\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Gabriels Bargaining 240701

Gabriels Bargaining 240701

(Gabriel's bargaining)

[Sun Jun 30 2024]

In Town Hall Northern Meeting Room

It is about 70F(21C) degrees.

Gabriel clears his throat and strides in, door closed behind him, he smiles. "Hello, sorry for the delay in my arrival. I came as soon as I heard of your availability. Thank you for making time for me." He steps in and takes a seat at the table, snapping open a brief case and sliding over a dossier. "I understand that the Temple is not a typical ally of the circle, but I know we have worked together in the past because we understand something."

"Evil is real, and when we confront it, we do so with everyone willing to oppose it. The Temple, under my leadership, recognizes righteousness in all its form. And we have no right to pretend that we have not dirtied our hands before." Gabriel tells representative of The White Circle. "So, what I offer is plain, the assets and protection of the Temple in exchange for your assistance. Do we have a deal?"

Gabriel nods politely to Korina.

"Oh. It's you again." Korina mentions to Gabriel and his glass of Coca Cola when she strolls in. There's a pause near the doorway, her eyes peering between him and representative of The White Circle before she decides, "I have a potion brewing in the lab. Maybe it won't blow up in ten minutes..." She doesn't sound too sure.

Gabriel nods to Nikolai. "Apologies, I don't believe I ever did get your name? Gabriel Williams."

Trailing more after Korina than after the White Circle's representative, it seems, Nikolai steps through the door as if intending to remove her from the proceedings outright - then he notices Gabriel's the only competitor standing around. "I was thinking this would be a waste of time," he sighs. "White Circle rarely deal with us, and we've been making deals all day, Rina, but at least we get to see an old friend while we're at it, huh?" He faces Gabriel more fully, then says his name: "Nikolai Kuznetsov. I am an engineer with Coretech Industries. And yourself?"

"White Oak Staff, City Council, and Interim Acting Chief Commander of Temple Operations for Haven," Gabriel notes having given his name moments prior. "Rare I can snag a deal from the Hand, but I suppose we've little other choice but to try," he says and smiles good naturedly.

Korina grumbles under her breath, and takes advantage of Nikolai's presence to go lean against him comfortably, eying representative of The White Circle as though he's going to meet a bad, bad fate if he doesn't agree to deal with the Hand. Hopefully not with so many witnesses, right?

The representative of The White Circle decides to support The Temple.