(Kah's nightmare battle with Lynette)
[Sat Mar 1 2025]
In A private Bedroom
Traditional tatami flooring muffles each step while at the room's center,
a low wooden bedframe supports a futon layered with silk sheets in deep
crimson and black, the colors of the Tsubaki no Tetsu. A soft washi paper
lantern hangs from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow over the space.
A shoji screen separates the sleeping area from a modest sitting space,
where a lacquered table rests upon a woven rug, flanked by two zabuton
cushions. Here, a delicate porcelain tea set waits atop a tray, ready to
offer a moment of quiet reflection. Against one wall, a built-in wardrobe
with sliding doors holds an array of clothing.
A tokonoma alcove showcases an ink-brushed scroll bearing a proverb of
resilience, alongside a single vase of fresh camellias - a quiet tribute
to the organizations namesake. Resting on a nearby stand, a sheathed
katana watches over the room like a silent guardian.
Tucked into a discreet corner of the bedroom is a bathing area. A carved
wooden screen offers partial privacy, revealing a deep hinoki soaking tub
where steam rises in gentle curls. A stone-tiled shower rests beside it,
while a polished porcelain basin sits atop a dark wooden vanity.
It is about 45F(7C) degrees.
Kah grunts, blinking as he finds himself caught deep within the nightmare. "Patrol?" He murmurs, hefting the weapons he finds in his hands. He nods, before glancing around fruitlessly in the dark.
Stepping into the nightmare with a lumberjack's axe in hand, Colton glances aside to Lynette and says, "Hope you know how to fight, huh? That bow just for decoration?" Then he raises his voice, calling out to whoever's out there, "/You/ attacked us, yeah?"
"Venice" Kah calls out into the shadow, readying himself. "But yes, it seems that our side initiated the skirmish!" The soft-spoken voice comes floating through the darkness.
Lynette squits through the strange atmosphere. "Is that mr. punch first ask questions later? My bow most certainly isn't just for show. Care explaining what I've been dragged into?" She purrs softly towards Colton
"You fight for the Japanese dudes," Colton grunts. "This is one of those fights. The Conclave are allied to you for now, so here I am to back you up."
"Someone sounds a bit jealous. The Japanese did grab aholf of me first, yes," Lynette confirms with a small smile. "I would never refuse an ally."
Twisting to squint at Lynette, Colton says, "I'm not sure where you're getting jealousy from, but if you want to push it, I'm happy to just leave you to fight on your own."
Twisting to squint at Lynette, Colton says, "I'm not sure where you're getting jealousy from, but if you want to push it, I'm happy to just leave you to fight on your own." (repost)
"No need to jump to conclusions!" Lynette quickly corrects her tone with a bat of her eyes. "You wouldn't want to be responsible for a poor defenseless girl getting hurt, would you?"
Lynette senses an aura of danger causing her to react out of instinct. She begins to back alway, drawing her bow and knocking an arrow into place. Without a word she fires at the precieved threat. The best defense is an active offense after all.
The first arrow comes flying toward him, and Kah just slips forward, boot hitting the ground and then pushing the man forward with a burst of speed. As he moves, it's not Lynette that he aims for, but Colton with a gleam in his eye as the man finds himself lifted up into the air and then Kah's spear comes flashing forward with it's curved blade. Even suspended in the air, Colton is no stranger to danger and his axe catches the blade expertly, turning the weapon away without letting it get close to him. The enormous man seems pleased by this, assessing the pair as they engage. "Now is your chance" he breathes, before the other burly fellow drops from the air and finds himself once more on his feet. His face disappears behind the gleam of his shield as he re-settles it into place.
"Christ," Colton swears, swinging his axe up to keep the point of Kah's spear away from his soft bits. "I didn't bring any bombs. Hope you've got a few tricks up your sleeve, Thorne." He thrusts out a hand and an invisible force forces Kah a few steps backwards, much as the Moore is held aloft by an invisible force of his own. Taking advantage of the minute distance formed between them, though, he blindly fires a poisoned crossbow bolt at the expanse of the vast man's chest, sending it to cut a thin line across the bigger man's ribcage. "That's Kah Nhet. One of the strongest guys in town."
