\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Meridiths Ghost Banishing 240526

Meridiths Ghost Banishing 240526

On a cool night at Arkwright Cemetery, Meridith and Harriet found themselves surrounded by three spectral pirates, emanating from the ethereal piano music that haunted the sprawling hillside. As flamboyantly dressed as they were dangerous, these ghosts, armed with flintlock pistols, a cutlass, and sharp knives, launched an assault on the pair. Meridith, taking the lead with a calm demeanor, instructed Harriet to use her salt — though it was clear Harriet struggled with the concept of 'taking it easy' amid such chaos. Harriet, ever the pragmatist, scrambled for her Celtic sea salt, contemplating the efficacy of Christmas music against the spirits while Meridith, with a blade in hand, engaged the ghosts with a mix of finesse and annoyance, especially as salt ended up in her mouth courtesy of Harriet's defensive efforts.

As the battle wore on, the dynamics between Meridith and Harriet unfolded with each spectral bullet fired and every pirate's blade parried. Meridith’s jest about Harriet bringing fries next time they faced such an ordeal led to a whimsical exchange about chips and malt vinegar, yet there was an undercurrent of tension stirred by the physical pain Meridith endured from the ghosts’ attacks. Harriet, visibly affected by Meridith's suffering, revealed a complex mixture of emotions, from smug satisfaction to sultry delight, which quickly turned to horror and discomfort upon reflection. Despite this, the pair's camaraderie and banter underpinned their efforts to fend off the spirit assailants. Ultimately, their combined persistence, along with Harriet’s protective salt circle, compelled the ghostly pirates to cease their attack, spiraling into each other with orchestral accompaniment before vanishing into the ground, leaving Meridith and Harriet in a moment of mutual recognition of the ordeal they had just overcome.
(Meridith's ghost banishing)

[Sat May 25 2024]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is night, about 67F(19C) degrees, There is a waning gibbous moon.

A haunting piano melody suddenly creeps over the graveyard as one by one, three spectral forms raise up into sight. Each is somewhat decayed and dressed in a mix of ballroom gown and old pirate garb, one wields a pair of flintlock pistols, another a wicked cutlass and the third a pair of sharp looking knives.

Meridith nods gently. "They'll be my friends to deal with this time. Salt away, or, just take it easy while I fend them off."

The cutlass-wielder attacks Meridith, driving her back as the flintlock lady appears behind her, using the distraction to go through her pockets.

Harriet peers over at Meridith, like she doesn't understand how she could, or would, ever possibly 'take it easy.' The confused is etched across her facial features, and she slowly shakes her head from right to left as she tries to process that phrase and how it applies to her in this situation. She rubs at her forehead a moment, but then, there she goes, digging into her handbag for that Celtic sea salt she truly seems to believe does /something/ during times like these.

Meridith gives a glance towards Harriet and giggles, plainly amused by her struggle. She leaves a little grin on her face and pivots as the ghosts begin their assault, her blade flashes in the air potently

Harriet is squinting over at Meridith some, opening up the bag and then gathering a handful of the lightly moist grains of salt. She asks, "Do you think Christmas songs are what do the trick?" of the other woman as they stand in the cemetery, and then Meridith is trying to fend off a spirit who has taken to trying to steal from her. The salt gets thrown ahead, flying through the air and likely spattering some of the granules right at Meridith. "You know," gets mentioned after, "I am not so sure that it is getting hit with the salt that works. Perhaps it is supposed to create a protective barrier around someone instead."

Meridith pbbts some salt out of her mouth. "Dear, I would like a plate of fries if you're going to be assaulting me this whole time." She insists.

The flintlock wielder unleashes a stream of spectral bullets, somehow not needing to reload as the group is forces to drop to the ground to avoid getting struck.

