\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/A Battle In The Nightmare 240629

A Battle In The Nightmare 240629

(A battle in the Nightmare)

[Fri Jun 28 2024]

In The Forest

It is morning, about 81F(27C) degrees,

"Oh, are you not getting enough fiber in your diet?" Nikolai asks mildly, with none of the evil grin in his voice quite making it to his voice. "That does often lead to feelings of hunger, and an increased appetite. We could fix that, no problem..." He leans further down and presses a kiss to the tip of her ear, then tips her onto her back so that he can stand up and stretch his legs for a moment - and then the pair of them slip-fall deep through the nightmare. "Oh," he mutters, embarrassed at the public display. "Right. Who do we have here?"

"Oh, are you not getting enough fiber in your diet?" Nikolai asks mildly, with none of the evil grin in his voice quite making it to his lips. "That does often lead to feelings of hunger, and an increased appetite. We could fix that, no problem..." He leans further down and presses a kiss to the tip of her ear, then tips her onto her back so that he can stand up and stretch his legs for a moment - and then the pair of them slip-fall deep through the nightmare. "Oh," he mutters, embarrassed at the public display. "Right. Who do we have here?" (fix)

Peyton says, Sighing, "Hello! I did not see this one coming. Let's see what we have here."
Peyton does a fast run in the direction of danger, holding weapons forth and prepared to make use of them. She seems sort of sleepy, is that a yawn? Well, maybe she was in bed.

Korina perks up at the sound of another voice, spotting Peyton in the distance - there's only one cat allowed in these parts, even if the parts in question is a literal endless void. "I /am/ hungry," she tells Nikolai, entirely unabashed, unlike him, and then sprints towards the other woman in the distance.

Lifting his fingers to his neck to pulse of a two-beat beacon from an implant in his neck, Nikolai shows surprising swiftness for all that bulk as wings sprout from his ankles and he dashes in towards Peyton. He's no angelborn, but he's quick - and he's lugging a hammer even bigger than the Warden's. "Unfortunate for you that no allies came to your defense," he declares. "This will be a painful first meeting." There's a smirk on his features as he says it.

That's a pretty big distance to cover, innit? Korina is still sprinting - curse you and your winged ankles, Nikolai - but she's steadily gaining ground, a bright gleam in her eyes as watches Peyton.

Then Nikolai drops his hands from his neck and /sprints/, bursting forwards in a massive rush of speed that sees him uncomfortably close to someone - he'll be on top of her soon. At least he can't start shooting, yet.

Then Nikolai drops his hands from his neck and /sprints/, bursting forwards in a massive rush of speed that sees him uncomfortably close to Peyton - he'll be on top of her soon. At least he can't start shooting, yet.

Peyton fires sort of blindly towards the two of them, though most of her shots somehow miss the broad side of the walking barn that is charging towards her, a few harmlessly damage some of the nightmare stuff around Korina's feet. She drops a mag and spanks another one into place, but a this point she's reaching for her sword and lifting it to a guard position.

"Absolutely fucking not," Nikolai swears in a thick Russian burr. He crosses the last of that distance separating him and Peyton, then slaps the barrel of her rifle down to the ground, aiming it away from someone. There's a faint crackle in the air as he swings his hammer up towards her ribs, but it's a light, low-powered swing - he's building up to something bigger, not wasting time. "This would work better for you if your friends in the Order were as good as those you left in the Hand," he notes. "Perhaps you should come back."

"Absolutely fucking not," Nikolai swears in a thick Russian burr. He crosses the last of that distance separating him and Peyton, then slaps the barrel of her rifle down to the ground, aiming it away from Korina. There's a faint crackle in the air as he swings his hammer up towards her ribs, but it's a light, low-powered swing - he's building up to something bigger, not wasting time. "This would work better for you if your friends in the Order were as good as those you left in the Hand," he notes. "Perhaps you should come back."

Korina is already in the process of dodging the incoming shot by swerving to a side, so she technically didn't /need/ Nikolai to just thwap the rifle out of Peyton's hands. She appreciates it though, because nobody likes being shot at. "Why do you know all the women?!" gets demanded of Nikolai - she almost forgets to shoot at Peyton. Hey look, a distraction of colorful lights in the corner of her vision while they banter.

Peyton weaves and dodges between the attacks, gracefully so, but not unhumanly, and that alone is enough to make it clear things are not going her way. As she does a balletic spin, her slender blade lashes out, attempting to part a mountain with a feather, while she weaves past an arrow, already put well on her heels, jolted scrambling to get balance back.

Off-balanced and flanked between Korina's ranged volley and Nikolai's hammer is just where the big Russian wants Peyton - with her battle-ballet deployed in dodging the arrow whistling over his shoulder, he grips his hammer and swings /hard/, comfortable with telegraphing his attack in the moment of distraction. Even if it's too slow to connect dead-on with the poor angelborn's ribs, it does glance off her shoulder, numbing the crushed meat beneath it with a momentary, if intense, buzz of pain.

With a burst of energy and a last sprint, Korina finally crosses the distance now to be in melee - right in time for a svelte woman in a three-piece suit to show up. There's a hiss at her, and a dirty look shot at Nikolai, before Korina channels all that unnecessary aggression into slashing her steel-bladed claws at someone' arm.

With a burst of energy and a last sprint, Korina finally crosses the distance now to be in melee - right in time for a svelte woman in a three-piece suit to show up. There's a hiss at her, and a dirty look shot at Nikolai, before Korina channels all that unnecessary aggression into slashing her steel-bladed claws at Peyton's arm.

Peyton fades out of the nightmare.