\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Meridiths Ghost Banishing 240503

Meridiths Ghost Banishing 240503

In the eerie ambiance of Arkwright Cemetery under a waning crescent moon, a peculiar and chaotic battle unfolds against three haunting specters, each donned in a bizarre amalgam of ballroom and pirate attire, armed menacingly with flintlock pistols, a cutlass, and sharp knives. Meridith, alongside her companions Harriet, Martin, and Alexander, finds herself entangled in a harrowing fight against these spectral assailants. With no clear plan, Meridith valiantly engages the spirits in combat, declaring a desperate strategy: "I fight, you banish!" This scene sets the stage for an unconventional ghost banishing attempt, with Martin humorously suggesting to use the music track 'Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart' by Wham! as a potential deterrent, much to the skepticism of his companions.

As the battle against the specters intensifies, the companions' eclectic blend of tactics—ranging from Harriet and Martin's audacious singalong to the 80's hit as a form of "magic", to Alexander's more traditional ritualistic approach—creates a discordant yet strangely cohesive strategy. Despite Meridith's frustration with her allies' unconventional methods, the group persists. Mirroring the chaotic energy of their environment, Alexander works to complete a ritual amidst the cacophony, while salt is thrown, and swords clash. The narrative crescendos with Alexander's chanting, aided by accidental and intentional contributions from his allies, ultimately succeeding in banishing the spirits back to the spectral realm. Through a bizarre mix of determination, improvised tactics, and a bizarrely potent choice of music, the group secures an unlikely victory, leaving the cemetery once again still under the night sky, save for the lingering echoes of a Wham! classic.
(Meridith's ghost banishing)

[Thu May 2 2024]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is night, about 72F(22C) degrees, There is a waning crescent moon.

A haunting piano melody suddenly creeps over the graveyard as one by one, three spectral forms raise up into sight. Each is somewhat decayed and dressed in a mix of ballroom gown and old pirate garb, one wields a pair of flintlock pistols, another a wicked cutlass and the third a pair of sharp looking knives.

Alexander raises a brow towards Meridith and nods some. "If we're all prepared to start?" He asks curiously. Then, exhales sharp. "These clowns again," he complains.

Alexander says "Martin, candy may not work"
Meridith lifts her hands. "I don't have a clue how to do this really, so uh. I fight, you banish!" She declares to someone, Martin and Alexander

Meridith lifts her hands. "I don't have a clue how to do this really, so uh. I fight, you banish!" She declares to Harriet, Martin and Alexander

Martin blinks rapidly as he walks into the area just to spot three spirits, "I suppose there isn't enough Martin for the entire spectral realm," He concludes, pulling out his phone, "Do you think that they will go insane and self terminate if I play Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart? I certainly would."

"Probably not a winning strategy, Martin," Alexander notes on the description of his own demise.

Harriet gives a nod to Meridith, and then glances about the cemetery. "It certainly worked last time," she stresses to Alexander, not giving up on this possibly newfound solution to spectral forms. She tilts her head as Martin provides another idea. "I vote Martin attempts that, while you, Alexander, do your..." Gesticulating some, she says, "Magic."

The three spirits surround Meridith, attacking and harrying her from all sides.

Meridith flicks her blade about her in a whirl of steel again spectral...whatever it is. She winces, moving deftly but overwhelmed.

"Magic." Martin agrees with Harriet, nodding to Alexander before he starts tapping away on his Nokia, "The network isn't great, but it will have to do," He says as he brings it to full volume then raises it, the tiny speakers of the smartphone straining to play 'Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart' by Wham, all of that happening while Meridith struggles with the spirits.

Alexander nods to Harriet and snorts. "Right...magic stuff," He exhales and shakes his head a little. It's a basic effort on his part. He moves about the graveyard is a fairly nonchalant way, dropping powder, making measurements, examaining the sky.

As love and loss is expressed alongside upbeat music with sorrowful lyrics, Harriet sort of just stands there in semi disbelief. It's a bit distracting -- Wham, that is, blaring out from Martin's phone. "I wonder if these ghosts had failed relationships and if they ever imagined they'd have to come face to face with them even after death? Unrequited love and heartache..." This is about when she's realising that Meridith is having some difficulty.

Alexander closes his eyes and tries not to laugh. He's very angry about this obnoxious distraction surely.

Martin apparently does not find the presence of 'Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart' torturing enough for the spirits as he starts singing along to it, "Laaast Christmas I gave you my heart," He sings along in a terrible singing voice, a strained tenor, "But the very next daay, you gave it awaaay," Is sung along as Harriet decides to come up with an actually sound strategy to get to the root of the problem.

Meridith scowls. "Good, good, make them wanna die. I love fighting ghosts to last fucking christmas! Harriet! Help me with them!" She snaps out.

The double knife weilder appears suddenly behind Meridith, cackling right in her ear before rearing back to stab her in the back.

And help Harriet does. Or so she seems to think. She's chiming right in with Martin, singing, "This year, to save me from tears. I'll give it to someone special," along with the song that's playing with the drum machine pacing its rhythm, and sleigh bells providing that holiday theme. She heads over towards Meridith, pulling some sea salt out of her bag that is sealed in a baggie.

