\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Tabithas Decursing Attempt 240314

Tabithas Decursing Attempt 240314

(Jack's decursing attempt)

[Wed Mar 13 2024]

At A Victorian Gothic Bar & Lounge (Howl)
Stepping through the eastern door reveals the bar's main room, a hexagonal chamber wrapped in the warm embrace of mahogany paneling. Its grandeur is heightened by a high, arching ceiling, from which a wrought-iron chandelier casts a dramatic, low glow. This light mingles with the flickering flames from the southeastern fireplace, lending a captivating depth to the marble floor, its dark green hues streaked with black, reflecting the room's moody illumination.

The room's focal point lies to the west: an exquisite antique mahogany bar, masterfully refinished, standing with regal poise. Arched built-ins behind the bar display an array of spirits, inviting a closer look into the world of refined tastes. The space is primarily a lounge, offering diverse seating arrangements. Sleek green and black barstools line the bar, while plush couches and a wall of books create a cozy nook to the north. Nearby, a cluster of thick armchairs surrounds the fireplace, providing a warm, inviting area for intimate conversations.

On the northern wall, a captivating mural commands attention. It features a pint-sized figure with glossy black hair and an intriguing assortment of tattoos, her gaze directed thoughtfully to the right. The way her fringe blends into the crescent moon adds a mystic quality to the image. Her expression, tinged with a hint of sadness yet laced with hope, seems to invite onlookers into a world beyond the mural, adding a layer of emotional depth to the bar's enigmatic ambiance. This artistic touch not only enhances the room's aesthetic but also weaves a narrative that resonates with the mysterious allure of the establishment. One can just make out the faint outline of an old door beneath that mural.

It is about 50F(10C) degrees.

Something catches Tabitha's attention and she is soon slipping so very carefully and cautiously off of her stool to go curious cat as to what thing has gotten her senses up and her nose wriggling. She picks up, from a nearby table, a wooden piece of jewelry, along with the unpaid bill. "Some people..." Some people indeed. The redhead's demeanor shifts entirely. "Well... This is not good."

It is like Tabitha's hands have a mind of thier own. Idle hands are the devil's playground, so they say, and her hands are trying to clasp this rather ugly and rather plain looking wooden necklace around her neck.

Tabitha tries to stop. Oh, she does. But it clasps in place. "Outside?" she asks, giving a tug and tug. She looks between Miles, Meridith and Jack alike, heading to the eastern door.

"No time to get to the school." Tabitha says. "We have this," she tells Jack, in particular.

Tabitha steps out of the line of sight of the road, in between trees where the group can be somewhat inconspicuous. "I can't imagine what the waitress did to deserve a curse... They've always been nice there."

Meridith says "I cannot help much but, please. Feel free to feed upon my energy if necessary."
"It's complicated, with these objects," Jack explains, a little professorial. "Sometimes they linger -- like an imprint, ready for something unknown to trigger it." His voice is low. "Perhaps this was once such thing. Not the waitress, not the patron, someone with some malice from long ago waiting for fate to drift on." He begins to pace around a circle, dragging it roughly. "You are always armed," he says to Meridith. "Do you have a a sword on you?"

Meridith says "Er...I did at the bar"
"Maybe." Tabitha says to both Miles and Meridith. "I can't read the necklace around my neck... Jack?" she requests. "I'm not really much of a braille girl... Do you recognize any of them?"

Meridith groans.

"Mmm. Not bleeding yourself this time." Miles adds to Meridith's offer with a suggestion of his own directed toward Tabitha. He peels off his heavy jacket, moving to drape it about her and rolling up a sleeve. Ensuring she's got someone ready for a bleeding, should she require it.

Meridith says "Oh I've got a knife"
"Oh, another jacket to add to my closet." Tabitha says as Miles takes his jacket off and gives it to her, and, while she might be joking, she might very well be not, seeking to put it on. Likely keep it. All for her little self. She does look good in it, doesn't she?

Joking or not, Miles is running dangerously low on jackets and coats to wrap about the redheads shoulders. He extends an amused little half-smile in her direction, before stepping back to allow Jack room to read from the pendant.

The whole room shakes.
Stepping close, Jack touches the pendant around Tabitha's neck. He begins to read, his voice low, but it's not English he's speaking in. There's a tilt, low. "This is..." He searches for it, mouthing over the syllables, before he runs his finger over it one more time. "Romani," he says. "You have --" He shakes, reaching out to catch the redhead. "A genuine gypsy curse."

