\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Sams Ghost Banishing 250218

Sams Ghost Banishing 250218

In the haunting atmosphere of Arkwright Cemetery, an intense battle unfolds against a horde of demonic smoke apparitions, including vicious winged monkey-demons. Sam, taking the lead, grants Siofra permission to unleash her power, transforming into a ferocious giant panda to wrestle with the smoke creatures. Amidst the chaos, Edith cleverly manipulates two of the attacking monkeys to turn on each other, showcasing her skill in supernatural manipulation. Siofra showcases her adaptability and ferocious strength, mauling the smoke-formed enemies with her powerful jaws and claws. Meanwhile, Leaf, identified for her natural magic, is asked by Sam to perform the banishment needed to clear the cemetery of its spectral invaders.

As the battle ensues, each participant faces their own struggles. Sam injects chaos into the fight, drawing the creatures' attention and showcasing his resilience against the dark forces at play. Siofra, in her panda form, becomes entangled in natural vines summoned by Leaf, who is momentarily distracted by the whispers of temptation that all the fighters hear. This leads to a moment of vulnerability that almost hampers their efforts. However, Leaf, snapping out of her distraction thanks to Sam’s unorthodox intervention, refocuses and performs a subtle yet powerful banishment ritual. Her actions, combined with the efforts of her comrades, dispel the malevolent smoke and its creators, restoring peace to the cemetery. In the aftermath, Edith’s casual offer to examine Siofra underlines the weird camaraderie formed amid the supernatural chaos, marking the end of another eerie incident in their lives.
(Sam's ghost banishing)

[Mon Feb 17 2025]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is afternoon, about 31F(0C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.

There is the sudden smell of brimstone that fills the area, and along with a rising, black mist: smoke, coiling along the surface of the graveyard. It seems to form strange whorls and shapes, and as they draw close to %n they begin to look more and more like creatures -- horned creatures, with red eyes full of menace.

Siofra takes her belongings into account long enough to nod to herself. She gives Leaf a dimpled smile, and curt theater bow from her neck. "Am I free to open up, Mister Sam?"

The jock makes a sniff of the air, and Sam sighs. "Seems we ought to check on Black Ash Lane, after this. Gate's leaking energy again." He narrows his eyes, looking around as he crouches into a defensive stance, gripping his knife, an oily, strange bladed kris knife, tightly.

"Permission Granted, Miss Smith."

With a howl, some kind of winged monkey-demon swoops down near Sam, its body made of living smoke. It's all grasping claws, striking hard to leave psychic scars that hurt like deep slashes. Other monkeys attack anyone nearby, with similar screeching, rending claws.

Leaf points a finger to her own sternum and rights her head upright. She gives a faint smile to the woman then declares herself. "Leaf." even though the other person didn't ask for a greeting like that. But then the woman is no longer a woman, its something else entirely and her eyes widen in surprise, then wariness as she steps back a pace.

"Who is to do what in this?" Edith asks Sam. He has been chosen as the authority here. "If it is all the same to you, I would rather distract than ritual." the woman tells the jock. "It is a little too much focus to perform the banishing true." Pointing to Leaf, Edith adds, explaining, "Natural magic. Very adept." Though it's someone who gets Edith's attention. "This should be interesting." she says, a gesture, a gripped ceremonial blade and a gutteral word and two flying monkeys aiming for the blond begin to attack each other instead.

"Who is to do what in this?" Edith asks Sam. He has been chosen as the authority here. "If it is all the same to you, I would rather distract than ritual." the woman tells the jock. "It is a little too much focus to perform the banishing true." Pointing to Leaf, Edith adds, explaining, "Natural magic. Very adept." Though it's Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) who gets Edith's attention. "This should be interesting." she says, a gesture, a gripped ceremonial blade and a gutteral word and two flying monkeys aiming for the blond begin to attack each other instead.

Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) whips at a monkey and drags it down with a curling spine- chuffing twice before she yanks and begins to maw the little flying ape. Two fangs puncture and rip into what quickly becomes smoke as she slams both paws down on the apparition's chest cavity.

