Sams Ghost Banishing 250128
On a chilling evening at Arkwright Cemetery, amidst a backdrop of a ghostly war, a group of individuals including Sam, Lenny, and William find themselves caught in a spectral conflict. As ethereal armies clash with swords and sorcery, the living are forced to navigate the treacherous battlefield. Lenny, frustrated with the repetitive nature of these undead battles, exchanges harsh words with Sam, who is preparing for a banishing ritual with a kris knife and a human finger bone. Amidst this, ghostly archers and windcallers create havoc, throwing the living against tombstones and covering the ground in ice, complicating the ritual process.
William initiates a complex ritual involving blood magic, drawing protective circles and runes on the ground despite the chaotic surroundings and the increasing cold. Even as spectral berserkers and frost mancers escalate the battle, causing both temperature drops and physical shockwaves, Sam and Lenny struggle to maintain their footing and contribute to the fight. Lenny, ever resourceful, employs a supernatural-disrupting grenade, adding a technological twist to the arcane battle. The culmination of William's ritual, powered by blood and accompanied by Sam's protection, creates a dark red smoke with the potential to banish the ghostly armies. Their efforts, a blend of sacrifice, resilience, and teamwork, aim to restore peace to the haunted cemetery, though success remains uncertain amidst the fray.
(Sam's ghost banishing)
[Mon Jan 27 2025]
On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery
It is dusk, about 23F(-5C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.
An eerie stillness settles over the graveyard, the fog thickening like an otherworldly veil. The ground trembles, and two ghostly armies surge forth, locked in a battle that defies time. One side, draped in ethereal armor, charges with spectral weapons, while the other hurls crackling bolts of elemental magic. The air is alight with haunting energy as the spirits, long dead, resume their eternal battle, heedless of the living who are caught in their spectral warpath.
"I ain't good. I'm just not so bad as to let humans die for no reason." Lenny replies to that with a shrug. His face screws up when he turns his attention to the forming battlefield and he says, "Yo, I think I've seen this one three times in a row now no? Gettin' a little tired of re-runs."
"So you lead wolves to town for no reason. Stop being salty just because you lost, Russo. It makes ya look sad." Sam takes position near William, drawing a strange, oily-bladed kris knife, the jock's body shuddering lightly as he takes it in his hand. He narrows his eyes, seemingly readying himself for what is to come.
The air thickens with an unnatural fog as ghostly archers let loose a volley of arrows. The projectiles are swept away by a whirlwind conjured by spectral windcallers, and the gust of wind sends everyone alive flying against tombstones with bone-jarring force.
"Fuuuck you. There's humans in the wilds too." Lenny throws a middle finger at Sam that is cut short when the gust of wind throws him on his ass since he didn't expect it. "Oof."
Blinking a couple times as the armies emerge, William sighs voicelessly, rubbing his temples slowly before stepping backwards quite a couple feet, looking around for the bigger gravestone around just to shield himself behind it, wanting to put soem barrier between the war and himself while doing any rituals.
Then he reaches within his clothes for a hidden knife, kneeling slowly on the ground, and diagonally cutting the palm of his hand, letting some blood start pooling there while he pockets the weapon once more, luckily for him, already shielded from the strong gust of wind by the cover. He wets his fingers in the blood and digs them into the soil, much like other times starting by tracing a circle on the ground, parting the eart with his fingers to draw it, and in the process speckling it with blood here and there
Pushing to his feet, Sam just smirks as he looks over to Lenny. He does not really give him any retort, instead brushing his suit off some. He just uncovers a human looking fingerbone from under his dress shirt, the runes starting to glow with a reddish glow.
He looks over to William, and nods. "Let me know if you need more blood, Thorne."
A group of ethereal berserkers charge, only to be met by a rain of icy shards summoned by frost mancers. The temperature plummets, and living breath freezes in the air, while ice forms treacherous patches beneath the feet, threatening to send everyone sprawling upon the ground.
Lenny collects himself off the ground, looking disgruntled with a sour expression but before he even gets to his feet he slips on the sudden ice, ending up on his ass twice in a row. "FUCK." he shouts in pure frusteration. It's no wonder he tires of seeing this same battle play out over and over.
William glances upwards at Sam for a moment or two, shaking his head slightly, but then again, not saying anything in response. Instead he carefully finishes the circle, following with another right inside of it, almost the same size but a tad smaller, the little distance between both circumferences creating what would look visually like some sort of ring.