"I recognize her voice, but not her face" Kah offers aloud as he's shoved back. Boots scrape along the ground and he grunts from the force of being pushed back. Then the loud THWAP of the crossbow's cord come snapping tight and firing that bolt right past his shield to pass along the lengh of his ribs ripping through his shirt with a scrape along exposed bronze skin beneath it. "Colton I suspect could match me if he chose to" he observes as he has to re-cover that distance and thrust his spear out toward Colton again with a vicious swing this time that looks to crash into the man's defenses with a hefty weight rather than precision. "Bombs?" He asks then, blinking at Colton in surprise for a moment. "I do not know if I have ever been blown up by modern explosives" he says. Does he sound /curious/ about it?!
"That's what it takes to kill a monster like you," Colton scowls, gritting his teeth at the spear's tip thrust into his shoulder. He grabs the haft with a hand and forces himself back, un-impaling himself as his axe comes up from below in a wide swing. "No magic swords. No spells. Just your bodyweight in RDX." As he regains his footing, he warns, "Your blood's explosive, now, by the way. If you haven't had that experience, yet - it's time to learn to fear fire."
"Kah is it? Quite an awkward meeting we're having here," Lynette winces upon seeing Colton take a pretty nasty hit. "I hope you know this is nothing personal," Lynette quickly loads another arrow, giving it a firm tug and fire while his attention was fixated elsewhere.
Watching, Kah and Colton struggle strength against strength until the Moore pushes the Egyptian back and removes the blade from him, Then a massive blow comes swinging in wide to smash into his shield. A sickening crunch comes from behind the shield as it tried to absorb the blow, squishing into the side of his body. For a few moments after that arm and his defenses hang more loosely at his side, the arm unusable. That doesn't stop Kah from taking a similar cue from Colton, re-setting his feet and taking another quick swipe at the man with a back-handed swing that uses his body like a fulcrum to handle the swing of the over-sized spear. "How do you keep it from pushing at you constantly?" The larger man asks, his voice deadly calm though his actions and swings are a little more frenzied than his tone lets on. For the moment, the two focus on the other, Lynette left to pepper Kah with arrows and hinderance at will. He seems to open his mouth to say something more, but seems to re-consider it. His eyes watch quietly, waiting as he continues to silently watch and wait.
Beyond both Kah and Colton's combined, absurd strength, there's also the leverage in the length of their weapons - both practically polearms - to consider. He catches the lateral swing of the spear with the haft of his axe, then twists to whip his blade into the other man's shield. "You're going to need to be more specific," he growls, nostrils flaring with a need for air. He's already thoroughly off-balance.
Lynette bites her lower lip knowing she was very much so out of her depth in a fight like this. She takes the openings Colton is providing her to start shaving down bits of his defense with the firing of another arrow.
Just as Kah's arm starts to give off new crunching sounds, the bones already knitting themselves back together, the shoulder joint shifting itself back into place - Kah feels the heavy weight of the blow come again into his side, a fresh sound of breaking coming into the air as Kah gives off a loud grunt. The sound doesn't ring out, it's a dull sound as the center embossment of the man's shield is dented into itself and mildly concave! Kah has to stumble backward a little bit but he uses that momentum now to his advantage and he's hauling himself around in a backward arc to spin the longer blade of his spear to pick up speed .. he lets the haft slide down the length of his grip and extend out before clutching it tight to smash once more into Colton's waiting axe. With a roar of pain, Kah lashes out with his arm letting it flail and with a jerk it pops back into socket for the second time in as an many minutes. "I spent a long time learning to master the rage that's natural to me, but this is something else again" he replies with a growl of his own. His blow lands, and he tries to pull his weapon back into defensive posture. Again, something more might be spoken but Kah grows quiet again instead, and lifts his head just in time to see another arrow fly past him and miss by pure happenstance.