Seemingly quite un-pertubed by Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda)'s sudden change, Sam slides into postion, nodding to Edith. "I believe we are distracting."

He looks to Leaf, skidding back as he slices his knife through a smokey monkey.

"Leaf, right?" He nods, gesturing at the ground, then at the spirits. "Can you do the banishing?" He clearly doe snot know if Leaf even speaks english.

Either way, he keeps up his defensive stance, a strange, dark and sickly light enveloping him, like something evoking the idea of sunlight.

Leaf can't hide her emotions on her face when seeing Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda). There is monkey's that make her duck and wave blindly to protect her head, but as soon as those are gone she's too focused on Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) showing her unhappiness with whatever that is.

When the nymph is named by someone she snaps from her focus on the creature and looks at him blankly a moment, then follows the gesture to the ground. She nods subtly..

Leaf can't hide her emotions on her face when seeing Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda). There is monkey's that make her duck and wave blindly to protect her head, but as soon as those are gone she's too focused on Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) showing her unhappiness with whatever that is.

When the nymph is named by Sam she snaps from her focus on the creature and looks at him blankly a moment, then follows the gesture to the ground. She nods subtly to indicate she might understand what he wants.

A hot wind blows through the cemetery, and with it comes sibilant whispers in the ears of Sam and all their companions: they promise depraved, decadent desires fulfilled, and for a moment that's all anyone can focus on.

Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) cackles.

It's a very human noise to come out of such a large animal- distorted two octaves lower and lacking a tongue enunciate its cruelty. A black tongue licks its maw and commits the great sin of... Sitting down and riffling through her own belongings for something. It's ribbons stream with the sea gale and then sit flat along her back.

As Sam begins to glow, Edith actually hisses. It'd be funny if it wern't fact, but Edith does curl in on herself somewhat, withdrawing into that shaded shadow of tree over grave stone, where her eyes visibly glow in the gloom. Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) gets an interested look; It's not normal for something like that to ever take place, though with Leaf being assigned banishment, and with having seen Leaf's magic at work previously, Edith continues to manipulate the unliving, turning monkey on monkey until she's distracted by the whispers, which cause the blond to pause, even that economic motionstilling to listen to the promices.

Winces, the whispers in Leaf's ears are not in English or any known language. But she seems to understand them and to act out her desire she reaches towards Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) with a hand and the knuckle woven into her hair seems to glow before vines emerge from beneath the panda to try and ensnare the creature on its back where it already is.

Sam's lips curl into a dark grin, and he nods his head, slowing his movements. He seems to be taking his sweet time with the strands, one of the many amulets around his neck glowing: A strange, bullet-shaped tooth of sorts, marked with a green ouroboros. It seems to resonate with the infernal energies around them, but instead of dispersing them, the jock seems to be feeding into them, letting out a long, satisfied sigh at the taste of chaos and violence around him

Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) is pulled down in place! She doesn't have the immediate energy to adequately avoid the world's natural rooting restraints and, sitting down like an old woman read to knit, her bottom legs are twined to the ground.


A hot wind blows through the cemetery, and with it comes sibilant whispers in the ears of Sam and all their companions: they promise depraved, decadent desires fulfilled, and for a moment that's all anyone can focus on.

As the whispers continue Leaf can't help herself from continuing to focus her energies and time on whatever desire she wants to fullfil. The roots grow, and grow winding up to ensnare more of Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) if the creature doesn't make an effort to break free. Wherever the vine's wrap around, they begin to constrict painfully. There is a purely focused look on Leaf's face that isn't the least bit distracted by anyone else right now.

Safely ensconced within the shade as she is, and with the monkeys having been smashed, thrust back or having beaten each other to death, Edith listens to those whispers now. It's temptations and promices, and being out under the sun makes Edith hungry. She might even drool if there were any saliva produced to do so, but thankfully, none. Just the whispers, a monster that looks supremely untasty in someone, a nymph in Leaf, who apparently doesn't constitute food, and Sam, who she doesn't even consider for a moment; Why would she? He can throw off sunlight.