And even as the cemetery starts getting colder, he doesn't seem all that affected. Already knelt down he cannot trip on ice, and maybe the coat, maybe just his natural resistance to cold was coming into play here. What he does almost grunt at, is the ice forming in the earth he needs to part in order to draw, and so, using his free hand he reaches for the knife again, using the butt of it to break any ice shards forming inside of the area of any of the circles
With a yelp, Sam, like Lenny, slips onto his ass. "Son of a whore!" He jumps up on his feet again, shivering heavily as he winces. "Fuckin' ay..." He shakes his head slowly, squinting as he tries to localize where the cold is coming from.
As a battalion of armored specters marches forth, a group of wraith-like sorcerers unleashes a storm of arcane missiles, shattering the ghostly shields; the resulting shockwave threatens to make ears bleed, if someone gets caught without cover.
In response to the shockwave, Sam just seems to tank it, wincing in pain as he scowls under his breath, a trickle of blood coming from his ears. He looks over to William, speaking a touch louder than perhaps needed. "HEY! YOU AIGHT THERE THORNE?"
He turns away again, looking at the two armies, and trying to keep most of the spirits away from the circles.
Lenny plants his hands over his ears belatedly after the shockwave has already given him hearing damage. "Fu- Mawp, Mawp." he tries to clear his ears making an odd noise then he looks towards William, "You are takin' too fucking long. Do I got to threaten you to make you move faster?"
As a battalion of armored specters marches forth, a group of wraith-like sorcerers unleashes a storm of arcane missiles, shattering the ghostly shields; the resulting shockwave threatens to make ears bleed, if someone gets caught without cover.
William is staggered for quite a couple seconds, but he slowly begins to draw once more, driving his fingers instead of to the open palm to the bloody handle of the knife, getting them again before going back to the circle. Starting to draw some rune in the little space contained between the two circumferences, most of them touching the upper and lower lines.
Right now he's not really hearing Sam nor Lenny, ears still buzzing, trying to focus on his work, not like he could answer to them even if he heard them. And then another strike of the same thing, the second impact indeed causing some blood to start dripping from his ears, and freezing his actions once more, much more efficient than the ice at that
A frown crosses Sam's face as Lenny speaks, then a second shockwave approaches. This time, Sam is ready, so he ducks behind a tombstone, covering his ears. "Fuuuucking..." He curses, and pushes to his feet.
He looks over to William, then to Lenny, then to William again, slowly positioning himself between the Thorne and Lenny.
A group of ethereal berserkers charge, only to be met by a rain of icy shards summoned by frost mancers. The temperature plummets, and living breath freezes in the air, while ice forms treacherous patches beneath the feet, threatening to send everyone sprawling upon the ground.
And after another brief couple seconds, William redoubles his efforts to draw faster, probably not by the threats coming from Lenny, but by those coming from his ears, dreading another wave to arrive and worsen the situation. After the edges of the circle are all covered up in symbols and glyphs, he moves over to the pentagram, first covering the outer sections of it with runes that seem to be bigger, curvy in nature, almost squiggly, with a bunch of space in between them.
And when those are done, he moves to the triangle-like inner sections of the star, leaving the center for last, filling them with symbols much straighter, smaller and more uniform, almost seeming like some sort of writing. Though, for someone like Sam, also an arcanist, a bunch of them are probably recognizable, from simpler to more complex, they seem to be standard and common enough in a lot of practices, unlike what he usually does.
Glancing over the ritual, Sam actually seems momentarily intrigued, and he tilts his head aside. Of course, looking away from the thread is never a smart idea, so when the ice forms, he slips, and once again, he falls, this time flat on his face! He groans as he rubs at his face, muttering under his breath.
Lenny is ready for the second shockwave as his hands are over his ears already. He drops a hand after the moment passes and fishes in his duffelbag to find a particular grenade. Pulling the silver orb out he snerks and says, "I got a treat for this ghost."
William finishes the drawing by tackling the center of the circle, having to use the weapon once more to start breaking ice, and the cold forcing him to wet his fingers in the blood once more, what was on his fingers already dried or more accurately frozen. And digging into the center of the ritual, what he does there seems more like a drawing than any sort of rune or letter, although then again, to most people this would seem just a bunch of drawings all shoved together in one place.
Drawing two hooks barely distanced from one another, inverted so that the curve is facing upwards and the long side of them pointed inwards. Then joining the hook-like shapes, what seems like an stylized 'V', composed of four traces, almost like segmented circumferences, the lower half already spelling out a V, the upper half probably just decor, and joining them together, but with that, it seems to be done, and the man slowly stands up, glancing at it while fishing for something within his clothes again
As a battalion of armored specters marches forth, a group of wraith-like sorcerers unleashes a storm of arcane missiles, shattering the ghostly shields; the resulting shockwave threatens to make ears bleed, if someone gets caught without cover.
