\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Novels Ghost Banishing 250216

Novels Ghost Banishing 250216

In the eerie predawn hours at Arkwright Cemetery, amidst the chilling embrace of a near-freezing temperature and under the gaze of a waning gibbous moon, an unsettling scene unfolds as William, Edith, and Novel confront a sinister emergence from the dark smoke filled with horned creatures and an armored warrior conjured from the very essence of nightmares. Edith, with a pragmatic approach to the supernatural chaos, enlists Novel to desecrate a grave marker to set the stage for a banishing ritual, while William, adopting a more tactical mindset, arms himself with a revolver, hoping to dismantle their foes with a blend of bullets and magic. Novel, riding the thin line between thrill and duty, combats the smoky assailants with a bowie knife, demonstrating a peculiar blend of eagerness and proficiency in the face of otherworldly danger.

The ritual, meticulously carried out by Edith amidst the chaos, draws upon intricate symbols and magical essence, aiming to seal away the malevolent forces at bay. With the air thick with malevolent whispers and hellish threats, Novel faces off against a hellhound in a visceral struggle, while Edith's arcane efforts near completion. Together, amidst personal demons and the spectral ones before them, the trio embodies a force of determination and unconventional strategies. As the climax of magic and raw force intersects, Edith completes the ritual, resulting in the vanquishing of the infernal entities back to their darkened realm. The cemetery, once a stage for a supernatural confrontation, quiets down as dawn breaks, leaving behind only the remnants of the night's eerie battle and the trio standing amidst the cold whisper of victory against the dark.
(Novel's ghost banishing)

[Sat Feb 15 2025]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is before dawn, about 19F(-7C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky. There is a waning gibbous moon.

There is the sudden smell of brimstone that fills the area, and along with a rising, black mist: smoke, coiling along the surface of the graveyard. It seems to form strange whorls and shapes, and as they draw close to %n they begin to look more and more like creatures -- horned creatures, with red eyes full of menace.

William tilts his head towards Edith "Are you on banishing duty?"

"I can." Edith nods to William. Regarding the smoke, the area and viable spots for ritualism, she settles on a grave marker. "Novel, Would you mind pushing that over for me?" Desicration is apparently fine in Edith's eyes.

"Hey, cool. It's the fun ones. I mean, I'm -pretty- full on up after everything that happened today, but I could go for a snack," Novel sort of remarks offhand as a bowie knife flashes in his hand, striding over towards the stinking, violent cloud with a grin on hsi features. "Huh? Sure." He doesn't even hesitate, he just kicks the marker so hard that it fucking explodes.

Out of the smoke charges an armed and armored warrior, spun out of black mist. He is dressed head to toe in archaic plate armor, wielding some huge, two-handed sword as black as his armor. With a roar, he rushes at Novel, swinging the sword in some attempt to cut off their head.

"Nice... It's good to not waste blood for once..." William sighs out before reaching inside his clothes for a concealed knife, taking it out of the sheath and glancing around at the smoke. But seeing the knight that forms out of the smoke, he looks at his own knife, and then back at the sword. Instead of approaching to try and cover Novel, he fishes something else from within the coat, pulling out a revolver and, taking advantage of the more ancient armor, simply putting two bullets through the smoke, hoping that at least that makes it dissipate or reshape in some form

"That will make things somewhat easier." Edith snarks, watching the dust fly. Still, enough of the marker remains, and Edith sinks to her knees. Drawing her own blade, the vampire uses that, not her fangs, because what kind of psychopath goes out of their way to look edgy when tools exist, to carve a line of tepid crimson in her wrist, from which falls a single drop. The blade is granted the rest, and as Edith begins to inscribe a circle, an ankh drawn at its eastern point, the vampire sets to work. As William fires his gun and Novel stomps into combat, there's an arcane gesture, and Edith does-- Something to aid, though that is all she is willing, as next, a line is drawn within the circle, that followed by another and another, forming a triangle in blackened blood upon the grave marker's remains.

"Perfect, glad I could help. Oh, shi-" Novel has enough foresight to bring his knife up in response, slapping his other palm over his gripping fist and sending the blade off-point with a resounding CLANG as he tilts his head back, getting a close shave by the weapon - before a few more bullet holes appear through it from William. Medieval plate went out of vogue for a reason, and the bullets plunge through it, leaving collapsing smoke. He gives William a thumbs up and lazy smirk. "Nice. See? Everyone can have a little bit of fun."

