\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Ediths Decursing Attempt 250214

Ediths Decursing Attempt 250214

(Edith's decursing attempt)

[Thu Feb 13 2025]

In a Darkened Alley alongside the Elm Street Apartment Complex

It is night, about -6F(-21C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by dark grey clouds. There is a waning gibbous moon.

"Good morning." Edith greets Savannah, stepping out of a cloud of red mist.

"Good morning," Savannah says to Edith as she looks over to the woman, surprised. She clears her throat, eyes traveling over her as she says, "Oh, that looks wonderful, you were righyt to choose it. About to head inside?"

Edith shakes her head. "I thought perhapse I might go to Sludgefukk." the blond tells Savannah. "I would speak with the rats." Though if she means people, or the actual rats goes without comment.

"I was heading that way myself," Savannah says to Edith as she looks towards her, chuckoing softly, "Shall I meet you over here?"

Edith nods to Savannah. "Of course." Heading to her car, the blond slips in, beginning to head out.

Gliding in with effortless grace, Edith looks around at the general aesthetics, an inscrutable expression masking any true opinion of the place. As Savannah enters behind her, the blond continues to head deeper, shoving her way through gatherings of revelers as she heads to the bar, where Novel seems to be with Cadence.

"Mhm," Cadence says in quiet agreement, seeing no fault in Novel's logic. She continues to make that lazy circular spin in the empty space before her, punctuating the circle with an equally invisible dot, jabbing her finger right into its centre. "I'm still getting my bearings here. I was very surprised to hear that Haven now has its own little Chinatown somewhere about. When I left, the town was just one cozy, sleepy coastal town. How times change," she seems to lament, judging by her dismal tone. She ticks her gaze over yonder, watching a trio step inside.

"This." Edith explains to Novel, picking up an item from the floor. It appears to be a ring. "Perhapse not in here though."

Takeshi makes his way into the establishment! It was highly questionable if he was even drinking age, but the boy was on a mission. He makes his way over to the group before he hits a pose, hips forwards, shoulders back, his head dipped with eyes closed and his fingers to his forehead. Dynamic. "I sense evil afoot." He declares in broken english, his heavy accent making him difficult to understand and even harder to take seriously