\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Leafs Ghost Banishing 250216

Leafs Ghost Banishing 250216

In the eerie stillness of Arkwright Cemetery, Leaf and Edith confront the menacing presence of smoke monsters, their forms twisting into horned creatures with red eyes. As the tension escalates, the air is thick with the smell of brimstone and the oppressive sensation of having the oxygen sucked from their lungs. Leaf, momentarily paralyzed and unable to complete her spell, signals desperately to Edith for assistance. In response, Edith expertly navigates the situation, countering the smoke monsters' suffocating tactic with a blend of blood magic and protective incantations. This quick action allows Leaf to breathe again, while Edith's spells cause the smoke creatures to turn on each other, a chaotic melee ensuring their own destruction.

Amidst this supernatural combat, a powerful specter emerges, targeting Leaf with a spell that constricts her heart. Edith quickly intercedes, her magic preventing Leaf's demise and forcing the spirit back into the mist. Despite the fear and pain inflicted by the spirit, Leaf focuses on rejuvenating the grass beneath her, drawing life back into the winter-worn earth. This action, seemingly simple yet deeply symbolic, fortifies her resolve. As the final rituals and spells are cast by Edith, including a complex magical circle that activates with a crimson glow, Leaf gathers the essence of the revitalized grass and directs it towards the dissipating smoke. The combination of Leaf's nature magic and Edith's ceremonial wizardry ultimately clears the cemetery of its malevolent visitors, leaving behind a serene, albeit unnerving, sense of peace as the last wisp of smoke vanishes into the night.
(Leaf's ghost banishing)

[Sat Feb 15 2025]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is after dusk, about 35F(1C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky. There is a waning gibbous moon.

There is the sudden smell of brimstone that fills the area, and along with a rising, black mist: smoke, coiling along the surface of the graveyard. It seems to form strange whorls and shapes, and as they draw close to %n they begin to look more and more like creatures -- horned creatures, with red eyes full of menace.

There are only two. Leaf and Edith will face off against the distressed spirit. The woman clad in natural clothing stands from her spot near the grave stone to look over the smoke demons coming towards them. Wide eyed and obviously concerned then she looks to Edith, posing a question with her face alone.

"Wonderful, Edith sniffs. "These again for the second time in a day." Watching Leaf, the blond waits for her to act before doing more, settling herself atop a grave marker in wait. "Arcanist, my dear. If you should like me to perform a banishing, I can. Elsewise, I can keep them from you as you do.""

From the smoky mist, a circle of hooded figures seem to approach, chanting in unison. At first, they seem to be living people, but as they draw closer to Leaf it becomes clear they are smoke monsters themselves. They reach out as their chants increase in volume, and it is as if they are sucking the air out of the lungs of everyone present.

Leaf points at her chest and opens her lips to say half a word "Le-" and then the oxygen is sucked out of her lungs and she is unable to finish the word. The alarm on her face is evident and instinctively she moves the finger pointing at her chest to the hooded figures to point at them. She thrust that pointer urgently as if to tell Edith to do something about it

From the smoky mist, a circle of hooded figures seem to approach, chanting in unison. At first, they seem to be living people, but as they draw closer to Leaf it becomes clear they are smoke monsters themselves. They reach out as their chants increase in volume, and it is as if they are sucking the air out of the lungs of everyone present.

Edith is supremely amused at the air being sucked out of her body. So amused that she doesn't even react to it. Instead, a ceremonial blade is produced, perhapse a focus, and a word is spoken in gutteral tongues. One of the three attacks the other two. Contribution managed, Edith's job is done, and the blond nods to herself, shifting to kneel beside a tombstone that has fallen into the weeds of the cemetery. The motion is unhurried, though exacting, and the blade itself is drawn over Edith's forearm, the blood sluggishly falling to pool in Edith's palm. There's a nod to Leaf, and Edith tells her, "The first will take care of the other two. Then she begins to draw. A finger is dipped into the blood in Edith's palm, and leasurely-- Casually, a circle is drawn, then a line, which is joined by two more; A triangle atop the fallen marker. From that, a second triangle joins it, the concentric lines meeting at various points to create a triscalion star, three by three, a six sided star formed from triangles."

The three try the same tactic again. How entertaining. Another word spoken in gutteral tones. The second of the three turns on its companions-- A melee of infighting restless demonic dead. That lack of air still doesn't bother Edith. Their casting is disrupted and Leaf can of course breathe again, the blond continuing to ascribe her ritual work steadily-- Methodically, unhurried. An ankh is drawn facing the east of the circle, to the west, the scales. To the north, the hanged man and the south, the tines. Edith then checks over Leaf again. Satisfied nothing else is happening, she lets the rest of the blood in her palm fall to create a rune in the center of that star within a circle.

Leaf draws a sharp breath when she has the oxygen back in her lungs. She looks peeved rather than afraid now and as she cast her eyes at the type of magic Edith is doing she looks even more displeased than when she was being suffocated. There is an expressive wrinkle of her nose at her displeasure then she squats down, using both hands to try and clear the snow away from the dead grass beneath it.

