\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Sarahs Nightmare Battle With Casey

Sarahs Nightmare Battle With Casey

(Sarah's nightmare battle with Casey)

[Tue Jan 2 2024]

In an expansive bedroom
A splendid retreat, this spacious bedroom exudes the charm and elegance of the early twentieth century. Gentle cream coloured paint covers the walls, and their soft, muted hue creates a calm and serene atmosphere. Framed Edwardian-era artwork adorns them thoughtfully around the room. Large and ornate, an area rug featuring intricate patterns and soft colours complements the palette of the area. Draped with fine, white linens and a plush embroidered duvet, the centerpiece of the space is a grand, mahogany four-poster bed. Matching nightstands flank it, each bearing a vintage lamp with a fringed shade to cast a warm, inviting glow.

It is about 50F(10C) degrees.

"Anything out there, Casey? Who is there?" Magnus says as he hefts a massive broadsword.

"Oh dear oh dear, it seems like someone's decided to bite off more than they can chew." Sarah remarks as she brings her blowgun to her lips, "Come out, come out, wherever you are, little toy." Sarah coos as her eyes scan around

Casey pauses, letting her chin lift up as she glances around the area, seeing the mist unfurl around them both. "Hello?" she asks, her eyes trying to penetrate the fog. "... what is this? What's going on?" she asks, letting Casey's eyes go to someone.

Casey pauses, letting her chin lift up as she glances around the area, seeing the mist unfurl around them both. "Hello?" she asks, her eyes trying to penetrate the fog. "... what is this? What's going on?" she asks, letting Casey's eyes flick about the fog.

"It would appear that the ones higher up would like us to have a little... ah... A little struggle. And it would appear, by the fact you've not ran yet, you decided to take the... less intelligent decision." Sarah lets out a loose chuckle, but no warmth finds itself behind it. "I recognize that voice though. You're Savannah's ex, and my escapee pet. Are you going to run, I wonder, or scream?"

Sarah says "...I do /so/ enjoy when they scream..."
Casey pauses, sticking Casey's tongue against her upper teeth. "Well," she says. "I would rather run, I suppose," she says. "And I'm no one's ex, really. I'd like to run, if that's still an option!" Casey says, her tone of voice a bit chipper as she twists her hand around her weapon, realizing that she was wearing them. "Well," she says. "I would say it's nice to meet you, but if we're here to fight, fight we should, I suppose."

"Stop hiding, little pet. I quite appreciate my own time. And at this rate - I will burn you to a crisp." Sarah calls out, the mirth fading from her face as she lets loose a blowdart into the nightmare, into the void. "We've met before, little toy. A tasty little thing, you are..." Sarah giggles, "...I will consider allowing you to retain parts of yourself if you stop this incessant hiding."

Casey pauses, shouldering her rifle as she aims at Sarah. Closing her eyes, she fires a shot, that quite handily misses, zinging a shot off into the fog of the nightmare. "Is this... even real?" asks Casey. "Perhaps it's just a bad dream..." she says, said thought seeming to give her some strength in the event.

puts a hand on her earpiece, "Alfred, I have someone to dispose of." Sarah demands as she starts weaving backwards, away from the other woman. She then blinks, looking at her bodyguard. "...Why on earth do you two think you're useful here?"

Casey purses her lips, that extra energy starting to infuse her demeanor as the two other men step out of the mist. She racks her rifle, and takes another step back, the woman taking another step backwards. She shoulders the rifle again, and kneels to take aim, firing - the bullet nipping into the fog near Sarah's feet.

Sarah stares at Casey, then sighing deeply. "It seems there's been a terrible case of poor judgement. See, you seem to have decided to fight me, opposed to begging me for mercy." Sarah's upper lip trembles with a barely concealed excitement. "Bad move." Yet she seems to enjoy it.

Sarah fires her blowgun at Casey as she focuses intentfully, stopping her from moving. She continues stepping backwards the entire way, seeming confident in her victory.

Sarah continues to fire off shots, then her eyes turn into black pools as she does /something/ to Casey's mind, instilling fear.

Casey fades out of the nightmare.

Casey says "Ow. "