Max Kane
Max Kane

Max Kane, usually seen in his New Hope armor, is a member of that city's militia. Not always that way, he once was a martial arts instructor for those wealthy enough to pay the fee. But since his wife- another militia member- disappeared into the Wastelands on a mission, and his business failing, he decided to make a name for himself and give more to the community, using his martial knowledge to quickly earn himself a spot amongst the militia's ranks, as well as provide hope for his daughter to look up to. On his second day, he managed to put down a mutant threat in the wastelands as well as stop a mugging. The third day, he fended off an attack from a mad bunch of raiders trying to break through New Hope's ranks which, amongst his other feats, earned him a visit from the Senator-General himself, Daerlric Melharian, whom promoted this rising star to Corporal on the spot. Rats have done what no raider could do- they broke into New Hope. Taking a civilian, and killing two militiamen. A few attacks later and Max decided to lead an expedition into the nest to take care of it. Several men died, but another civilian was rescued, and Max managed to wipe out the nest threatening the Wasteland with help from raiders and militiamen alike. For his bravery, and loyalty, Daelric again promoted Max- to the rank of Sergeant. Unconvering corruption within the military ranks of New Hope, Max fought alongside Daelric to put an uprising down, both the men barely managing to survive the coup. The city itself, so much destruction, thanks to just four militiamen. Battered, bruised, the Sergeant and Daelric take a short rest from the investigation, having not completely put down the growing rebellion.
RP Hooks
Loyal - He's loyal to the core, so much so that his efforts for New Hope has been reward by the Senator-General himself. A quick upgrade to his equipment followed. And his loyalty grows even stronger.
Sergeant - Just now promoted to the rank of Sergeant, he's been given further command over soldiers- although not quite the same sway as a Senator has- and better equipment to work with.
Hero - A devoted father, and a true protector of the people- of New Hope. Everyone outside of New Hope's walls, will probably look upon him as a villain, a monster. And they're probably right.
"You've been making waves." - Daelric Melharian?
"Permission granted. There is another situation going on, but one soldier will soon be joining you." - Senator Ella