, he was cast out. Something akin to a god to be worshipped, he has many followers that worship through dance, banquet and sacrifice- human and otherwise. He is allied with the Spirit Asherah. Followers of Dhion would find their village well provided for, as well as many great secrets about Dhion's form taught onto their shamans.
RP Hooks
Basilisk - As a great serpent, he has power over venom and the dreaded stare, along with many and many broods of snakes, who's forms he can give onto any human he pleases.
"Ha! Teach you to mess with a mongoose." - Shirou?
"Comment here." - Someone?