Tabitha stumbles away from Jack when the ground rumbles, sending the redhead down onto her rear, a hiss as her left leg twists, the hint of the bandage under her leggings.

"Gah!" Miles blurts out in alarm and surprise both, stumbling backs and half-tripping on the root of a tree. He sorta half-fall, half-leans against the nearest tree, wrapping it up in a bear hug to prevent himself from quite falling upon his face.

Tabitha is definitely not on her a-game here, with the necklace around her neck, and her luck has shifted from bad to worse. "Get it off me..." she pleads.

"Miss Walker," Jack instructs Meridith. "A knife is not a sword, but it will do. Hold it like it was a sword at the north, if you can," he says. "Deputy..." He looks at him, bear hugging the tree. "Stand the sound. If you've got anything like a bell, ring it." As Tabitha hits the ground, he advances on her. With his left hand, he clutches the necklace, while with his right he digs out a bible, holding it high above his head. "Angels of the quarters," he says. "Protect this woman, thy daughter Tabitha Matheson. I invoke thee."

For several seconds the room grows painfully hot.
With an embarrased sort of clear of the throat, Miles walks his hands up the tree until he's able to stand on his own, "What can- anything like a bell?" He starts to pat himself down, going through the various pockets and zips on his duty belt.

"A pen and your badge will do," Jack tells Miles grimly. The area begins to heat as he starts to recite the Lord's Prayer, hand gripped on the necklace. "Bang a gong, deputy."

Eventually Miles produces a thermos, and a metal compass. Hardly a bell. Though, he does start to sort of tap metal against metal, hoping the sound is close enough. He's sweating, clearly it's from stress though. Because he'd taken his jacket off. That may not be the gong that Jack had in mind, but he goes for it.

Tabitha starts to sweat. No, glisten. She glistens. She glistens. Alot. She starts to shrug off the jacket that she probably never intended to pilfer, but likely would have out of absentmindedness. It gets placed on the ground. The next jacket startsto get peeled off. She's got far too many layers of clothing right now.

Meridith obeys someone' command, blade drawn in position. She holds it dutifully, eyes closed, respectful

Meridith obeys Jack' command, blade drawn in position. She holds it dutifully, eyes closed, respectful

Meridith begins to sweat profusely, keeping her position.

"Our Father," Jack says, Bible held high. "You know this one, Miss Walker." A beat. "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done -- on Earth as it is in Heaven." He is wincing, as that rising temperature seems to be concentrated a little in the amulet, his hand gripped tight on it. Baconed, indeed. "Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us -- and lead us not into temptation," he prays. "No, deliver us from evil!"

Sweat drips down the priest's face as Jack invokes the name of God.

The scarf gets snagged along the necklace and it attempts to choke her as Tabitha struggles to remove the heavy yarn from about her neck.

The whole room shakes.
Meridith repeats after Jack, dutifully without hesitation. "For thine is the kingdom. The power, and glory. For ever and ever."

Miles just keeps on ringing his makeshift gong, though he's quickly stumbling around again, eventually ending up with his back against the tree for support.

As the ground shakes again, Jack glances at Meridith with some wry humor. "Protestants," he says, but he's back to the necklace, trying to untangle the scarf from Tabitha's neck without lowering the Bible. "This woman is pure," he says. "She loves Christ, and she abjures evil." One of out of three isn't bad, right? "Protect her: this thing is not meant for her, and it is not animated by you, O Lord. Thine is the power to break all curses."

Meridith says "I just like the forever and ever part..."
It is truly a series of unfortunate events for poor Tabitha as everything that could go wrong, does. At least for her. She finally gets the scarf unravelled from around her neck, but it is also at the expense of the scarf, unravelling it and fraying it. She stares up at Jack, big blue eyes imploring as she struggles with the clasp of the necklace once more, breaking nails along the way. Two. Two out of three, there, Meatloaf.

Meridith says "...God that dress looks amazing..."
Meridith ahems and focuses on the task at hand

Jack's arm stretches skyward, Bible thrust high in the air, and then Jack begins to pull on the necklace, invoking again the Lord's Prayer. It's like a tug-of-war with the curse. His eyes find Tabitha's. "You can do this," he tells her -- urges her, encourages her, as she can feel the energy of the curse trying to draw now from her body to keep the necklace clasped around her throat.

With a final burst of power the curse on a wooden necklace is broken.