A smirk comes over Sam's face, and he starts on something, only to see a shockwave form. This time, he disappears, and ends up near the circles, trying to take the brunt of that shockwave so William can continue working. This causes the jock to fall to his knees, letting out a pained yell as his ears outright bleed, now.
Lenny presses the button on the silver grenade to make it start beeping. It's been activated. Then he tosses it with an overhand throw while calling out, "Kobe!" his target is the distant battle, well away from William and Sam so they wont get caught in the effects. There is a high pitched whine when it lands and an almost imperceptible pulse that spreads out over about fifteen meters, disrupting everything within that is electronic or supernatural.
Eventually, out of William 's coat comes out a little vial containing some deep red blood, uncorking it before another shockwave hits. Wincing and flinching in pain, but simply allowing the liquid to fall over the center of the ritual, which seems to whirr it to life to some capacity. The blood that speckled the outlines of the drawing growing much darker, and bright red.
And not too long after that, the lines start to almost ooze some dark red sort of smoke, looking like fumes on some sort of cauldron, but colored blood red, not so different from the other kind of spirits that sometimes haunt this place. But the gas doesn't seem to be doing anything to Sam or someone, or William at that, instead he seems to be spreading around the place, and when coming into contact with the different spirits and ghosts that are fighting, it makes a tiny fizzling noise, not outright.
It doesn't seem to be doing anything outright to the armies, aside from the noise it's almost as if it wasn't there, yet in a couple minutes, was it to work, the spirits would be gone and out of sight. If not, well, they probably would have something else to deal with
Eventually, out of William 's coat comes out a little vial containing some deep red blood, uncorking it before another shockwave hits. Wincing and flinching in pain, but simply allowing the liquid to fall over the center of the ritual, which seems to whirr it to life to some capacity. The blood that speckled the outlines of the drawing growing much darker, and bright red.
And not too long after that, the lines start to almost ooze some dark red sort of smoke, looking like fumes on some sort of cauldron, but colored blood red, not so different from the other kind of spirits that sometimes haunt this place. But the gas doesn't seem to be doing anything to Sam or Lenny, or William at that, instead he seems to be spreading around the place, and when coming into contact with the different spirits and ghosts that are fighting, it makes a tiny fizzling noise, not outright.
It doesn't seem to be doing anything outright to the armies, aside from the noise it's almost as if it wasn't there, yet in a couple minutes, was it to work, the spirits would be gone and out of sight. If not, well, they probably would have something else to deal with
William initiates a complex ritual involving blood magic, drawing protective circles and runes on the ground despite the chaotic surroundings and the increasing cold. Even as spectral berserkers and frost mancers escalate the battle, causing both temperature drops and physical shockwaves, Sam and Lenny struggle to maintain their footing and contribute to the fight. Lenny, ever resourceful, employs a supernatural-disrupting grenade, adding a technological twist to the arcane battle. The culmination of William's ritual, powered by blood and accompanied by Sam's protection, creates a dark red smoke with the potential to banish the ghostly armies. Their efforts, a blend of sacrifice, resilience, and teamwork, aim to restore peace to the haunted cemetery, though success remains uncertain amidst the fray.
(Sam's ghost banishing)
[Mon Jan 27 2025]
On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery
It is dusk, about 23F(-5C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.
An eerie stillness settles over the graveyard, the fog thickening like an otherworldly veil. The ground trembles, and two ghostly armies surge forth, locked in a battle that defies time. One side, draped in ethereal armor, charges with spectral weapons, while the other hurls crackling bolts of elemental magic. The air is alight with haunting energy as the spirits, long dead, resume their eternal battle, heedless of the living who are caught in their spectral warpath.
"I ain't good. I'm just not so bad as to let humans die for no reason." Lenny replies to that with a shrug. His face screws up when he turns his attention to the forming battlefield and he says, "Yo, I think I've seen this one three times in a row now no? Gettin' a little tired of re-runs."
"So you lead wolves to town for no reason. Stop being salty just because you lost, Russo. It makes ya look sad." Sam takes position near William, drawing a strange, oily-bladed kris knife, the jock's body shuddering lightly as he takes it in his hand. He narrows his eyes, seemingly readying himself for what is to come.
The air thickens with an unnatural fog as ghostly archers let loose a volley of arrows. The projectiles are swept away by a whirlwind conjured by spectral windcallers, and the gust of wind sends everyone alive flying against tombstones with bone-jarring force.