Safely ensconced within the shade as she is, and with the monkeys having been smashed, thrust back or having beaten each other to death, Edith listens to those whispers now. It's temptations and promices, and being out under the sun makes Edith hungry. She might even drool if there were any saliva produced to do so, but thankfully, none. Just the whispers, a monster that looks supremely untasty in Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda), a nymph in Leaf, who apparently doesn't constitute food, and Sam, who she doesn't even consider for a moment; Why would she? He can throw off sunlight.

Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) very hedonistically becomes possessed of the DESIRE TO LIVE- the Fae need to avoid chain and entrapment. She temporarily follows a little trail of nothing in the sky- and, giving a slash to the root and making her mark- she shifts! Fur roiling and curling into fibers that become the pores of her skin- bouncing her legs up to get all but a foot that catches on branching bramble!

Quite suddenly, Sam disappears from view, and, in a shimmer of shadow, he is upon Leaf. He growls. "OI! FOCUS!" He barks, that same sunlight flaring around him as he narrows his eyes. He then does the best thing a boxer knows to 'snap someone out of it': He aims a punch at Leaf's shoulder!

With a howl, some kind of winged monkey-demon swoops down near Sam, its body made of living smoke. It's all grasping claws, striking hard to leave psychic scars that hurt like deep slashes. Other monkeys attack anyone nearby, with similar screeching, rending claws.

Leaf blinks in pure surprise when Sam just sort of appears in front of her, she looks stunned and her focus is broken before she even gets punched..but she does get punched in the shoulder which makes her wince, and look visibly emotionally hurt like a child who got an ouchie. She reaches up to hold her shoulder, despite no damage being done and she gives Sam a betrayed look. Though thanks to this distraction and the monkey spawn that comes next, she's completely forgotten what she was trying to do to Siofra

Siofra, now nude, trading cuddly for the Fae standard of beauty that's no less horrific, she wraps two ribbons popping out of her vertebrae and coils her bond inward like a crunch, musculature taut- and finally snapping out of that last twig.

"SURE LOOK!" she barks out in a high tone, "WE'RE DONE WITH THE DEAMHAN IN OURSELVES, RIGHT?"

Seemingly satisfied, Sam turns around, then, to weather the monkey attack. He draws some of the monkeys away, once again moving at strangely high speeds, though this time, shimmering wings appear at his ankles, like messenger gods of myth. He tries to get near Siofra, trying to lock eyes with Leaf, as if to check the progress of her banishment.@line
It does not seem like the jock is aware that punching someone seemingly out of the blue might be hurtful.

Seemingly satisfied, Sam turns around, then, to weather the monkey attack. He draws some of the monkeys away, once again moving at strangely high speeds, though this time, shimmering wings appear at his ankles, like messenger gods of myth. He tries to get near Siofra, trying to lock eyes with Leaf, as if to check the progress of her banishment.

It does not seem like the jock is aware that punching someone seemingly out of the blue might be hurtful. (fix)

As Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) shifts back, Edith mentions conversationally, "I truly want to examin you in my own time. You are quite interesting." Though then Sam is punching Leaf, and there are more monkeys. Fine then. Edith has to do more, and so she will-- Or at least, a minion will, as that ceremonial blade is drawn across Edith's wrist, and tepid, listless blood splashes the earth beside her, slowly coalessing into an almost perfect duplicate formed from blood, though this one is crimson-tinted with claw-tipped fingers and toes, and is, quite naked as it charges.

Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) returns to fighting form as she drops from the tree, giving a last glance to Edith of nervous discernment before she breaks the snow below and bounds to Sam.

For a moment, the dark smoke is still around Sam ... but then a low, evil laughter begins to echo. It takes only a second to realize the laughter is echoing inside the heads of those who fight here, and with it comes a sudden urge to give into everyone's worst sin.

Leaf wears a childish pout now, her moods been permanently altered into a state of unhappiness. Most of it is directed at the action that Sam has done, but she still gives a wary glance to Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda). Her face is just too expressive to not know whats going on in her head, she clearly doesn't like whatever Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) is and she doesn't like Sam being mean, even if its for the right reasons.