Some figure forms in the smoke: tall, it has twisted horns and red eyes. It levels a gnarled finger at Leaf, beginning to chant in an unknown language as the air begins to crackle with magic. Immediately, Leaf can feel something like a vise closing on their heart.

Leaf does not get very far with clearing snow from the patch of ground she is on when she suddenly clutches her chest. Wide eyed and in pain. She gurgles in pain and flops on her side like a fish. Struggling with what feels like her heart about to give out on her. She does not appear to have any defense to combat such an attack on her.

That figure forms, but Edith is ready for it. It's not so much spell combat as it is death magic combatting life magic. "I know you don't like this," the blond tells Leaf, "But in spite of that, I would rather you wern't killed by this ingrate." A gesture then, and there is a glow around Edith's fingers. Where Leaf's heart was stopped, it resumes beating, and Edith takes time once more from her circle to speak another word. This time, the caster is halted-- No movement before it too is lost into the roiling red mist.

As the dark mists roil in the cemetery, Leaf and everyone with them are struck with a sudden fear. It's cold and awful, sinking into their heart to make the world seem impossible and alone.

Leaf collects herself off the ground when her heart is no longer being squeezed so painfully. She looks miserable. This particular spirit is punishing to someone like the nymph and she's not faring well. She returns to clearing some snow until she can find the greenish brown grass that was buried under it. With both hands she puts them on the grass then utters some noises that don't sound like any language. The dead grass rapidly turns to green and vibrant as its given life but just then the sudden fear that strikes the nymph seems to make her nature magic falter and the grass begins to fade again, barely sustained by the woman.

The fear, Edith has nothing. It floods through Edith, and she pauses, shivering, eyes wide and looking as though she might run. That though is counter productive. Leaf and Edith have an objective here, and that will be completed come hell or high water. The rune in the center of the circle is completed; A thing that spirals unnaturally. Yet, the ritual isn't active yet. All magic has a time and a place, and Edith's catalist is not ready. Still, Leaf bringing that grass back to semblance of life brings a smile to Edith's lips, and Leaf gets a respectful nod, that of one adept to another, even with such differences. The vitality of it is something that Edith can focus on, and it distracts from the fear; Growth and vitality in the face of adversity. So there is a shake of the head, and Edith begins to encant.

From the smoky mist, a circle of hooded figures seem to approach, chanting in unison. At first, they seem to be living people, but as they draw closer to Leaf it becomes clear they are smoke monsters themselves. They reach out as their chants increase in volume, and it is as if they are sucking the air out of the lungs of everyone present.

Leaf catches sight of the hooded figures before they begin their chant and shows her cleverness by sucking in a big deep breath and holding it as if she was about to plunge under water. She returns to bringing life back to the grass beneath her feet. It becomes lush, vibrant and longer than it likely ever was before the snows of winter buried it. How this grass is going to make any difference in this situation is still a mystery though.

This old hat? Again? Having witnessed it before, Edith is ready to counter it. Infighting once more, a harsh gesture, a gutteral word, and Edith checks on Leaf before that catalist is applied. Edith and Leaf are in a cemetery, and thus, as Edith grasps, a clump of grave dirt is retrieved, the binding agent capping the center of the rune within the center of the star within the circle. The magic, now active begins to take form. Not much at first, though from the center, the lines begin to shimmer, the inscribed lines glowing with a crimson glow that lights Edith's face from below as Leaf continues to tend the very earth itself.

Some figure forms in the smoke: tall, it has twisted horns and red eyes. It levels a gnarled finger at Leaf, beginning to chant in an unknown language as the air begins to crackle with magic. Immediately, Leaf can feel something like a vise closing on their heart.

The banishment, readied as it has been can take care of itself. That means that Edith can turn her attention to aiding Leaf all the more. The figure manifests, it raises its hands to cast, and once more that clash of wills; Leaf's heart continues to beat in spite of the attempts to the contrary. Then, the spirit is commanded to return to the smoke from wence it came with a word and a motion.

Leaf lets out the air from her lungs to draw in another once the threat of being suffocated has passed. She is getting the hang of this just in the nick of time. Her lush patch of grass continues to grow thick and beautiful beneath her feet and still the spirit has not been thwarted or impressed by how pretty this grass is. The nymph squats to put her fingers in the grass an with intense focus on her face, she utters nonsense under her breath.

All the vibrant green and extra length in the grass seems to shrink away from the outer edge inwards towards the Nymph as though she was absorbing the very life from it. The grass is left alive however, just not as lush and once all of it has been drained she takes her hands out of the grass and points them towards where the majority of the smoke has coalesced.

No beam, no light, no overt expression of power comes from her hands, if anything only a soft wind comes from her general direction and it seems to effortlessly blow away the last wisp of smoke that remain in the graveyard.

The smell of smoke seems to peak, and then, with a rush of magical power, it's gone. The smoke monsters in the cemetery disappear, banished -- fading away as wisps of mist in the air around $n.