Letting out a hiss of pain as Kah's spear slams back into his shoulder, Colton scowls at Kah's question and says, "Same as fucking anything. Find a way to let it off before it builds up and explodes." He reverses the sweep of his axe to come in on the opposite angle to the other man's shield, but he's injured enough now that his blows have begun to quickly deteriorate. "Thorne," he calls. "You got anything else than arrows?"
Lynette groans in disgust at the sound of bones snapping and mending. It was an unpleasant noise. Unnatural, and certainly not in their favor. She fires another arrow, this time trying not to miss in order to undo some of that healing. "Unfortunately I'm what you call a one trick pony. Be grateful I can even use a bow," She mutters, displeased that her inexperience was showing.
The hit doesn't slam into him for too much damage, but it sends Kah off-kilter and off his footing. He catches himself and tries to throw another heaving shot toward Colton but he's not on point with his aim, swinging wide or tall with the thrust or slash. With a grunt of acknowledgement, Kah keeps his thoughts to himself beyond this as the fight breaks down to those final blows between the two titans as Lynette continues to keep her head udner the radar!
"Takeshi is the only real fighter in Tsubaki no Tetsu to be honest, besides Ritsuka I suppose. She's more of a can fight than a fighter however," Lynette hums to Colton, catching him up on some missing information. "Unfortunately for you and us, Takeshi is getting ass fucked by some satyr in the Wilds as we speak. Not many options for rescue," As she babbles, Lynette knocks another arrow into place and shoots.
Distracted by yet another arrow, Kah makes the mistake of turning his attention away from Colton for a moment, and his eyes lock onto Lynette. A piece of debris lifts up off the ground and zips toward her, more as a distraction itself than trying to hurt her with any real damage.
Lynette squeaks, desperately ducking from the debris having not been expecting to be acknowledged in this fight until after Colton goes down. "H-hey!" Lynette yelps, sending a retaliatory arrow Kah's way.
Taking that moment's reprieve to catch his breath a touch, Colton whips his axe nimbly through the air, crashing it deliberately into the side of Kah's shield. "Hate to lose what I managed to build up so far," he mutters. Glancing along to Lynette, he calls, "Better to go down fast if you want to be out of here any time soon. This guy's going to take a lot of carving to get through."
"I can't say that is not true" Kah replies, turning his attention back to Colton as he move to re-engage with the man with a fresh attack. "But if your friend is still worth saving when the fight is concluded, I will help you retrieve them if you require it."
"Leave him," Colton argues, moving in to claim some advantage from his more nimble strikes before he's simply warded off by Kah's spear. "He's foul, and only claims to be a fighter. Caught him with his tongue buried in his own sister's ass in the most disgusting bathroom the town has to offer. Just let him be eaten."
Lynette smirks as she watches the two monsters fight. She takes the opportunity to get in another of her own, knowing she was serving little more than backup at the moment. "That's an awfully kind offer" He smiles at Kah's offer "Are you sure you want to help an enemy?" She asks not wanting to be reminded of the scene Colton walked into.
Once more, Colton and Kah have to focus on each other, clashing back and forth as the larger brute has to shift and move with practiced shuffled footsteps to try and keep abreast of Colton's more nimble movements to avoid being flanked by the man. Another arrow comes whizzing by but the man gives a grunt at the question. "Retrieving the fallen from the field has long been honored. Though Colton here makes a strong argument for leaving it up to Shai to decide" he offers as he gives a mildly blanced look at the mention of exactly what Colton may have caught the captive in question doing.
Gritting his teeth with a sudden frustration, Colton says, "I have to wake up. It's your win, Kah." He lets out a grunt. "Properly. I won't be a bitch about it, you have my ass. But I can't keep the fight going." Already, the silhouette of his nightmare form begins to wave - and then splits in twain, his spectre fading into the dreamworld proper as this psychic manifestation remains only minutely animate, letting out one last, feeble swing of the axe. "Sorry," it murmurs, with its last few breathes. "Good luck, Thorne."
Lynette tsks under her breath as she watches Colt stop fighting. "Colt is just mad he didn't get invited" Lynette purrs as she stops fighting, looking to negotiate instead "It'd be more of a help to me than to him, though. He's my hired muscle."