Still. She does have a job to do. She closes her eyes, and tries to block out any desire to give into whatever sin she might have. She brings her hands out, palms up and begins to hum something mildly pleasant to the ears.

Sin, something that Edith knows well. That sin though is gluttony, as one might expect, and thankfully, it is the daylight hours. No exsanguination here, if only by virtue of inability. Sam, Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) and Leaf continue their work, falling to sin, infighting-- Just another Haven town monday, really, and Edith remains shadowed, for now, her blood clone minion rending monkeys in Edith's place until none remain near her.

A scoff, and Sam spreads his arms, sheathing his knife, and just.... punching smoke. His grin is feral, and, cracking his knuckles, he looks around. "ANY OF YA GHOST FUCKERS WANT SOME?" He has an incredibly cocky grin on his face, as that light around him flares.... splutters, then dies. It does not in fact seem to stop the jock's cockiness.

"Yer dead, what can dead things do against DEATH INCARNATE?" His voice lowers into a hiss, and he starts jabbing at ghosts, acting more like a school-yard bully than a proper ghost-hunter.

From the shadow of that tombstone, Edith sniffs at Sam, teasingly calling over, "I resemble that remark."

Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) snatches a cigar from the roots of her belongings. With a half-thumb designed to hold bamboo, the thick rolled up packet of experience fits perfectly into her claw. Lighting it is much more difficult. In the chaos of slaughter, she seeks a simple experience. The simplicity of indulgence- and alas, finding a match and chuffing- she manages to light it and take a long drag.

A twisted figure forms out of infernal smoke, shaped like a terrible canine shape. It's a hellhound, leaping towards Sam with an awful snarl. When its mouth closes on %n, it has some phantom force, sending a vision of suffering in hellfire.

"Bad dog." Edith tells the hellhound, a gesture forcing it to go limp before Sam as Edith's blood clone moves for it, beginning to slice at it as Leaf works on banishment and Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) pauses for a quick smoke.

Leaf keeps her eyes closed and continues her soft melodic humming under her breath. Nothing appears in her palms as she holds them out, and no flashy magic or great changes occur. Whatever she is doing..if anything..is subtle, natural even. The leaves of her dress seem to grow more healthy and longer at the hem of it and the vines holding it all together subtly tighten up to improve the fit of her wear. The energies that she channel cause a reaction in all things natural immediately close to her, which happens to only be herself and what she wears.

Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) skips. The Panda, cigar in one hand, walking through winter like spring onto its new best friend- that goes limp! Oh bully, oh no! She barks at Edith, splaying a hand to the hallion as if to say, 'what gives?' Hedonism unpacified, she grabs the tail end of the creature and pulls. Closing her eyes and waggling the cigar, she twirls a talon and plays 'pin to donkey' on the dog's arse.

Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda)'s eyes widen cartoonishly and then squint reaaaal hard, a little performance of honesty as her claw lands-

And, after the Pride.... comes the hell-hound. Sam tenses up, then seems to snap back out of his little ego-trip, and un-sheaths his knife, sticking it into a nearby specter. Edith gets a nod, and he goes over to Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda), a smirk on his face. "Intern! Atten-HUT!" He barks, more like a high-school sports coach than anything. Seems the earlier episode triggered some older memories. He turns, looking at Leaf, then gives a mild nod. Seems she had this.

Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) eats her cigar with a gag and a shrill whimper before her finger splays into a wide hand and then rakes down the rear of the creature. Back to business.

Leaf's eyes flutter open and in her palms a just a faint wisp of light forms and joins. This newly formed will-o-wisp drifts out of her palms and across the field to where the smoke is, bringing with it a rather gentle breeze that just sort of helps blow the smoke away into the ether in a non-violent, non-flashy way.

The smell of smoke seems to peak, and then, with a rush of magical power, it's gone. The smoke monsters in the cemetery disappear, banished -- fading away as wisps of mist in the air around $n.