\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Meridiths Nightmare Battle With Zoe 240602

Meridiths Nightmare Battle With Zoe 240602

(Meridith's nightmare battle with Zoe)

[Sat Jun 1 2024]

In a comfortable bedroom within a trailer

Dark wood flooring that is scratched and dulled from age, creaks and moans sometimes beneath one's feet. The walls are painted a soft and muted artic blue with bright white wood trimming along the floor and ceiling. However, the fresh coat of paint doesn't hide the fact the the walls themselves are thin, and the western window needs replacement. The sliding glass door leading into a small, private yard sticks when trying to get it open, and it only appears to lock via a metal bar.

It is about 65F(18C) degrees.

Meridith says "Hrmm...whom did I catch up now?"
Meridith says "Oh, goodness...this is...odd?"
Selina says "Been a while since I got pulled to one of these."
Meridith says "Are we fighting someone else?"
Meridith says "Or...one another?"
Selina says "Someone else."
Meridith says "Good. I was getting..."
Meridith shrugs gently

"Oh, deary me." Zoe says in a sweet, old grandma voice, blinking green eyes around at the nothingness of the void-like Nightmare. "And here I was getting ready for the day. I don't suppose either of you nice young ladies want to walk me home?"

Meridith shakes her head. "'fraid not. We're more big bad wolf? Though that's also misleading." She humms. "There's no way Venice sent us a Natural. Got a name?"

"Harry said she got an older couple as recruits recently," Selina mentions to Meridith with a small nod in the direction of the voice. "I was just meeting the man," she adds with a roll of her shoulder.

Meridith oh's and nods softly.

"Ah, I am very good at taming animals." Zoe sounds all too pleased at finding out the identity of at least one of the two women, a little tidbit of information thrown out, "They used to bring me in for calming down the rescues at the shelter sometimes." Still, she digresses, and so it's back to the actual topic of conversation: "Zoe Androulakis, at your service. I'm afraid I'm not much of a fighter, though. That's my dear Iakres, you see, and we are both retired from that life now. Life's too short to be spent fighting, don't you agree?"

Meridith nods to the woman. "Very well, I am Meridith Walker. And no, I think life is much too short to avoid fights." She stretches out. "What better method is there to feel alive than such a contest?" she asks

Iakres stoops over someone' frail, sleeping body and gently rests a hand on her shoulder, trying to rouse her back to wakefulness. "Sweetheart," he mumbles. "Are you in there?"

Iakres stoops over Zoe's frail, sleeping body and gently rests a hand on her shoulder, trying to rouse her back to wakefulness. "Sweetheart," he mumbles. "Are you in there?"

"Let me see if I can get that nightmare creature's attention," Iakres mumbles. "Perhaps she can help."

Iakres says "Is anyone around..? I do believe that the Scalebound have attacked my wife..."
"What better method there is? Why, young lady, I would ask what better method there /isn't/." Zoe seems in no hurry to move anywhere, and there's no move taken to attack anyone at all - that would be a feat, considering she's entirely unarmed and defenseless. "You should take a walk in the wilderness, see what nature has to offer to you. You may find yourself surprised, once you stop thinking violence is the only way to feel alive."

Meridith doesn't really show much mercy. She doesn't revel in it, like some dweeb, but she does fight efficiently. She's eager to get this woman back to her business, perhaps. Her blade gleams and she strikes down. "I journey the wilderness much, it is where I learned to fight. Please, stay out of the Order if you aren't fit for such things," she warns her.

Zoe fades out of the nightmare.

"Venice tries to keep us sharp with these sorts of events. So we should be able to end it quickly. The wounds won't last. We are ready when you are," Selina says toward the voice just before the fight actually begins. She glances over at Zoe then and then tells Meridith, "She is not even armed or armored. One of us should finish this so we can get back to what we were doing."

Selina says "Back to my body. Enjoy."
Meridith says "And you."