Kahs Nightmare Battle With Colton 250302
(Kah's nightmare battle with Lynette)
[Sat Mar 1 2025]
In A private Bedroom
Traditional tatami flooring muffles each step while at the room's center,
a low wooden bedframe supports a futon layered with silk sheets in deep
crimson and black, the colors of the Tsubaki no Tetsu. A soft washi paper
lantern hangs from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow over the space.
A shoji screen separates the sleeping area from a modest sitting space,
where a lacquered table rests upon a woven rug, flanked by two zabuton
cushions. Here, a delicate porcelain tea set waits atop a tray, ready to
offer a moment of quiet reflection. Against one wall, a built-in wardrobe
with sliding doors holds an array of clothing.
A tokonoma alcove showcases an ink-brushed scroll bearing a proverb of
resilience, alongside a single vase of fresh camellias - a quiet tribute
to the organizations namesake. Resting on a nearby stand, a sheathed
katana watches over the room like a silent guardian.
Tucked into a discreet corner of the bedroom is a bathing area. A carved
wooden screen offers partial privacy, revealing a deep hinoki soaking tub
where steam rises in gentle curls. A stone-tiled shower rests beside it,
while a polished porcelain basin sits atop a dark wooden vanity.
It is about 45F(7C) degrees.
Kah grunts, blinking as he finds himself caught deep within the nightmare. "Patrol?" He murmurs, hefting the weapons he finds in his hands. He nods, before glancing around fruitlessly in the dark.
Stepping into the nightmare with a lumberjack's axe in hand, Colton glances aside to Lynette and says, "Hope you know how to fight, huh? That bow just for decoration?" Then he raises his voice, calling out to whoever's out there, "/You/ attacked us, yeah?"
"Venice" Kah calls out into the shadow, readying himself. "But yes, it seems that our side initiated the skirmish!" The soft-spoken voice comes floating through the darkness.
Lynette squits through the strange atmosphere. "Is that mr. punch first ask questions later? My bow most certainly isn't just for show. Care explaining what I've been dragged into?" She purrs softly towards Colton
"You fight for the Japanese dudes," Colton grunts. "This is one of those fights. The Conclave are allied to you for now, so here I am to back you up."
"Someone sounds a bit jealous. The Japanese did grab aholf of me first, yes," Lynette confirms with a small smile. "I would never refuse an ally."
Twisting to squint at Lynette, Colton says, "I'm not sure where you're getting jealousy from, but if you want to push it, I'm happy to just leave you to fight on your own."
Twisting to squint at Lynette, Colton says, "I'm not sure where you're getting jealousy from, but if you want to push it, I'm happy to just leave you to fight on your own." (repost)
"No need to jump to conclusions!" Lynette quickly corrects her tone with a bat of her eyes. "You wouldn't want to be responsible for a poor defenseless girl getting hurt, would you?"
Lynette senses an aura of danger causing her to react out of instinct. She begins to back alway, drawing her bow and knocking an arrow into place. Without a word she fires at the precieved threat. The best defense is an active offense after all.
The first arrow comes flying toward him, and Kah just slips forward, boot hitting the ground and then pushing the man forward with a burst of speed. As he moves, it's not Lynette that he aims for, but Colton with a gleam in his eye as the man finds himself lifted up into the air and then Kah's spear comes flashing forward with it's curved blade. Even suspended in the air, Colton is no stranger to danger and his axe catches the blade expertly, turning the weapon away without letting it get close to him. The enormous man seems pleased by this, assessing the pair as they engage. "Now is your chance" he breathes, before the other burly fellow drops from the air and finds himself once more on his feet. His face disappears behind the gleam of his shield as he re-settles it into place.
"Christ," Colton swears, swinging his axe up to keep the point of Kah's spear away from his soft bits. "I didn't bring any bombs. Hope you've got a few tricks up your sleeve, Thorne." He thrusts out a hand and an invisible force forces Kah a few steps backwards, much as the Moore is held aloft by an invisible force of his own. Taking advantage of the minute distance formed between them, though, he blindly fires a poisoned crossbow bolt at the expanse of the vast man's chest, sending it to cut a thin line across the bigger man's ribcage. "That's Kah Nhet. One of the strongest guys in town."