With a howl, some kind of winged monkey-demon swoops down near Novel, its body made of living smoke. It's all grasping claws, striking hard to leave psychic scars that hurt like deep slashes. Other monkeys attack anyone nearby, with similar screeching, rending claws.

"Well, putting bullets thro-" But William stops in the middle of responding to Novel, glancing at the incoming monkey-like creature and saying "Oh, no, that one hurts if it gets you" And with that, instead of using his gun to try and land a hit on a moving target, since he's not that good with the smaller kind of firearms, he makes use of his magic, making a simple gesture with his hand that makes the mist creature confuse a nearby gravestone with Novel, and thus, attacks the slab of stone instead of them man "There we go, now end it..." He tells someone, maybe Novel, likely not Edith since she's ritualling

Leaving Novel and William to it, Edith continues working that arcane symbol; It's methodical, practiced, and done with the least of effort and the maximum in precision. The monkeys go ignored for now, Another line-- A fifth-- A sixth, and a six pointed star is inscribed within the circle. Then and only then, the vampire works on the outside line again; The scales, the scythe, the tines. Then of course, Edith glances up, her fingers moving, a gutteral word, and skeletal arms reach from the earth to grasp and rend the monkey demons. "Pain is something I gave up in nineteen twelve for the most part." someone nods in responce to the words.

For a moment, the dark smoke is still around Novel ... but then a low, evil laughter begins to echo. It takes only a second to realize the laughter is echoing inside the heads of those who fight here, and with it comes a sudden urge to give into everyone's worst sin.

Leaving Novel and William to it, Edith continues working that arcane symbol; It's methodical, practiced, and done with the least of effort and the maximum in precision. The monkeys go ignored for now, Another line-- A fifth-- A sixth, and a six pointed star is inscribed within the circle. Then and only then, the vampire works on the outside line again; The scales, the scythe, the tines. Then of course, Edith glances up, her fingers moving, a gutteral word, and skeletal arms reach from the earth to grasp and rend the monkey demons. "Pain is something I gave up in nineteen twelve for the most part." Edith nods in responce to the words.

"Wait, what one?" Novel gives William a confused look while he stands there and then he confuses the singular monkey that was gonna jump him. He turns around, and then declaring, "What a little bastard! To be fair, I would have done the same thing," As he plunges the blade directly through the critter's back with excessive force. He pulls the weapon out. "It's not physical hurt. I can handle that just fine. It's like this sort of - memory of hurt. Dream psychic bullshit." He gives Edith's circle-and-star building before he suddenly stiffens up, a maniac grin crossing his features as he turns and CHARGES directly into the smoke, blade upraised as he hews mercilessly at it - and mostly hits the other gravestone behind, chips of stone going flying as he gives in to violence.

"Yeah, but the pain of that one isn't in the flesh, it's in your head... Pretty sure even your kind can feel that..." William tells Edith before blinking a couple times, glancing around as he listens to the laughter, trying to bat with his hands at the smoke to no avail, gritting his teeth and sighing out, before moving both hands to his ears, as if that would make the issue any better, but it really doesn't, slowly approaching the gal and glancing at her carvings on the almost shattered tombstone, eyes drifting between the symbols and the woman, almost as if trying to decide on which one to focus

Some figure forms in the smoke: tall, it has twisted horns and red eyes. It levels a gnarled finger at Novel, beginning to chant in an unknown language as the air begins to crackle with magic. Immediately, Novel can feel something like a vise closing on their heart.

The whisper. That whisper has the potential to be a problem, and for Edith, that sin is gluttony. Something that would not help here, though as the vampire's eyes darken, her features grow gaunt-- A manifestation of her bloodline seemingly, she considers Novel and William as though they were a potential snack. Fortunate for all involved then that neither William or Novel are close enough, and Edith shakes her head slowly, returning to her apparent vissage. Then, a single blood rune is made in the exact center of the star within the circle, her blade used to measure the distance as William nears. "I hunger." she tells William.