"Fuuuck you. There's humans in the wilds too." Lenny throws a middle finger at Sam that is cut short when the gust of wind throws him on his ass since he didn't expect it. "Oof."
Blinking a couple times as the armies emerge, William sighs voicelessly, rubbing his temples slowly before stepping backwards quite a couple feet, looking around for the bigger gravestone around just to shield himself behind it, wanting to put soem barrier between the war and himself while doing any rituals.
Then he reaches within his clothes for a hidden knife, kneeling slowly on the ground, and diagonally cutting the palm of his hand, letting some blood start pooling there while he pockets the weapon once more, luckily for him, already shielded from the strong gust of wind by the cover. He wets his fingers in the blood and digs them into the soil, much like other times starting by tracing a circle on the ground, parting the eart with his fingers to draw it, and in the process speckling it with blood here and there
Pushing to his feet, Sam just smirks as he looks over to Lenny. He does not really give him any retort, instead brushing his suit off some. He just uncovers a human looking fingerbone from under his dress shirt, the runes starting to glow with a reddish glow.
He looks over to William, and nods. "Let me know if you need more blood, Thorne."
A group of ethereal berserkers charge, only to be met by a rain of icy shards summoned by frost mancers. The temperature plummets, and living breath freezes in the air, while ice forms treacherous patches beneath the feet, threatening to send everyone sprawling upon the ground.
Lenny collects himself off the ground, looking disgruntled with a sour expression but before he even gets to his feet he slips on the sudden ice, ending up on his ass twice in a row. "FUCK." he shouts in pure frusteration. It's no wonder he tires of seeing this same battle play out over and over.
William glances upwards at Sam for a moment or two, shaking his head slightly, but then again, not saying anything in response. Instead he carefully finishes the circle, following with another right inside of it, almost the same size but a tad smaller, the little distance between both circumferences creating what would look visually like some sort of ring.
And even as the cemetery starts getting colder, he doesn't seem all that affected. Already knelt down he cannot trip on ice, and maybe the coat, maybe just his natural resistance to cold was coming into play here. What he does almost grunt at, is the ice forming in the earth he needs to part in order to draw, and so, using his free hand he reaches for the knife again, using the butt of it to break any ice shards forming inside of the area of any of the circles
With a yelp, Sam, like Lenny, slips onto his ass. "Son of a whore!" He jumps up on his feet again, shivering heavily as he winces. "Fuckin' ay..." He shakes his head slowly, squinting as he tries to localize where the cold is coming from.
As a battalion of armored specters marches forth, a group of wraith-like sorcerers unleashes a storm of arcane missiles, shattering the ghostly shields; the resulting shockwave threatens to make ears bleed, if someone gets caught without cover.
In response to the shockwave, Sam just seems to tank it, wincing in pain as he scowls under his breath, a trickle of blood coming from his ears. He looks over to William, speaking a touch louder than perhaps needed. "HEY! YOU AIGHT THERE THORNE?"
He turns away again, looking at the two armies, and trying to keep most of the spirits away from the circles.
Lenny plants his hands over his ears belatedly after the shockwave has already given him hearing damage. "Fu- Mawp, Mawp." he tries to clear his ears making an odd noise then he looks towards William, "You are takin' too fucking long. Do I got to threaten you to make you move faster?"
As a battalion of armored specters marches forth, a group of wraith-like sorcerers unleashes a storm of arcane missiles, shattering the ghostly shields; the resulting shockwave threatens to make ears bleed, if someone gets caught without cover.
William is staggered for quite a couple seconds, but he slowly begins to draw once more, driving his fingers instead of to the open palm to the bloody handle of the knife, getting them again before going back to the circle. Starting to draw some rune in the little space contained between the two circumferences, most of them touching the upper and lower lines.
Right now he's not really hearing Sam nor Lenny, ears still buzzing, trying to focus on his work, not like he could answer to them even if he heard them. And then another strike of the same thing, the second impact indeed causing some blood to start dripping from his ears, and freezing his actions once more, much more efficient than the ice at that
A frown crosses Sam's face as Lenny speaks, then a second shockwave approaches. This time, Sam is ready, so he ducks behind a tombstone, covering his ears. "Fuuuucking..." He curses, and pushes to his feet.
He looks over to William, then to Lenny, then to William again, slowly positioning himself between the Thorne and Lenny.
A group of ethereal berserkers charge, only to be met by a rain of icy shards summoned by frost mancers. The temperature plummets, and living breath freezes in the air, while ice forms treacherous patches beneath the feet, threatening to send everyone sprawling upon the ground.