"I recognize her voice, but not her face" Kah offers aloud as he's shoved back. Boots scrape along the ground and he grunts from the force of being pushed back. Then the loud THWAP of the crossbow's cord come snapping tight and firing that bolt right past his shield to pass along the lengh of his ribs ripping through his shirt with a scrape along exposed bronze skin beneath it. "Colton I suspect could match me if he chose to" he observes as he has to re-cover that distance and thrust his spear out toward Colton again with a vicious swing this time that looks to crash into the man's defenses with a hefty weight rather than precision. "Bombs?" He asks then, blinking at Colton in surprise for a moment. "I do not know if I have ever been blown up by modern explosives" he says. Does he sound /curious/ about it?!
"That's what it takes to kill a monster like you," Colton scowls, gritting his teeth at the spear's tip thrust into his shoulder. He grabs the haft with a hand and forces himself back, un-impaling himself as his axe comes up from below in a wide swing. "No magic swords. No spells. Just your bodyweight in RDX." As he regains his footing, he warns, "Your blood's explosive, now, by the way. If you haven't had that experience, yet - it's time to learn to fear fire."
"Kah is it? Quite an awkward meeting we're having here," Lynette winces upon seeing Colton take a pretty nasty hit. "I hope you know this is nothing personal," Lynette quickly loads another arrow, giving it a firm tug and fire while his attention was fixated elsewhere.
Watching, Kah and Colton struggle strength against strength until the Moore pushes the Egyptian back and removes the blade from him, Then a massive blow comes swinging in wide to smash into his shield. A sickening crunch comes from behind the shield as it tried to absorb the blow, squishing into the side of his body. For a few moments after that arm and his defenses hang more loosely at his side, the arm unusable. That doesn't stop Kah from taking a similar cue from Colton, re-setting his feet and taking another quick swipe at the man with a back-handed swing that uses his body like a fulcrum to handle the swing of the over-sized spear. "How do you keep it from pushing at you constantly?" The larger man asks, his voice deadly calm though his actions and swings are a little more frenzied than his tone lets on. For the moment, the two focus on the other, Lynette left to pepper Kah with arrows and hinderance at will. He seems to open his mouth to say something more, but seems to re-consider it. His eyes watch quietly, waiting as he continues to silently watch and wait.
Beyond both Kah and Colton's combined, absurd strength, there's also the leverage in the length of their weapons - both practically polearms - to consider. He catches the lateral swing of the spear with the haft of his axe, then twists to whip his blade into the other man's shield. "You're going to need to be more specific," he growls, nostrils flaring with a need for air. He's already thoroughly off-balance.
Lynette bites her lower lip knowing she was very much so out of her depth in a fight like this. She takes the openings Colton is providing her to start shaving down bits of his defense with the firing of another arrow.
Just as Kah's arm starts to give off new crunching sounds, the bones already knitting themselves back together, the shoulder joint shifting itself back into place - Kah feels the heavy weight of the blow come again into his side, a fresh sound of breaking coming into the air as Kah gives off a loud grunt. The sound doesn't ring out, it's a dull sound as the center embossment of the man's shield is dented into itself and mildly concave! Kah has to stumble backward a little bit but he uses that momentum now to his advantage and he's hauling himself around in a backward arc to spin the longer blade of his spear to pick up speed .. he lets the haft slide down the length of his grip and extend out before clutching it tight to smash once more into Colton's waiting axe. With a roar of pain, Kah lashes out with his arm letting it flail and with a jerk it pops back into socket for the second time in as an many minutes. "I spent a long time learning to master the rage that's natural to me, but this is something else again" he replies with a growl of his own. His blow lands, and he tries to pull his weapon back into defensive posture. Again, something more might be spoken but Kah grows quiet again instead, and lifts his head just in time to see another arrow fly past him and miss by pure happenstance.