"FINALLY," Novel snarls as immediately pushes a dagger into the robed creature's chest, allowing his rage to take control. Well... it's done whispering, but it seems like that hasn't stopped him any as his other hand seizes around the creatures' neck and then SLAMS it down in violent tombstone against tombstone with the sickening crack of skull and horn between his thighs against stone. He breathes out a sigh of relief. "MAN I needed that."

The runework, such as it is is left to build in power as Edith looks up. Her gaze passes William and over to Novel. The vice grip from the figure is apparently familiar, and to counter the heart-stopping force, Edith spiritually reaches inside Novel, forcibly starting his heart again with a word and a gesture.

"Yeah, well, my blood tastes awful" William replies to Edith, whether taking offense on the drawn dagger or simply stating a fact is unclear, but his gaze lifts up to glance at Novel almost feeling the magic surge, but not really sure of what it's doing - Though seeing no signs of anything at all, he dismisses it, maybe the other man was magic resistant. Instead, since his sinful lust hasn't been sated, he takes a couple steps around the drawn knife to look from a side, once more, eyes moving from the glyphs to the woman, almost trying to settle with lust for knowledge or purely physical

A hot wind blows through the cemetery, and with it comes sibilant whispers in the ears of Novel and all their companions: they promise depraved, decadent desires fulfilled, and for a moment that's all anyone can focus on.

Novel breathes more easily as he pats his chest, looking surprised as he sits there. "Huhnh." He says, after a moment, though it's unclear if he even noticed Edith do anything. Then he sits there, tilting his head to one side, rubbing his chest and he sort of... "You know I'm already doing that, right?" He pauses. "...I did that last week. And that one too." He tilts his head. "Do you want me to give -you- guys advice?"

A twisted figure forms out of infernal smoke, shaped like a terrible canine shape. It's a hellhound, leaping towards Novel with an awful snarl. When its mouth closes on %n, it has some phantom force, sending a vision of suffering in hellfire.

And, the whispers are likely to have the attention of William being turned to Edith rather than what she's working on, blinking a couple times as he tries to adjust to whatever he's listening to, and barely registering Novel's banter with the mist that is trying to make them all disengage from the banishing. Instead he leans closer, and while under the same circumstances he normally would be invading personal space, the previous threat of the knife keeps him at a moderately safe distance, before saying "Or not awful, but it certainly elicits certain things people have to deal with later"

laughs. The wind blows, the promices flow, and still, the vampire seems entirely unimpressed. "Next." Edith tells the red mist itself. Novel appears fine, William actually seems to have an interest needing sating, and so Edith points out each aspect of the circle. "Protection, judgement, choice, dismissal. The star-- Triangle over triangle conformed by triangles as you see-- It works on the theory of multiplicative pyramidical empowerment. The trigger." That rune in the center of the circle. Edith drives her blade into her forearm again, this time allowing the blood to trickle over her wrist into her palm. "The catalist." Then, palm up-turned, that drop leaves Edith's hand, slowly dropping to the rune, where the entire systom of lines and runes begins to glow. There's mild interest then, a raised brow, but professional as she is, Edith remains focused on the banishment ritual.

Novel gets his horrible comment responded to by a sudden demon dog attack, "FUCK YOU NOT AGAIN AAHH," as he's sent a-tumbling through graveyard grass while he writhes and twitches like someone ran an electrical cable through his form until he can seize his hands around the hellish doggy and repeatedly slam it's head against the ground with violent crunching that follows with cloying smoke seeping through his fingers. He states, sort of conversationally, "You know hellfire's different from being set on by normal fire. It's kind of syrupy and acidic. A bit like napalm if someone mixed it with carbonated water. Really fucking unpleasant."

Edith has noticed the hell hound attacking Novel. As William leans in and the ritual is triggered, there is nothing more to do. It glows now with an insidious crimson glow, and the blond seems to crave the hound, going as far as to stare at it as though she might bind it.

"Right... I also use a six pointed start, but for something else" William says a bit confused at the sudden rush of information, at least it does cover for whatever the mist had done to him, before looking up at Novel for a moment, without moving from his position and nodding his head slowly, as if what he said was also information "Right... So acid fire?"

The smell of smoke seems to peak, and then, with a rush of magical power, it's gone. The smoke monsters in the cemetery disappear, banished -- fading away as wisps of mist in the air around $n.