And after another brief couple seconds, William redoubles his efforts to draw faster, probably not by the threats coming from Lenny, but by those coming from his ears, dreading another wave to arrive and worsen the situation. After the edges of the circle are all covered up in symbols and glyphs, he moves over to the pentagram, first covering the outer sections of it with runes that seem to be bigger, curvy in nature, almost squiggly, with a bunch of space in between them.
And when those are done, he moves to the triangle-like inner sections of the star, leaving the center for last, filling them with symbols much straighter, smaller and more uniform, almost seeming like some sort of writing. Though, for someone like Sam, also an arcanist, a bunch of them are probably recognizable, from simpler to more complex, they seem to be standard and common enough in a lot of practices, unlike what he usually does.
Glancing over the ritual, Sam actually seems momentarily intrigued, and he tilts his head aside. Of course, looking away from the thread is never a smart idea, so when the ice forms, he slips, and once again, he falls, this time flat on his face! He groans as he rubs at his face, muttering under his breath.
Lenny is ready for the second shockwave as his hands are over his ears already. He drops a hand after the moment passes and fishes in his duffelbag to find a particular grenade. Pulling the silver orb out he snerks and says, "I got a treat for this ghost."
William finishes the drawing by tackling the center of the circle, having to use the weapon once more to start breaking ice, and the cold forcing him to wet his fingers in the blood once more, what was on his fingers already dried or more accurately frozen. And digging into the center of the ritual, what he does there seems more like a drawing than any sort of rune or letter, although then again, to most people this would seem just a bunch of drawings all shoved together in one place.
Drawing two hooks barely distanced from one another, inverted so that the curve is facing upwards and the long side of them pointed inwards. Then joining the hook-like shapes, what seems like an stylized 'V', composed of four traces, almost like segmented circumferences, the lower half already spelling out a V, the upper half probably just decor, and joining them together, but with that, it seems to be done, and the man slowly stands up, glancing at it while fishing for something within his clothes again
As a battalion of armored specters marches forth, a group of wraith-like sorcerers unleashes a storm of arcane missiles, shattering the ghostly shields; the resulting shockwave threatens to make ears bleed, if someone gets caught without cover.
A smirk comes over Sam's face, and he starts on something, only to see a shockwave form. This time, he disappears, and ends up near the circles, trying to take the brunt of that shockwave so William can continue working. This causes the jock to fall to his knees, letting out a pained yell as his ears outright bleed, now.
Lenny presses the button on the silver grenade to make it start beeping. It's been activated. Then he tosses it with an overhand throw while calling out, "Kobe!" his target is the distant battle, well away from William and Sam so they wont get caught in the effects. There is a high pitched whine when it lands and an almost imperceptible pulse that spreads out over about fifteen meters, disrupting everything within that is electronic or supernatural.
Eventually, out of William 's coat comes out a little vial containing some deep red blood, uncorking it before another shockwave hits. Wincing and flinching in pain, but simply allowing the liquid to fall over the center of the ritual, which seems to whirr it to life to some capacity. The blood that speckled the outlines of the drawing growing much darker, and bright red.
And not too long after that, the lines start to almost ooze some dark red sort of smoke, looking like fumes on some sort of cauldron, but colored blood red, not so different from the other kind of spirits that sometimes haunt this place. But the gas doesn't seem to be doing anything to Sam or someone, or William at that, instead he seems to be spreading around the place, and when coming into contact with the different spirits and ghosts that are fighting, it makes a tiny fizzling noise, not outright.
It doesn't seem to be doing anything outright to the armies, aside from the noise it's almost as if it wasn't there, yet in a couple minutes, was it to work, the spirits would be gone and out of sight. If not, well, they probably would have something else to deal with
Eventually, out of William 's coat comes out a little vial containing some deep red blood, uncorking it before another shockwave hits. Wincing and flinching in pain, but simply allowing the liquid to fall over the center of the ritual, which seems to whirr it to life to some capacity. The blood that speckled the outlines of the drawing growing much darker, and bright red.
And not too long after that, the lines start to almost ooze some dark red sort of smoke, looking like fumes on some sort of cauldron, but colored blood red, not so different from the other kind of spirits that sometimes haunt this place. But the gas doesn't seem to be doing anything to Sam or Lenny, or William at that, instead he seems to be spreading around the place, and when coming into contact with the different spirits and ghosts that are fighting, it makes a tiny fizzling noise, not outright.
It doesn't seem to be doing anything outright to the armies, aside from the noise it's almost as if it wasn't there, yet in a couple minutes, was it to work, the spirits would be gone and out of sight. If not, well, they probably would have something else to deal with