Alexander shifts some and begins to chant, left alone by the ghosts he focuses on the ritual, ignoring everything else.

Martin sings along with Harriet before the help request registers in for her, but he still does seem convinced that the festive-tragic song will somehow help against the spirits wielding cutlasses and flintlock pistols, then he is once again singing as the next verse comes along, "Once bitten, and twiice shhyy, I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye!" Is sung as Alexander, probably the most qualified one to help, tries not to get distracted by the very thing that he does to 'help'.

really is starting to dislike her friends that she is fighting ghosts with. Meridith does her best to bare the surprise attacking, that is, yelling out and swinging her blade wildly.

The dual-knife wielder disappears before her arms suddenly emerge from the ground, stabing into the feet of Meridith to keep her in place as the cutlass wielder swoops forward.

Harriet hums along as Martin continues to sing, but then she joins in, harmonizing with the man, "Tell me, baby, do you recognise me? Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me." The demonborn truly isn't very qualified to assist in a proper spirit banishing, but she is doing her best to perform karaoke in the graveyard. She begins to toss the grey grains of Celtic sea salt at the attacking ghosts. Poor Meridith.

Meridith is being assaulted and attacked by ghosts, it seems. Much to her chagrin.

Alexander tries to recall his half remembered latin, or whatever the language it is he is speaking. Flowing from his tongue with low intonation.

The cutlass-wielder attacks Meridith, driving her back as the flintlock lady appears behind her, using the distraction to go through her pockets.

Martin does not seem to notice the fighting Meridith's disdain as he continues the song, seeming rather pleased by whatever he can hear of Harriet's humming, seeming proud already, as if he can *feel* how much he is helping the banishing effort. "...'Happy Christmas'... I wrapped it up and sent it. With a note saying 'I love you', I meant it'!" He sings as the brunette tosses salt at ghosts, the redhead fights them and the other man tries to remember a forgotten language.

Harriet does try to help out with Alexander's Latin, or lack thereof, shouting out a few words his way before she's right back to singing along with Martin. "Now I know what a fool I've been,"

Harriet does try to help out with Alexander's Latin, or lack thereof, shouting out a few words his way before she's right back to singing along with Martin. "Now I know what a fool I've been, but if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool me again!" The salt throwing continues, and bits of it hit Meridith in the process.

Meridith scowls trying to shoo off a handsy ghost while she fights for her life. One weirdo chants pseudo-lating, and the head of the supernatural red cross and her flunky sing christmas music. In May!

Martin lowers his voice briefly to help the Latin get across to Alexander before he continues singing the same old song along with Harriet, getting lucky to once again be the one to repeat the iconic verse, "Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away," He sings, slowly swinging along to the tune as he watches the fighting go on with a confident expression, as if he is on the frontlines fighting along himself, when in reality it's mostly Meridith.

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

Alexander scowls. "It's not about the latin!" He shouts back, but...does noticably improve with the assistance. "Shoot...! Keep em off me!" He bellows as they get surrounded.

"This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special!" Harriet croons with Martin, sending a spray of the salty bits and pieces around, fully certain she is doing something productive, maybe? But when Alexander claims it isn't about the Latin, she looks uncertain -- perhaps baffled by his response, and she slowly shakes her head, moving towards the chanting man to help protect him.

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart! But the very next day, you gave it away!!" Martin sings more desperately for a moment as the trio of spirits start encircling the group and diversify their attention, perhaps to Meridith's relief as he does his best to keep the phone up and the speaker playing the tune and song, as if the entire fight depends on it, when in reality it probably depends on Alexander or the redhead, and most definitely not Harriet.

Meridith slashes forward, trying to keep them in from closing on the group entirely. She keeps focused, ferocious and protective. She stays close to the group.

The dual-knife wielder disappears before her arms suddenly emerge from the ground, stabing into the feet of Meridith to keep her in place as the cutlass wielder swoops forward.

Harriet tosses handfuls of the gritty salt all about the perimetre surrounding Alexander as Meridith keeps getting attacked. "This year," comes out with much exuberance, "to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special. Oh, oh, baby!" It definitedly doesn't depend on her. The assistance in Latin might have been helpful, though, but as she sings along with Martin, she sure looks like she believes the demigod's idea was beneficial to this situation.

Meridith snarls. "Let go of me you freaks!" She tries to break free, kicking at the spectral punk trying to slice and or dice her.

Alexander continues to chant, squiet, as salt is rained on him by a woman he has to assume is helping. Why else would she throw salt at him? He's made a geometric shape with his shavings, grounding the area while the singing, well, is it harmony? Or is it torture to entice them? Either way, together they work to complete the ritual, harnessing the power to beckon the ghosts back across the veil.

Martin seems to indeed retain the belief that the exactly four decade old song will benefit the banishing attempt as he sings along with Harriet, "A crowded room, friends with tired eyes, I'm hiding from you, and you soul of ice!" Is sung, although the Warden's faith put into the beneficiality of the song definitely does encourage the demigod, all the while the spirits re-gang up on Meridith who still does a majority of the fighting.