\ Haven:Mist and Shadow OutOfStories/SR Lucia

SR Lucia


I am here to tell stories with you. I like the rule of 'yes' and love if you introduce something new or within your character's history or contacts that I can integrate into my responses. During plots I may have things planned out a little, but I always strictly design my plots to give you significant choices, for good or for ill, and cost/benefits to consider. I don't want to shoehorn you into something more altruistic either, you can play immorally if it suits your character.

  • Genres: horror, suspense, mystery, personal, sometimes humor. I love a little silliness sometimes, especially if an encounter is an odd fit for your character.
  • Availability: week days, some weekends and some nights throughout the week. Send a note or tell for details week to week.
  • Contact preference: Tell, Note, Stalk


  • Story death is something I adhere to; I'm not in the habit of killing characters but when it's something especially egregious I might give you an OOC warning (heads up that this thousand year creature may not appreciate you chopping it with a sword, etc). You can choose to heed my warning or not, of course.
  • Trust: there's never any pressure to set a trust level with me. If you add certain levels of trust I can integrate more of your story into whatever story we're telling together. I don't mind if you set trust to a higher level and move down after a session of RP. Use it to your comfort, I don't mind.