Harriet watches as the flintlock wielder begins to shoot at both her and Meridith with that stream of spectral bullets. "Chips?" asks the British woman after fries are mentioned. Somehow, this leads the Warden down a rabbit trail, and seemingly out of nowhere she wonders aloud, "I wonder if malt vinegar does anything against ghosts?" If she has to bring French fries for the saly, then she might as well bring some breaded, fried cod, as well. Moving up alongside Meridith, she dodges the bullets -- even if they are not actually able to take her down, and she takes handful after handful os the salt, sprinkling it around in a circular pattern about herself and the other woman in an attempt to make a protective barrier.

Meridith gestures in a, 'Sure' kind of way. She slips back down to the ground to duck the fire. "Malt vinegar, I swear if you get that on me I'm stink bombing your home."

The three spirits surround Meridith, attacking and harrying her from all sides.

Meridith moves with grace, dancing between blades and spectral bullets, blade pressing on the defense for the moment.

Harriet has used up all of her precious salt. She is sure that this stuff is doing something, but then she also looks sure about, "It seems you've offended them by dissing the malt vinegar, I dare say..." As the three spirits move in to surround Meridith, the tall brunette pulls out a knife from her handbag and begins to slash towards the specters. "Look. Look!" Insistently, she is trying to get their attention. "Salt. There is salt protecting us." As if that will make the spirits behave and back off.

Meridith snorts. "Yes! Harriet, I'm sure the dead pirates will be very offended they've broken the rules ma'am!"

Harriet loves rules. Especially upholding them. So, when Meridith is snorting at the Warden, said Warden looks over at Meridith, and cocks her head some to the right, if only for a moment, because she's back to slashing and trying to attack the ghost pirates who are harassing them.

The cutlass-wielder attacks Meridith, driving her back as the flintlock lady appears behind her, using the distraction to go through her pockets.

Meridith exhales some, wondering if she's just cementing her new evil rep with Harriet. "I love rules," she says out of nowhere. A lie of course, there's not a chance she does. "Um...!" She fends a cutlass back.

As Meridith makes that claim, as false as it is, Harriet provides the other woman with a /look/ that totally says, 'I know you are lying,' before she's back to fighting against the stick fingered, dead pirate.

Meridith clears her throat some and glances away, lazily parrying a cutlass, shyly

Harriet presses her lips together tightly for a moment, moving in to try and get the flintlock lady to back off as Meridith attacks the cutless-wielder.

Meridith's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into her, there's no visible wound.

Meridith gasp and grumbles at the spectral blow. "Bastard!"

Harriet gives a glance over at Meridith when a ghost fires a shot right at the woman's shoulder. It catches her off guard, even if the bullet was only spectral. Thinking about people getting shot is probably not her favourite thing to do ... but then again. There must be a little suffering that Meridith is going through? If so, then this brown haired woman is starting to smile helplessly.

There was indeed some suffering, and as Harriet is soaking it all up... Her lips form a smile. It's more a smug smirk at the very beginning, but it quickly evolves in a sultry expession as she's washed over with that delicious affliction.

Meridith smirks. "Never ceases to amuse me how erotic you find my pain."

Meridith says "You should hang around me, the guilt of my child is like a delicacy."
Blinking a bit, and suddenly quite aware of what is going on, Harriet sobers almost instantly. Her lashes flutter and her head shakes. "It is not intentional," she claims, clearing her throat.

The three spirits surround Meridith, attacking and harrying her from all sides.

Meridith shrugs. "You still need it don't you? Isn't it charming in a way? You turn my ugliest suffering into something beautiful."

Harriet looks a bit horrified by Meridith's words. Her blinking continues, as does the head shaking. This is not something she desires to speak about, it seems, and she attempts to get the spirits to back off of Meridith.

Meridith smiles delightedly at Harriet, perhaps amused at the expression she gets in response. Vindicated, perhaps for the idea that someone was delighted at her miserable state right now. Even if, poor Harriet, intended none of it.

Now wildly uncomfortable, Harriet is doing her best to keep trying to get the ghosts to back off and go home. "It is never my intention," she near repeats towards Meridith.

The three spirits begin to convulse and shake, they quickly move to grip each other, forming a tight circle as they spin faster and faster, strange orchestral music flowing through the air from nowhere before suddenly they are sucked down into the ground and vanish.