Letting out a hiss of pain as Kah's spear slams back into his shoulder, Colton scowls at Kah's question and says, "Same as fucking anything. Find a way to let it off before it builds up and explodes." He reverses the sweep of his axe to come in on the opposite angle to the other man's shield, but he's injured enough now that his blows have begun to quickly deteriorate. "Thorne," he calls. "You got anything else than arrows?"
Lynette groans in disgust at the sound of bones snapping and mending. It was an unpleasant noise. Unnatural, and certainly not in their favor. She fires another arrow, this time trying not to miss in order to undo some of that healing. "Unfortunately I'm what you call a one trick pony. Be grateful I can even use a bow," She mutters, displeased that her inexperience was showing.
The hit doesn't slam into him for too much damage, but it sends Kah off-kilter and off his footing. He catches himself and tries to throw another heaving shot toward Colton but he's not on point with his aim, swinging wide or tall with the thrust or slash. With a grunt of acknowledgement, Kah keeps his thoughts to himself beyond this as the fight breaks down to those final blows between the two titans as Lynette continues to keep her head udner the radar!
"Takeshi is the only real fighter in Tsubaki no Tetsu to be honest, besides Ritsuka I suppose. She's more of a can fight than a fighter however," Lynette hums to Colton, catching him up on some missing information. "Unfortunately for you and us, Takeshi is getting ass fucked by some satyr in the Wilds as we speak. Not many options for rescue," As she babbles, Lynette knocks another arrow into place and shoots.
Distracted by yet another arrow, Kah makes the mistake of turning his attention away from Colton for a moment, and his eyes lock onto Lynette. A piece of debris lifts up off the ground and zips toward her, more as a distraction itself than trying to hurt her with any real damage.
Lynette squeaks, desperately ducking from the debris having not been expecting to be acknowledged in this fight until after Colton goes down. "H-hey!" Lynette yelps, sending a retaliatory arrow Kah's way.
Taking that moment's reprieve to catch his breath a touch, Colton whips his axe nimbly through the air, crashing it deliberately into the side of Kah's shield. "Hate to lose what I managed to build up so far," he mutters. Glancing along to Lynette, he calls, "Better to go down fast if you want to be out of here any time soon. This guy's going to take a lot of carving to get through."
"I can't say that is not true" Kah replies, turning his attention back to Colton as he move to re-engage with the man with a fresh attack. "But if your friend is still worth saving when the fight is concluded, I will help you retrieve them if you require it."
"Leave him," Colton argues, moving in to claim some advantage from his more nimble strikes before he's simply warded off by Kah's spear. "He's foul, and only claims to be a fighter. Caught him with his tongue buried in his own sister's ass in the most disgusting bathroom the town has to offer. Just let him be eaten."
Lynette smirks as she watches the two monsters fight. She takes the opportunity to get in another of her own, knowing she was serving little more than backup at the moment. "That's an awfully kind offer" He smiles at Kah's offer "Are you sure you want to help an enemy?" She asks not wanting to be reminded of the scene Colton walked into.
Once more, Colton and Kah have to focus on each other, clashing back and forth as the larger brute has to shift and move with practiced shuffled footsteps to try and keep abreast of Colton's more nimble movements to avoid being flanked by the man. Another arrow comes whizzing by but the man gives a grunt at the question. "Retrieving the fallen from the field has long been honored. Though Colton here makes a strong argument for leaving it up to Shai to decide" he offers as he gives a mildly blanced look at the mention of exactly what Colton may have caught the captive in question doing.
Gritting his teeth with a sudden frustration, Colton says, "I have to wake up. It's your win, Kah." He lets out a grunt. "Properly. I won't be a bitch about it, you have my ass. But I can't keep the fight going." Already, the silhouette of his nightmare form begins to wave - and then splits in twain, his spectre fading into the dreamworld proper as this psychic manifestation remains only minutely animate, letting out one last, feeble swing of the axe. "Sorry," it murmurs, with its last few breathes. "Good luck, Thorne."
Lynette tsks under her breath as she watches Colt stop fighting. "Colt is just mad he didn't get invited" Lynette purrs as she stops fighting, looking to negotiate instead "It'd be more of a help to me than to him, though. He's my hired muscle."